Chapter 30 - Lo'ak

Lo'ak's POV

Neteyam was taking me to the place where I would choose an Ikran for the first time. I remember feeling so nervous in that moment. Terrified of death by these huge scary birds.

'Now listen bro, you're going to be fine. Make the bond as soon as you can. You're going to be fine. You're a mighty warrior. You can do it bro.' Neteyam crouches down next to me.

That's where he got that nickname for me. The mighty warrior. He said it in a serious moment but then every time I'd end up doing something stupid which was, well, a lot, he would tease me and pull at my braids saying, 'who's the mighty warrior?'

I hated it when he would say that teasingly, but in this moment. There was something refreshing about it. I was happy to hear him saying it again.

I walked over to my chosen Ikran, my legs wobbly, of course I know how this goes. But I continue with the act as if I'd never done it before.

'I'm scared Tey'em!' I cry back towards his direction. I had requested that day for only Neteyam to be there when I made this step in the clan as I didn't want anyone else there to judge me and my cowardliness.

I knew Neteyam wouldn't care though.

'You got this mighty warrior.' Neteyam says back throwing his hands in the air.

He always had so much faith in me. He would never stop believing in me. He would always take the blame away from me when our Dad would tell for me doing something stupid. I would ask him why he would take the fall for me but he'd just ruffle my hair and say something about it being his job as the older brother.

'I did it Tey'em! I'm riding him, I did it!' I cheer as my 12 year old self swooped through the sky on my new friend. Neteyam jumped off the side of the cliff landing on his own Ikran and rode along side me.

We flew for hours that night, reaching the top of every bit of the hallelujah mountains. I never wanted that night to end.

We perched on top of a mountain somewhere in the jungle to catch a breath and take in our surroundings.

'I'm proud of you bro,' Neteyam chuckles at me, 'I told you you could do it.'

I smile back at him too, never wanting this moment to end.

'I'm sorry for what I said Tey'em. You are my brother. More than anyone else in this messed up world. Thank you.' I say hopping off my Ikran and pulling my big brother into a tight embrace.

Neteyam hugs me back for a moment before breaking apart,

'Bro, when have you said that? What're you talking about? Have you been concussed from the Ikran wing- yeah I did see that by the way.'

I didn't have the heart to laugh at his joke, instead I whispered,

'Not yet I haven't. But just know when that time comes, I didn't mean a word I said of it. I'm sorry brother.'
