Happy Birthday Matt, Part Nineteen

Well, if that wasn't a big twist. Don't you just feel horrible for Matt? Having PTSD on his birthday, that just has to be the worst thing in the entire world. And that's why Matt and Gabby need this time with each other. Time alone with each other, where they can talk about his PTSD that he dealt with alone. And that's exactly what Matt and Gabby planned on doing, as they aren't having sex. Right?

"I hope that you had a good first birthday with the kids."

That was where the conversation was currently at, as Matt Casey spoke to his sister while his wife brought their plates downstairs after they ate supper in bed. "Well, I can say that me having time with the kids was the only good part of my birthday." Christie was confused as she heard her brother say that, not really understanding what her brother was trying to tell her right now. "Well, I am not sure what exactly you mean Matt." Matt sighed as his sister asked him that question, before explaining to her just what he meant. "Oh, I just had some PTSD today." Christie sighed in horror as she heard her brother say that, as that wasn't something that she wanted to hear. "Matt, I am so sorry that's the case. I hope you know that I Hate it when you have PTSD." Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know that sis. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to me knowing that you hate that I even have PTSD in the first place." Christie agreed with her brother as that was the truth. "I mean, what sister is happy about the fact that their father helped create some PTSD?" Matt agreed with Christie. After all, that most certainly is the truth.

"Well, that's not what the PTSD is about today."

Christie agreed with her brother. "I'm not even going to ask you what PTSD it is due to the fact that I know that you've either already spoke about it with Gabby, or you're already going to have to talk about it with her soon." Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, as that most certainly is the truth. "Yeah, we're going to talk about it some more. Not sure how much, but I just know that we need this time alone to talk to each other without the kids." Christie understood why that was the case, as that was always the case when it came to what he needed to do when he has PTSD; he needs to take time alone with his wife so that they can talk to each other about it. "I know that's what you and Gabby always need to do, so I'm glad that you guys are getting a chance to do that thanks to your mother-in-law." Matt agreed with Christie, before asking about their mom. "How's mom? I know that I need to apologize..."

Christie shook her head. "No, you have every right to kick her out and take it easy. Matt, you need to have your own space too." Matt agreed with his sister, as that was the truth. He and Gabby needed their space when it came to their parents, and that's exactly what they have. "Did I mention that my mother-in-law lives with me now too?" Christie was surprised as she heard Matt say that. "I think that she was living with her ex-husband? Or are they married now?" Matt sighed. "He wishes that they were married again, which is why she's here as she doesn't want to get married yet due to the fact that she doesn't completely trust him again." Christie agreed with her brother as he said that. "God, I am positive that Jim would feel the same way if we had to live together for some reason." And let's just say that got her brother a bit worried, as he didn't want to have to go through that again. God, he still hates Jim to this day.

"Is he flirting with you?"

Christie laughed. "He wishes that he could get with me! Don't worry, I already told him that my money is invested in the company and there are no liquid assets. And that I am not like my brother, who wants to live in the country and that's why he has the big house with the yard." Matt agreed with his sister. "Oh, and because I have PTSD and a service dog." Christie agreed with her brother as he said that, well aware that was the case as well. "I hope that living out there has done you some good." Matt agreed with Christie, as it has done them some good. "It has, as it gives us place to take it easy and relax. Plus, we are away from the city; and that means that we are less at risk when it comes to whether we catch this or not." Christie agreed with her brother as he said that. "By the way, you'll send my best wishes to Antonio and Diego, okay?" Matt agreed with Christie. "Let me guess, you heard about that from the e-mail I sent you?" Christie laughed, as she actually already knew that Diego had COVID before he sent her that e-mail about it.

"Turns out that Violet and Eva have become friends during this whole process where our families have grown closer due to the business; so, she was the one that told her that she needed to stay away from her temporary."

Matt agreed with his sister as she said that, glad that Violet was going to stay safe. "Well, I'm just glad that she's going to do just that. Stay away temporarily so that she doesn't get COVID. Heaven knows that Antonio has to do the same from my children." Christie agreed with her brother as he said that. "Yeah, let's not even go there when you already have enough on your plate. Now, I hope you know that you can always ask for help if you need it Matt. I am here to help, just as much as Gabby is." Matt agreed with his sister, as he knew that was the case. "I hope that sis, and I am so glad that you're here for me. But I'm good for now, and I'm coping with my family here by my side." And just then, he heard Gabby walk back into their room. "Listen Christie, thanks again for the call. But Gabby just came in." Christie laughed. "Tell her I said hi." Matt agreed with his sister. "Of course. Love you, stay safe." Christie agreed with him. "Stay safe too Matt." Matt agreed with his sister, before taking a breath and hanging up as he put his phone on his charger.

