

Hope's POV.

"Stefan...." I squeal loudly as he falls on top of me, completely naked squashing me with his weight. He starts tickling me on my waist and I squirm while giggling.

He takes that opportunity to take my top off and I am left only in my bra and jeans. He stops suddenly and leans up on his elbows and gazes at me intently. He looks me over. All over my face and neck and then his fingers touch his line of vision leaving me in a state of frustration.

He stares at me and continues to do so for another 10 minutes as if memorizing my every detail. He leans in and kisses the spot above my heart.

"What are you doing, bear ?"

He looks up at me startled with a winning glint in his eyes. He stares for a while and then replies,

"You are really beautiful, baby. How had I stopped seeing what was in front of me all those years ago ? And you.... you called me bear. Thank You."

"You were, are and will always be my bear"

"And you were,are and always will be.... mine"

He kisses my neck and makes his way down the valley of my breasts. I arch at him and he pushes his hand behind my back and unclips my bra. He leans down leaving a trail of kisses and when he reaches the spot below my belly button and above my jeans he unclips that button too and stands up on his legs to take my jeans off. He take my underwear off too, followed by my bra.

"I love you, Hope" his husky voice says while kissing my neck and then he takes one nipple in his mouth while he thrusts two of his fingers into me without a warning. It pains at the sudden invasion and I scream. But he pays no heed. He starts a circular motion in me twiddling his fingers in my core while the thumb he uses to draw circular patterns on my clit.

I feel something build up inside my belly all the while he fasts up his pace and his motion which suddenly changes to a ruthless one. I hold onto his shoulders my nails digging in his flesh like my life depends on it. The he stops and squeezes his palm and my orgasm rips through me.

This is the shortest I have had an orgasm.

I don't move for a moment or two to regain my energy and then when he least expects it I flip him around so that I am straddling him. I don't waste a moment and leans down taking his erection in my mouth. A loud grunt echoes through the room as I take him by suprise.

I begin my slow motions around his girth massaging his balls at the same time. He grips my head and starts fucking my mouth. I suck as hard as I can.

"Ugh.... Hope..."

I gag at his rection moaning st the same time and he shouts at the vibrations coming from my throat. I take him deeper in my throat and he comes undone.

"I like you taking control, baby" he says and pulls me into him and slowly I settle on his erection on me. I wiggle at the invasion but stop as soon as I see his head thrown back. I pull up and slam onto him again and again till I can moan no loser and they are replaced by his grunts and my screams.

I feel something build up in the pit of my stomach and at the last thrust when I lift up he bucks his hips meeting me when I feel myself coming onto his length and his juices spilling into my womb.

What ?


"Shit ! We didn't use a condom" I say panicked as I come down from his waist and fall onto the spot next to him.

"You think I didn't know that ?" He says amused and a little husky from the escapad earlier.

"You asshole.... you.... you... planned this"

"Dont blame me... I told you we'd be making babies...." He puts his hands up in mock surrender.

"Well.... good thing I completed my period yesterday and hence I am not ovulating." I say relieved.

"Well we are just gonna have to keep trying till then won't we ?" He says and leans on one elbow as he advances to my lips bit before I protest a voice from outside the door startles us.

"Mr. Anderson.... I have some important files here. I need your sign. Are you here ? I saw your car"
