
~~~~~~Luna Pov.~~~~~~

The sudden event that occur made me come back but the only issue was I had no place to stay as Gavin,Shaw, and I were thinking who to ask. "How about at Hawks place," as I decline and then Shaw said," What about Y|n's place?"

Leaving me with no choice as we started asking people on the streets where the Dove lived as we eventually got our answer as we decide to walk there. "Mil'lady, what happened to crystal ball?" As I shook my head and open my backpack as there was a flew drops on magic liquid left. "Its fine, Gavin," as respond happy but knowing deep down how much it hurts that the last object my mother gave me is now broken and it was the ladt gift she gave to me before dying in front of me. 

Poor Luna :( now back to Y/n Pov.

Being in the hospital for this long is driving me crazy bored as I wanna to be outside, capture villains and serving justice as I look outside the window. 

"Hello, miss miss?" As I turn around to see a young girl in her 20's as she has a clipboard and then clears her voice before talking," Miss Y/n, I'm your Doctor Morisset and I wanna to inform you that the reason we had you in the hospital for these 3 weeks was to observe you since due to injuries you had got. But for now, we are release you so you may call someone to pick you up," as I jump up and hug the doctor, " thank you so much. "

I called Hawks but he didn't answer as I called my parents as they were glad to pick me up. Waiting patiently at the hospital as someone was coming in with a big cut,leaving me to feel bad as I decided to put some feathers on their injury to heal them somewhere alright as I waiting.

-20 minutes by

I'm eventually at my house as I hug and thank my parents as they drove off. " Finally , I'm at home," as I open the door to find two dog , running awhile messing up my living room and a lady with long black hair as she turns around," Sorry about this Y/n for the unexpected visit and for the mess." Tears form in my eyes as I ran and embrace Luna as she embrace me back. "Its nice to see you again, Y/n," as I turn around to see the familiar boy that I know as he has light brown hair, same amber color as it hits me,"Gavin!!!!" 

"Yup,it's me," as I embrace him, crying at this point. "Nate, your mom, and your dad miss you so much, Gavin" as he gently respond ,"Same here." Ahem as we turn around to see Luna with a mop and a bucket of cleaning supplies," We are going to clean up the mess now if you don't mind as for you, Y/n take your time resting." Pushing Gavin as he smirks at me and waves goodbye as an black labrador passes me without notice my presence, strange one alright.

Very very late update, forgive me y'all and I will start updating soon. I will be writing what I wrote in my notebook in here and also sorry about grammar.