Meanwhile, Gabby looked at her husband as she was confused as to why he seemed to be rushing off the phone. "Is there a reason why you rushed off the phone?" Matt sighed. "We were starting to go in a direction that may lead to us talking about business." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that he doesn't want to talk about business today. Instead, he just wants to take it easy and relax. And that's why Gabby did something, which would be to bring something upstairs with her. "I thought maybe we could just this?" Turning his head, Matt smiled when he saw that she brought up the blanket that they were using on the couch; and that they've been using on every single couch they've had since they started living together. "I swear, we've had that blanket for a long time." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before looking down at it. "Maybe we shouldn't use it then." Matt shook his head, as that wasn't what he meant. "No, I like that we have it. It's something that's going to always bring us back to the early days." Gabby agreed.

"The days when we didn't have kids or didn't know about your PTSD diagnosis."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Uhm, do you want to talk about that some more?" Looking at her husband as she gave him the blanket, Gabby already knew exactly what he was talking about. "The fact that you had to take an extra dose of medicine tonight?" Matt sighed, as that was exactly what he thought they may need to talk about tonight. "I mean, we can if you want to. If you don't want to..." Gabby then proceeded to get close to her husband, leaning over him before kissing him softly. "How about you shut up before you say something that you may regret if you want sex tomorrow." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that. "You want me to lay down on my back? Or are we going to sit up in bed?" Gabby smiled as she wanted him to lay down on his back just like he was right now. "No, stay like that. I want to lay down on that muscular chest of yours just like that." Matt agreed with his girl, smiling as he was quite happy that this was how she wanted to lay down with him; on his chest as they cuddled up to each other here in bed.

"I think that's how we always like to lay down with each other at the end of the day."

Gabby snickered, as that most certainly was the truth; while also adjusting her hair so that she can crawl over to him and lay down on his chest. Because right now, that was what she wanted to do. She wanted to lay down on his chest, as they held each other close and just relaxed today. I mean, what wife wouldn't want to just hold her husband close to her as they laid down in bed with each other. 

And right now, that's precisely what she and Matt are doing as she laid down on his chest and wrapped her arms around him; at the same time, Matt grabbed the blanket that they've had for years and placed it on top of them; just like Gabby wanted and will always want him to do when they have this blanket out. "I'm glad that we always bring this blanket everywhere with us." Gabby snickered as she heard her husband say that, before adding on: "That's because we're like kids, who bring their blankies with them everywhere." Matt nodded as Gabby said that, because that was something that they were both guilty of. Bringing this blanket everywhere.

They even used it in the RV, when they made love to each other. "Remember when we used it in the RV? We made love to each other under it?" Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, as that was a nice night. "Now that was a nice night, the way we made love to each other in that bed with the moonlight over us." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before thinking about something. "Maybe someday, if we have to go on a business trip; we can do an RV trip with the kids, and we can make love in the back while they sleep in their cribs." Gabby laughed, as that most certainly was not happening. "Babe, I am not going to be stuck in an RV with Andy, four kids, and a dog." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, until she realized what she said. "Did you just call me a DOG?" Turning her head, Gabby smirked. "Maybe." Matt then shook his head. "Last time I checked, you liked it when I act like a dog with you." Gabby laughed, as that most certainly was the truth. "Don't you know it." Matt smiled, as he continued to hold Gabby close tonight.

"Now this is perfect, and exactly what we need to be doing with each other right now."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as she couldn't disagree more. Sure, there are times where they do need to spend time with their children; but there are also times where they need to spend time with each other to make sure that they're both okay, especially after Matt has PTSD like he just did earlier. "There's also something else that we need to do, and you know that too." Matt sighed, as he did know that they need to do something else; and that would be to talk about how he had PTSD. "Yeah, we do need to talk about that." Gabby agreed with her husband, as she ran her hand up and down his side before kissing his chest. "Matt, I want you to know that I forgive you okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby, pressing his lips to her forehead as he heard her say that. "And I mean that from the bottom of my heart, because I understand why you did it. You did it because of the fight that we were in ahead of the fire." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that was the reason that he did it. Because of the fight that they had before the fire.

And that's when Matt realized something. "OK. This is crazy but, why do we always have a fight in May? Where we enter have me saying goodbye, or just us having a huge problem?" Gabby laughed as Matt asked that question, as that was something that she just realized too. "God, I just realized that too." Matt agreed with his wife, as he moved his hand to her back and rubbed it with his hand; after which, he returned his fingers to her hair and kissed her forehead softly once more. "Well, maybe it's due to the fact that we want to make up with each other. God, nothing like make up sex." Gabby just laughed as she heard Matt say that, while he looked down at his wife. "Excuse me, but last time I checked...you very much enjoyed the make up sex just as much as I do!" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that most certainly is the truth. "I especially liked the one in September 2018. You know that round of sex." Matt smiled, as he was well aware of the round of sex that she was talking about; because it was the one that led to them having the boys.

"I always thought that was the best round of sex that we ever had."

Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, as it most certainly was the best round of sex that they ever had. "I still love that round of sex that we had. And the fact that you stayed with me to help me pack." Matt agreed with Gabby, as there was a reason for that. But he's not going to share it in this chapter, but instead as he thinks back to when he was in Puerto Rico to help move his wife back. To move his wife home...forever.
