Generic Clone Pilot

Class: Combat Pilots


DC-17 Pistols


Combat Vibroknives

Stun Grenades (1)


The Pilots of the 923rd are considered some of the best men in dogfights and bombing runs, third only to the 501st and 212th. 923rd Pilots are taught to think outside the box when it comes to completing the mission, including being taught how to integrate General Anakin Skywalker's 'fancy flying' into their own combat drills. In the unlikely possibility that a Pilot is shot down and ejects, once they reach the ground they are able to operate with proficiency. Each member is given basic survival gear for the chance that they aren't able to reach their fighters. Their CQC skills are on-par with that of the other members of the 923rd, while they are taught survival skills by CR. 1549 'Lightswitch' so that they may be retrieved by a recovery team. During both Battles of Umbara the Pilots of the 923rd were congratulated for responding within the minute, and deploying troops with no casualties.
