
-Theo and Boris were secretly hooking up behind Seths back but guilt overwhelms Theo for lying to Seth, so he decides that he should text him since he has ignored all his messages and calls for the past week of staying with Boris. He texts Seth, oblivious to Boris so he doesnt get worried.

Boris' POV

I saw Theo was texting someone which is pretty rare cause he's never on his phone "Potter, who are you texting?" I asked him "No one, Xandra why?" he replied back in a kind of panicky voice. Just curious but okay?" I said full of suspicion. "Any way, umm I'm going to go get the food wanna come?" I asked "No, I'll just stay here." he smiled a little then looked back down at his phone I walked over the door said bye then left kind of confused but just brushed it off as he was just tired.

Theo's POV

When Boris left to go get food I texted Seth I really didn't want to but I was scared if I ignored him any longer he's come into Boris' dorm and hurt him "Hey babe, what are you doing?" I asked he replied with WHERE the fuck are you?! Why have you been ignoring my fucking texts and calls all week?! I got scared so didn't reply I set my phone on the side table and laid back down on the bed.
