(edited) The Train Ride ( And other calamities )

The ride was tiresome with all the demigods being ADHD only Annabeth, Elizabeth and Jadis could be quiet. Finally Percy had enough.

"Guys? Lets play a game to get to know each other better"

Nico looked up " What about who is most likely too Dark version?"

Annabeth cut in " I really don't think-"

" Yeah lets do it" Thalia agreed.

"Oh oh me first" Jadis said " Okay soooo, who is most likely to be the first killed in a horror movie"

All of the demigods looked at Elizabeth shrugged " Probably Malfoy or Astoria"

Then what the demigods said next shocked the wizards " Yep definitely  Malfoy or Astoria then" 

The wizards looked confused but shrugged it off.

Most of the Slytherins said Elizabeth. But malfoy said

"How could you say me? My father will hear about this. He works for the dark lord!"

Jadis laughed.

Her laugh was so similar to that of Bellatrix that it made many of the snakes hair on their neck stand up. 

Jadis looked at Malfoy and her eyes flashed red with black in them. Malfoy paled, only the dark lord has eyes like that.

The rest of the wizards scooched a bit further from her except Riddle and Parkinson.

Percy spoke up " Okayyyy, anyways, who is most likely to win the hunger games"

The demigods looked at eachother.

Annabeth spoke " For me it is a tie between Jadis, Thalia ans Elizabeth"

The rest of the demigods nodded.

The demigods are chatting when Elizabeth finally spoke.

" Guys can we talk to Mattheo Riddle alone"

The demigods looked at her, she pointed lat Jadis then At Nico and then finally at Mattheo.

Nico widened his eyes " You sure?"

Elizabeth nodded

Nico sighed and then he turned to the wizards well you heard em give us 5 mins.

The wizards looked confused but they nodded anyways.

After they left Elizabeth casted a silencing charm and then Jadis stood up and walked to Mattheo, then... She. Hugged. Him.

Mattheo was in shock for a long time till nico also got up and then he said " Nice to meet you half brother I suppose we didn't introduce ourselves properly"

N - My name is Nico Di angelo son of Hades.

P - My name is Percy Jackson son of Poseidon

T - My name is Thalia ( Grace ) daughter on Zeus

A- My name is Annabeth daughter of Athena

J - My name is... * Jadis looked at Elizabeth and Elizabeth nodded " It time he knows " *

Jadis sighed " My fake name is Jadis but my real name is Lucianna... Lucianna Riddle daughter of Hades "

Mattheo widened his eyes he was so shocked that he forgot Elizabeth still hadn't gone yet.

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