The Unexpected Guest


Hiya Readers!! Just wanted to say that this part of the story is based when Jack first arrives at his cabin and then switches back to the present time :3 I hope you've all enjoyed the story so far!! 

Jack Price's POV

 My brother's ditched me, I have no clue what I'm meant to be doing and I know nobody else. Great. 

I sign in with a stereotypical Mormon woman, all smiling and acting happy. God, I hated when people do that. There are many things that bug me about the religion that has been forced upon me for all of my life, but all of the fake smiles are the thing I hate most. I glare at her as I take the map from her hand. 

Cabin five, right next to the changing rooms.

I knew this place like the back of my hand because our parents always forced us to go to this very same summer camp since we were seven. Although, one summer we did go to Orlando  which was cool. Kevin didn't mind going that much; he always made friends and was the popular boy amongst all of the other kids. I, however, hung around with a bunch of nobodies who would rock up each year and act like we didn't know each other. Happy times...

Anyways, I enter the cabin and it's much roomier than I expected. There were four beds, two next to each other on the left and right walls. A small door led to a bathroom and another led outside. There was a dresser with a small mirror above it. On that mirror was a list of all the other Elders who I would be staying with.

Elder Blade

Elder Price

Elder Grant

Elder Cross

Wait- Elder Blade?

"How's it going Jackie, my guy?" 

At the sound of the man's voice I almost leapt out of my chair.

"Steve? Steve Blade!" I shout as I stand in front of him "It's been so long since I've seen you! I mean, last time I did see you was at this summer camp but- how have you been?"

"Good, thanks, Jack!"

"Awh I can't believe we're going to be sharing a cabin! This is going to be just like the good ol' days!"

When I said that I hung around with a bunch of nobodies at this camp, it wasn't entirely true. Sure, most of the people I hung around with were nerds but Steve Blade was one of my truest friends. We'd do everything together: eat dinner, go swimming, do scripture studies... and I can't believe that he's here... right now!

"Oh yeah I bought the old summer camp photo album! Let me grab it real quick-" I say as I begin to rifle through my duffle bag. "Oh darn it, I lent it to Kevin. I'll go and grab it off him real quick!"

I open up WhatsApp to message my brother. He still had that stupid photo of him and one of his missionary companions wearing bright pink waistcoats together in a blurry polaroid. Whenever I asked him who it was, he would get all defensive and avoid the question.


Jack Price

Kev what cabin you in? I need the photo album

Kevin Price

cabin 12 by the lake, but you can just collect it from outside as Arn's on the phone to Naba and Zach's in a mood.

Jack Price

cool beans

Kevin Price's POV

There was a knock on the cabin door. Connor rushed to go and get it.

"Oh, um, hi! I sort of need to talk to my brother about something?" my brother's voice says as Connor gestured for him to come inside.

"You alright, Jack?" I ask

"Yeah! You won't believe who's in my cabin with me...."

"Rory O'malley?"

"No, dumbo, it's fluffin' Steve Blade! The guy from summer camp back in the day!" he squeals so that the rest of the cabin can hear.

I'd never met Steve Blade before, but the name did pop up in my brain somewhere, someone had mentioned him in Uganda...

"Hey, Con, didn't you-" I say leaning around Jack who was stood in front of me only to see empty space. The door slammed. Connor had left.

Connor McKinley's POV

As soon as Kevin's brother had brought up the name 'Steve Blade', I knew I had to go and see if it was really him. The boy I had loved through middle school, my first ever crush, one of my best friends. I hadn't spoke to him since that day at the prom, when we'd decided to go together and then he just ditched me. All over in a heartbeat. I'd messaged him loads, asking if he was ok and if I done anything to fluff up our relationship but he ghosted me. It took me months to move on, with the support of Chris. I needed to know the truth now, once and for all.

I headed towards cabin five, I knew he was in there because Kevin had told me that's where his brother was, and knocked harshly on the door.

"Jackie you don't have to-..." the voice said as the figure behind opened the door.

"Hello Steve."

"This isn't a good time Conno-"

"It's never been a good time for you, has it?" I exhale a sigh of anger "I have one question to ask... why did you ditch me that night and not even care to give me an explanation?"

I could feel the tears beginning to well in my eyes.

 C'mon Con, don't let it get to you.

"I realised... I wasn't in love with you... that I wasn't gay and it all just got... a bit too much... Listen, Connor I'm so sorr-"

Before he could finish the sentence, I began to walk back down the path towards the cabin, and once I was out of sight, broke into a run, the tears plopping down off of my cheeks like great raindrops.

I opened the door so that it almost flew off of it's hinges, and slammed it, hard. 

I sat down onto my bed and cried into the pillow.

It had been so long since that day so why did it still hurt so much?

Kevin Price's POV

I didn't know what to do. Me and Connor were the only two in the cabin, yet again. I mean, what do you do when the boy you like is bawling his eyes out into his pillow?

The crying came to a stop for a minute.

"Con? Are you alright?"

"Do I look alright, Kevin Price? Do I?" he had intended to say it in a jokey tone but it came out harshly. 

"Do you want to.... talk about it?" I ask, remembering how Connor had comforted me that night in Uganda.

There was a small nod from Connor as he sat up, cross-legged on his bed. His eyes were puffy and red from the crying and there was still water droplets on his face.  I made my way to sit next to him, making sure to not invade his privacy by sitting at the very end of the bed.

He took a deep breath. 

"So um... there was this person I really liked in middle school, and I was in high school when I finally confessed my feelings to them. I-I had asked them out to prom an-an when the day came he just ditched me!" the ginger-boy explained as he began to cry once more. Although this time he was crying silently.

We sat there like that for an eternity.

"Do you want a hug?"

Connor nodded as he shuffled over to the end of the bed. He rested his head on my chest as he continued to cry. I rubbed his back, trying to comfort him as best as I could. 

Ben Schrader

Right, it does sound really bad but Chris may have set me up on a mission to see what Connor was falling head over heels for, at the price of twenty bucks. I watched from the bunk bed, pretending to read a book.

People never really notice me, I'm a person but not-really-a-person, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I just see all of these other kids finding love and getting attention whilst all I have is my cat video games and comic books.

"Do you... want a hug?" I heard Kevin mumble from where he and Connor were sitting. 

I looked up from my book.

Connor was leaning on Kevin's chest, weeping like a school-boy, as Kevin rubbed his back, trying to provide the redhead with any kind of comfort. 

Chris had explained to me that Kevin was the straightest boy he had ever met, and I was convinced by him, up until today. 
