My Shebean

1 month later

Tomorrow was the day I'd officially stop being called greenie! Don't get me wrong, the nickname was cute at first but it honestly started getting annoying the longer I was called it.

When I was told I could be a med jack, I was buzzing. Something told me I had a lot of experience in the medical field, whether that was a good thing or bad thing.

So now, here I was sat in the medhut, putting all the supplies away. Jeff and Clint had already left for dinner (or what they said they were doing. However I had other ideas) and I was left to tidy away all the bandages from today. Great

After I had finally finished, someone decided now was the best time to walk in.

"Hey shebean. Cut my arm in the maze, can you bandage it?"

I turned around and my eyes met with Minho's hazel ones. I roll my eyes and signal for him to sit down while I get out all the things I need again.

"Are you gonna stop calling me shebean when the new greenie comes up?" I grab the rubbing alcohol and clean up his wound to make sure there is no dirt left in it.

He takes a minute to respond before shrugging.
"Nope. You're my shebean so I'll call you shebean."

My shebean

I raise an eyebrow at him while I bandage his arm up. I've got to say, all that running did manage to gain him some muscles- what the shuck am I thinking?

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm no one's shebean." I cut the strand of bandage and tie it up before standing up, wiping my hands on my trousers. "All done," he stares at me and I stare back. Clearing my throat, I look away "better get going if you want to get any dinner."

Minho stood up and began to walk out the door before he stopped. "Thanks for cleaning my wound shebean." He smiled softly before walking out, closing the door behind him.

I mentally slap myself from the funny feeling in my stomach. Now was not the time to begin catching feelings for someone. Especially not in a maze that could kill us at any time of any day. Woah, I have dark thoughts.

Again, I began to tidy up the supplies that I had already put away. Deja vu definitely shouldn't be messed with. While I was cleaning, two words rang in my head. Two words that meant meaningless to anyone who wasn't a glader, but two words that meant everything to me.

My shebean.


Woooop wooooop (amazing sound affects)

The sound of the greenie alarm rang through the glade, disturbing everyone from their work. I looked over at Jeff and he nodded, saying I could go see the new greenie.

I ran out of the hut and stood above the cage that hadn't even been opened yet. Newt grabbed the shutter and dragged it away, revealing a brunette haired boy that looked around 17 and with sweat dripping down his forehead, shielding the sun with his hand.

For some reason, he seemed very similar. Yes, all the boys in the glade seemed similar but this... this was different. Like it meant something. I shrugged it off and watched Gally jump into the box.

He mumbled a few words to the greenie before pulling him up and throwing him onto the grass. He looked around bewildered and I tried to push through the crowd to get to him but before I could, he bolted.

Flashbacks from my first day came flooding back. The way I had ran the exact same way he did, but instead I didn't trip over my own feet and eat dirt. Just like he had done then.

I couldn't help but laugh with the other gladers. The way he had fallen like he was just learning to walk was extremely funny to watch.

He took in all the walls and looked back over at us, strange thoughts probably running like a toy train through his head.

"Oy! Gally go get the new greenie and take him to the pit!" Alby shouted. "The rest of you get back to work!"

As everyone began to walk back to their jobs, I lingered behind, staring at the greenie. Something was off about him. Something different. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I knew that he meant something, and maybe he could help me figure something out too.

Ever since I came into the glade, I've had these dreams. I'm not sure if any of the others have, but even if they did, I know mine would be different. There's... water. And voices. Similar voices that I know are on the edge of my tongue but my brain refuses to give me the information I desperately want.

And two words. Two words that are lodged into my mind. Two words that, no matter how hard I try, will always be there.

The Brain.

Sometimes if I close my eyes, the words are etched out into my eyelids. I don't know what they mean, but I'm smart enough to realise they have a significance if they keep coming up in these dreams. What did it mean? And why-


I turned to see Clint stood a few feet away from me, with his hands on his hips. "What are you doing? Me and Jeff can't do everything on our own you know." Sassy little bitch

As much as Clint was one of my closest friends, sometimes I wished he would leave the sassiness to me.

And Minho.

Who is my friend.

My friend Minho.

"Yeah I'm coming. Hold your horses shank." Following after him, I noticed that the Greenie was no longer there and was long gone with Alby and Gally. How long had I even been stood there just staring into space?

