Summer at the tower

Day 1
Today was the first day to my perfect summer before I go off to hogwarts.
Outfit for the day:

Ok so once I was dressed I headed down 2 flights of stairs to the kitchen. To be met by Uncle Cap making the most amazing pancakes topped of with strawberries and Nutella. Well let me tell you they were delicious.

Later on in the day I decided to go work in the lab with my dad. Even if I am a witch I've always been intelligent when it came to a project such as making myself a computer. However my project was to start building my own A.I system. I started by looking at my dad's blueprints asking Jarvis for help.
       That was until I got interrupted by my mom walking in and calling me for lunch. I force my way down to the kitchen to get a pasta salad from out of the fridge knowing the avengers were out in a mission.
       After lunch I headed upstairs to my room and switched on the tv looking on the news. Doesn't seam to be a thing about my family so I switch it off and call Peter.

Phone call with Peter

Hiya Stark!- he exclaimed.
Hey um what you up to- I ask
If your asking me to come over I'll get happy to come drop me off okay and we can watch a movie or something yeah.
Okay, see ya in a few.

End of phone call

The rest of the day I hung out watching films with Peter until my uncle Bucky came in and separated us. He can be an overprotective father figure when my dad isn't around.
     He caused Peter to leave and then we got pizza for takeout so you could say it was on okay day.

Day 2
Today I'm going shopping with My Mom, Aunt Nat and Aunt Wanda. Outfit of the day:

So yeah we had to stop at Mac Donald's for breakfast I had a sausage and egg McMuffin. A hash brown and some orange juice. Where as Both my aunts and my mum all had a coffe and a bacon and egg McMuffin. We ate it in the car until we got to the mall.
The first shop we went in was Primark. The stuff in there maybe cheap but it adds up as you put it into your basket. We then went in to a few makeup shops and a few more clothes shops like new look, converse, etc.
After being completely shopped out we stopped in an Italian restaurant and got something to eat I ended up having spaghetti bolognese where as my mom had some posh pasta and Nat and Wanda shared this massive and I mean massive pizza. It was absolutely amazing.
On the way back to the tower I ended up falling asleep in the back of the car while my family chatted away. Until we got back home it was pretty late and I remember being woken up just to walk up to my bedroom and then going back to sleep.

Day 3
       Today I didn't really do much and had to stay in the tower all day as my family were on a mission.
Outfit of the day:

Right so for breakfast I had a croissants and some orange juice as I didn't want anything big and then went upstairs and decided I wasn't going to do much today as I didn't have any jobs around the tower and as no one was here at the moment i decided to start reading some of my books so I new a bit about my new school and that's really how the day went, oh and I facetimed Peter and Mj but that was about it.

Day 4
Today I was home alone again and started the day off by ordering a takeout starbucks I got a bagel and a cookies and cream Frappuccino it was amazing. I then got dressed into this:

Peter and Mj were coming over later so I had to tidy up the tower a bit. I then went down to the lab put on my glasses and continued working on my A.I system today I was inputting the code for the words hi and many more.

Peter and MJ showed up and we watched a film in the theatre room. We watched all three of the Maze Runner films and I ended up crying in Peters soldier by the end of Death Cure.

A little later in the evening after Peter and Mj left I was upstairs in my room writing a small story when there was a knock on my door. I looked up and there were my parents

Day 5
Today I spent all day in my pyjamas:

Today I did some baking and continued writing my short story. At the end of the day I watched a film with my family on the sofa.

Overall, the next few weeks before the 1st of September went like this. I spent time with my friends and family and get ready to leave for hogwarts.


Authors note
Hi guys I'm sorry it has been a while I apologise for keeping you waiting I've just lost some of my motivation and I'm quite busy at the moment. I have been writing this around 00:00am as I write better then. I haven't edited this chapter so yeah hope you enjoy this is kinda a filler chapter but I didn't think the avengers were in it a lot so felt like it needed a chapter. Anyway hope your all safe.

Love Alex x
