Chapter 1: Just a "Normal" Day

It was a school day, December 16. It was the last day till winter break. Valeria entered class and sat and waited for a teacher to arrive. It seemed normal excepted some people looked kinda down. She didn't think anything of it. She got through her first couple of class periods. The more she went to class that day the more people looked worried. She was concerned about what was happening. It was finally her last period of the day. The teacher on the class had to do a quick errand so she told the class she will be back.
Valerias POV
Ever since I entered my first class people kept looking at me. For some reason I didn't find it odd. As the day went in the more students look gloomy. I have no idea about what happened. Thoughts kept running through my head. Confused and out of place I didn't know what was happening. The teacher in the class still hasn't came back. It feels like eternity. Student whispering in the background. The class went quiet for a good minute all you could hear is the clock ticking. A group of girls next to me started to whisper next to me. I wasn't listening. The teacher came back after a good 10 minutes. But something was odd with her and every student in the class. All gloomy, really no other expression just sadness. The teacher explained the last assignment until winter break. We all got handed a packet. It was small and not hard. The girls next to me started talking but this time I was eavesdropping. They were sitting in a circle with the desk but 2 girls in the middle. I just listened
Group of girls POV
"Did you hear what happened last Wednesday?" Said one of the girls
"Yeah it's very tragic I can't believe how his family feels." Said another girl
"Wait I haven't heard what happened all I know is that someone died" one of the girls in the middle said
"Well it's said that a boy from our school killed himself by hanging him self . He left a note for his family with a gift next to it. His family has still not opened since they feel very guilty. His sister stopped coming to school ever since because the incident." Said the girl next to her
"That is very tragic I can't imagine how hard it is to deal with that. I wonder if we knew him" said the girl in the middle
" I heard it was Alvaro. The kid who always brung peoples moods up and was very good looking." Said one of the girls in the circle
Valeria's POV
When I heard the part of a kid killing him self it was very sad. I felt bad for his family. While I was eavesdropping they were going to say the boys name. Once they said Alvaro I froze. The room got pitch black. I couldn't see anything or hear. It felt like I was in my own dimension. I started to breathe uncontrollably. I felt like I was going to pass out. I started to think why... why Alvaro. It kept on playing in my head the thought of seeing his body hanging with the note and gift. The image just kept coming back I couldn't get rid of it. I could hear a very faded voice the voice of my teacher. She shook me I could see and hear again. Tears rolling off my cheeks.  I need to go to home I kept repeating. I left the classroom running to the office. I entered the office "I need to go home" I kept repeating.
" are you ok are you sick" the office lady ask
"Sick? Yeah I'm sick I need to go home I don't feel good"
"What's your name sweetheart?" The office lady asked
"Valeria... Valeria Lola Ramirez Diaz" I responded
I kept on tapping my finger on the counter. The office lady's told me to wait for my dad to come. I waited to what felt like decades. My dad arrived all concerned. We got in the car and he asked me what happened. I didn't respond, I didn't want him to get hurt knowing the Alvaro's dad was really close with mine because they were brothers. I just sat there and didn't tell him a word.