Once we arrived in the hut, there was already a line of around 10 gladers and an extremely stressed out Jeff.

"For the love of God where have you two been? Can't you see we've-."

I covered his mouth with my hand to stop him from talking, "Don't worry I'm not stealing your boyfriend." I rolled my eyes and quickly retracted my hand when he licked it to get it off him.

I muttered a silent 'ew' before noticing the slight shade of pink in each of their faces. Shaking my head, I walked over to the first boy and took him to check him out. (NOT LIKE THAT- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)


Once dinner was over, I noticed Chuck talking to the greenie and decided to go over and get informa- introduce myself.

I began walking over to them but stopped when I noticed the greenie was now not stood with Chuck but was instead walking towards... the doors?


I stumbled over a pile of dirt one of the trackhoes had left on the ground, quickly giving a glare to Zart who was giggling like a little girl once I had almost fell, and raced over to the greenie.

By now, Chuck had noticed and was following him as well. When I had caught up, Chuck was already lecturing the greenie on why not to go out there.

"You can look all you want but you better not go out there." Chuck stopped him with his hand and turned to my direction.  "Becca tell him"

The greenie looked at me strangely as if only realising I was a girl. I raised my eyebrow before he spoke up. "Why? What's out there."

Chuck but his lip before looking out at the doors. "I don't know. But I know what I'm told, and that's to stay in here, where we're safe."

Chuck didn't know? But he was here before me? Well I guess he is only young still, but I usually forget as he's so mature.

We have to be if we want to survive

The greenie looked like he was about to keep walking but I stepped in front. "Don't even think about it."

Just then, I heard footsteps coming up behind me and looked over my shoulder to see Ben and Minho running back from the maze, sweat dripping from each of their foreheads.

They both stopped when they saw the new greenie. "Hey Chuck, Becca. New greenie huh?"

Minho nodded in my direction as a greeting and looked the greenie, up and down and back up again.

While Ben was talking to Chuck, Minho whispered to me. "I don't like him. He seems off."

I gave him a look before shoving him slightly, "You smell off. Go take a shower buddy." He laughed at my scrunched up face before running off with Ben again, giving me a quick wink.

"I thought no one was allowed to leave?" My head spun around to the greenie I may or may not have forgotten existed.

I smile softly at him before answering "We're not allowed to leave. They're different, they're runners. They know more about the maze than anyone here."

The greenie looked out at the doors before snapping his head back to me with a confused look.

"The what?"

"What do you mean 'the what'?" I stared at him, trying to figure out what this guy was trying to say.

"You said maze." Oh no. No no no no no

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did"

"Nuh uh"

"Yuh huh"

"Nuh uh- where are you going?" He walked towards the doors, leaving me and Chuck trailing behind him.

"You need to come back. It's not safe." Chuck tried holding him back but the greenie just shrugged him off. "No one leaves. Especially not now."

Any minute now the doors will be closing and the grievers will come out into the maze.

As the greenie walked over, I didn't notice Gally storming towards us until he pushed him, making the greenie go flying.

"We gotta stop meeting like this greenie."

I walked towards them but instead the greenie had other ideas and sweeped his legs around to get us away.

"Woah greenie." I tried stopping him but he was still panicking.

"Calm, calm, calm."

Everyone began racing over to us as the greenie continued to squirm and lash about.

"Just relax, you're fine." I touched his shoulder but he turned and knocked me to the ground. "The fuck was that for."

I stood back up, feeling a bit dizzy after smacking my head on the ground as Alby came running over.

"We're just trying to protect you, alright? Just stop panicking." Alby walked closer to him, hands up.

"Protect me from what? What aren't you telling me?!"

As if on cue, the sound of gears turning rang through the maze and glade. A huge gush of wind ran through and the doors slowly began to close, leaving us all trapped.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." Gally walked off, followed by a few gladers.

Turning to the greenie, I rubbed my head where I had fallen.

"Welcome to the glade. May your stay be as pleasant as you." I walked past, shoving his shoulder on the way

I did not like him one little bit.


I'm so sorry the updates are slow! I had this huge test that I had to revise for to determine what set I would be in. But guess what? I got 96%!

Actually so proud of that BUT ANYWAYS.

Here's the usual:

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve my writing and don't be a silent reader! I love reading comments and listening to what you guys think about my book.

Question of the Chapter: What is one thing you would change about the Maze Runner plot?
