• Kara Christie •

Hi, everyone! My name is Kara Christie. I'm part of the new story, Jitters! I thought you should know just a little bit about me before the book really started. So... I guess we'll get going then.

Addiction? Gotta be romantic comedies. I could watch them all the time. 

Nickname? I don't really have a nickname, my name is pretty short.

Best Friends? Um... Lauren and my roommate from college, Melanie. I can't wait until she gets back.

Birthday? April 23. 

Eye color? Greenish... Grayish...

Hair color? Dirty blonde.

How tall are you? Average. 5'6".

How old are you? 23. 

Where are you from? I'm from South Carolina. I live in Alabama now.

Occupation? I work at the town's coffee shop now, Jitters.

Current mood? Tired. I'm always tired. 

Favorite person? My mom... She was the sweetest and most adorable person to ever walk the face of this earth.

Favorite animals? Cats. I love cats.

Favorite TV show? Ummmmm... One Tree Hill? Gilmore Girls? I don't know. I don't ever get the time to watch TV anymore.

Favorite color? Green. 

Favorite movie? Too many favorites!! But I love Steel Magnolias.

Favorite kind of music or song? I love Sara Bareilles' music!

Favorite food? Italian!

Girls I trust? My mom, Lauren, and 

Guys I trust? Um... I don't know very many guys.

Insecurities? My teeth. They're naturally yellow and it's so annoying! I've resorted to drinking coffee with a straw.

One thing you like about yourself? I like my eyes. Everyone has told me they're so pretty.

What do you look for in a significant other? Someone who's strong and someone who'll watch over me. But not like in a defensive way, but like, someone who will be there for me and make sure I won't get hurt.

Last person you hugged? Lauren, I think?

Last person you texted? Also Lauren.

Last person you called? My dad, just checking to see how he's holding up. 

Hobbies? I don't have time for hobbies anymore. But I love to cook and read and travel.

Random fact about yourself? Um... For my first job, I was working for my mom's jewelry store and it was collecting shells off of the beach. It didn't pay much, but after two and a half years, I finally had enough money for my car! 

Relationship status? Single, and no time for a boyfriend right now.

Children? I want lots of them!

Someone I miss? My mom.

Something I hate? Rude customers. 

Something I love/want? I love pumpkin flavored things and I could really go for some pumpkin muffins right now.

Fun memories? When I was in college, my roommate, Melanie and I hid in our other friend's trunk and snuck into the drive–in–movie at school. Just like they would do in the 50s. It was so fun. We all wore our bandanas and old letterman sweaters like we were in the 50s, too. Well, it was fun for the most part... They couldn't get the trunk open for awhile. 

Well, thanks for reading my edition of this tag. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me. I can't wait for you guys to read Jitters! Tune in for the next chapter featuring Flynn Carter from Emerald!

Love, Kara Christie <3
