The Villain Era

Percy POV

As I read a sign, I dodged as an axe flew torwards me and dashed backwards. A mad blonde guy was rushing outside and literally somehow the axe flew back to his hands. He swiped and I dodged. Suddenly thunder stroke and I lifted my finger to block it. I was slammed with the hilt of the axe, however, blasting me back. I dodged another hit and summoned Eternal End. Suddenly a fricking shield came out from literal nowhere and I was forced to summon my personal shield, Ασπίδα της Δόξας (means Shield of Glory, Got it from Google Translate.) to block the hit in time. Surprisingly it didn't break into pieces but bounced off. I blocked another of the mad blond dude's axe hits and was shot by a goddamned stun gun. 

"Stop!" Shouted a literal raccoon. What the?

"Shut up ferret! Can't see we're fighting?" yelled the mad blonde dude.

"Okay, everyone stop." saying a woman with two stunning guns pointed in our faces. "I will only say this once, Who are you?"

"Percy Jackson, The Demon King that has too many tittles to name, just know that I'm a dangerous person." I replied.

"See? I was right in attacking him! I wonder why Odin never killed him, though." The Mad blonde guy shouted.

"Of course Odin didn't kill me, he wasn't able to. If I was so easily killed I would have not made it this far." I retorted.

"Okay then, Ill kill you instead then!" The Mad Blonde guy yelled. I disarmed him immediately and knocked him out cold in less than a second. The guy dressed in superman underwear but with a star on it threw his shield but I caught it and broke it into half and threw it. The woman and the raccoon started shooting me but I dodged every shot and disarmed them. The raccoon was tied up and thrown to another side. The woman was held by sword point immediately but I got punched in the face by the superman guy, but I punched back 100x harder. He flew and crashed into the table. Suddenly big lime colored dude came out of literally the roof and smashed me against the floor. I spit golden blood out and punched the literal lime guy back to where he came from, but a bit higher, which is the sky. I have no idea where he landed, but I'm not paying for the property damages. Suddenly I was blasted by a literal cannon and crashed into the windows. Some guy in iron armor started comboing me with his technology, before I rolled around and slammed my fist into his gut, which made him kneel down and hold his gut in pain and I kicked him and he fell like the rest. Suddenly a blue haired girl started attempting to stab me which proved unsuccessful as her blade could not even pierce my skin. I slapped her in the face and she blew apart. Suddenly A girl with literal supernova around her was trying to blast me with beams but nothing happened to me. I caught her hand and bent it, and she screamed. I held her by the throat as my eyes shined with bloodlust. I started choking her but a guy in GREY armor now started shooting at my hand, damaging it a bit. We separated and I summoned my trident and threw it at the Grey armor's core in one smooth move, defeating the guy in it, who was trapped.

"Stop! We know your power now, but I have to ask. Are you working with a guy who's purple called Thanos?" the woman yelled.

"Who the hell is Thanos? I don't know who is he, but I want to get back to my universe as soon as possible." I replied

"I know a guy. His name is Doctor Strange, he controls time, apparently, from Stark's story. But he was wiped by this dude named Thanos, in order to learn how to go back you need to work with us to revive him." said the woman.

"Okay, if I learn your tricking me-" I started but was interuppted

"I know you can kill us all single-handly, that's why I won't lie to you" said the woman.

I just had this idea that I could use my element of Time to bring myself back, but I couldn't, somehow. Perhaps this Doctor can help me. 

"Fine." I said. I snapped my fingers and everyone healed. They all took a step back. Though the blue girl didn't fix herself, which means she was a robot. Oh well. My hand rose and closed. I pulled and the Giant Grass dude came back from Orbit. He slammed into the floor, resulting in another crater. Not my fault, totally...(note the sarcasm). That Grass dude became another dude. What the?

"Okay... so, introductions, anyone?" said the blonde superman guy.

"Okay..." I started. "As most of you heard, my name is Percy Jackson, The Demon King. There's more tittles, but I don't want to state them since it would take longer." Mad Blonde Guy glared at me.

"My name's Captain America, this woman in black here is Black Widow, This Blonde Guy's Thor, the god of Lightning and Thunder, this supernova girl is Captain Marvel, the green guy you smashed to Orbit just now was Bruce Banner, or the Hulk when Bruce's in his... rage mode. Anyway, the raccoon is Rocket, the Red Iron armor guy is Iron Man, or Stark. The Grey Iron guy... wait someone break him out of the armor. He's War Machine. The blue girl you blew up.... was Nebula." The blonde guy, now named Captain America, introduced every single member.

