If They Accidentally Hit You Playing Around

Reekid: "Oh, sorry! You okay?" Probably laughing his ass off if you aren't seriously hurt or anything, but he'll make sure you're okay nonetheless.

Mully: If you're a woman..... you already know what I'm about to say... just kidding he probably has somewhat of a soft spot for you. "Ah, fuck. You okay?" If you're laughing and not seriously hurt, he'd laugh with you.

Josh: "Oh, shit! You 'right, love/mate?" He'd gently place his hand over where he accidentally hit you. If you're not seriously hurt and laughing, he'd join in on the laughter but he'd make sure you're okay. "I'm sorry. 'Didn't mean to do that."

Juicy: "Oh, shit, you okay?" Probably gets you a bandaid even if it was just a bump. If it's under your shirt, he will put the bandaid over the shirt and will kiss your injury through the shirt.

Narrator: "Oooh! You okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" He kisses where ever he accidentally hit you. If you're laughing and not seriously hurt, he'll laugh softly/quietly or just wear a nervous smile on his face.

Eddie: "Ohhh! You good? I'm sorry! You okay? Here, lemme see, lemme see." If you're laughing he'd laugh with you, but he'd stick make sure that you're okay.

Gabby: "Oh! Are you okay?" She's very hesitant and gentle, and probably laughs with you if you're just sitting there laughing.

Smashing: "Oop, you okay?" Makes sure you're okay and kisses your temple with a smile if you're laughing.

Kevin: "You good, baby?" Probably laughs and gently rubs the area with his hand, kissing your cheek or forehead as an apology, maybe ever a peck on the lips, too.