"So..., what now?" I asked.

"We kick ass." Replied Thor.

10 Hours Later

Percy POV

"So... we're in outer space in a broken spaceship? That's good" I said sarcastically. 

"It's not broken, Jackson" replied the racoon. "It's perfectly fine after the repairs."

"So... hunting Thanos to a planet, eh?" I asked

"Yes, unless you have a better plan." Captain Marvel shot back.

"Actually, I do. Tell me the location." I demanded.

"the Garden, you probably know where it is" Stark said. I nodded and created a wormhole for everyone to teleport through. After everyone made it, I closed the portal and took out my Eternal End. 

"So... where's that son of a Nidhog?" Thor yelled.

"Dimwit, he's right there" Captain Europe or America said.

Thor immediately threw his axe and boom went Thanos's hunt. I ran torwards the wreckage to find Thanos barely alive, just alive enough for interrogation. 

"Where are the random rainbow colored stones you stole?" I asked while laying my sword on his neck. 

"Child, you should be grateful. You didn't fight with me with those puny heroes last time, though. The Infinity Stones are destroye-" He was going to finish the sentence before I depacitated him with rage. He just set me back by YEARS. To say I was angry was an understatement. Two Years. TWO WHOLE YEARS TO MEET ARTEMIS. My Aura started flickering in and out which was dangerous, so I teleported the heroes back to Earth while I destroyed the planet. The Planet exploded. I was drifted to space, which was also my domain, but I teleported back to Earth.

5 years later

 I've been killing and destroying entire cities in North America due to my rage, and the goverment pleaded with the Avengers to stop me, but they couldn't since they already knew my strength. I killed millions without a second thought, even killing a hero at some point. But suddenly I heard a very, very large explosion coming from the Avengers HQ, so I teleported there and almost slipped. The entire area was destroyed. A big ass airship was literally above us, shooting alien missiles at us. One managed to hit me but I caught it with my hand. My infinite rage kicked in and my eyes turned red. I walked menacingly, with an Eternal End in each hand. I was walking slowly to Thanos, the guy who somehow came back with thick armor and a double sword sided sword, when Captain Africa or Australia, Thor and the Iron Dude walked with me.

"Long time no see, Jackson" Thor said

"You've become as fat as a pig, Thor." I replied.

"Oh shut up." He replied.

"Children, are you sure..?" Thanos said, smirking.

My eyes went blood red. As red as the Blood Moon. Thor's weapons were lit aflame with lightning and blue fire. Captain Africa readied his shield. The Iron dude just suited up. 

"You bet." I snarled and jumped. I went in for an uppercut but he blocked it with his sword and pushed me back. Thor slammed him with the big ass hammer and tried to cut his face with the axe but got punched in the face. Captain and Iron Dude started fighting him together while I ran and slammed my swords into his sword, breaking one side off. I rolled and summoned lightning. It roasted Thanos while giving Captain and Iron dude the chance to back off. I summoned Hestia's flames and started suffocating Thanos with it. I smiled and was about to kill him when suddenly the missiles came down which made me dodge because it was coming down too fast. Thanos got away and threw his sword. I ducked but it hit Captain instead who slammed into Iron dude who both collapsed into the rubble. Thor came from behind but got elbowed in the face. I was the last one standing. Thanos readied his second sword, identical to the previous one. I charged at him while hurricanes formed. I was going 4% right now since I don't need to destroy the world. I slammed into him and he held. Suddenly he punched my stomach and I got blown back. 

"Enough!" He yelled. His entire army started advancing but I screamed a terrible cry and they all were blown with lightning, the ship filled with Hestia's flames. The Blood Moon came up next to the sun, esclipsing the Sun. I started slashing, stabbing and slicing Thanos with Eternal Ends. He was so injured I cut off one of his limbs and made him kneel. He spit purple blood out. 

"Where are the stones?" I yelled and suddenly I saw a man running with it. I kicked Thanos in the face and teleported to the man and punched him. I grabbed the gauntlet, ready to snap to bring back everyone when the rest of the Avengers and Doctor Strange finally arrived. They made a big ass of an entrance but there was no army except rubble since I defeated Thanos single-handly with ease. 

"The fate of the universes are not yours to decide, JACKSON!" He yelled and binded me with ropes. I broke them easily. 

"Bring me back to my dimension!" I yelled. 

"Fine." He said and teleported me back... home. 
