Chapter 1: IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!

Y/n was a happy boy until his so called 'family' started to beat him every damn time and Blake always smiled to see him beat up by everyone in this house until Y/n did something that turned him into something that everyone called him a monster a freak that no one who will ever learn what Love is or what it is to be.... Alive

Y/n was adopted by the Belladona's since his parents passed away from when he was born. After he was adopted he had a happy life for a while until one day they started to hate me and beat me like im a stress toy or a dummy but it all changed for me when they broke my sanity

Gira was beating him for not cleaning the house as Y/n told him that he did while Blake in the living room was smiling and laughing at Y/n and Kali was slapping him for a hour as Gira throws Y/n to his room and locks it

Y/n: Why why are they so cruel to me I never did anything to them.

As Y/n was crying in his 'room' before he soon stop crying tears he started to cry Blood and the Belledona's can hear him cry until Blake felt something drip on her hand but as she looked she was scared that it was blood so Kali went to check on him but as she unlocked the door all she heard was evil laughter coming from his room so Gira walks in to check on him and Y/n looks at them with a satanic smile while his eyes were red and blood was flowing out of his eyes

Y/n: whats wrong it looks like you saw a ghost...

Y/n says as Gira walks to him actually carring for him after so many years of being beat and abused but Y/n chokes him as he was laughing insanely until he was shot in the head by Kali and she began to cry as she kneels to her child and holds him close and Gira grabs a shovel and they berried him and lied to Blake saying that Y/n ran away Blake cried all night as the others did as well but at the place he was berried he crawls his way out with the bullet hole healed and walked to a ship and left the Island and as he entered vale he entered into a old scroll game called sonic adventure 2 and lived in that game like it was his own world and killed every last character and the people who played it and they made a legend about Y/n being called SONIC.EXE and the name grew on him letting him become Y/n.EXE but the game started to be more popular as people think the legends weren't true so they played the game and they still get killed by him and every time they were killed Y/n only said three words I AM GOD


A certain man named Ozpin wanted to learn and explore the legend he heard so much about that it Kills who ever plays this game and he wants to know why does he do this to people and to invite him to Beacon so he called Team RWBY for one of there teammates to enter in this world thanks to a machine from Atlas

Ruby: Ozpin you called us?

Ozpin: Yes I did I wanted to ask you all have you heard of the legend of Sonic.EXE?

As he asked that three out of the four nodded but Blake didn't bother to nodded because of when she heard of that name it made her think about Y/n and all the things she did to them and felt bad but as the conversation continued Ruby offered to go into the game because of her speed so she can get away from him or whatever it is so they hooked up the machine to her head and she soon entered into the game and as she was walking around and she gasp of seeing what happened to the game and its people who went missing and were killed

Y/n's POV

I was walking around as my Ghost self was still following me like always since I crawled out of the ground when we died so its like he is chained to me but he is still bound to this body

Y/n.exe: Would you stop whisteling its getting annoying.

Y/n: Really is it? well i wanted to ask you something why don't you leave the game and head to the real world?

Y/n.exe looks at him and sighed as he was walking until he entered in a abandoned restaurant and sit down on a chair

Y/n.exe: well one we are free here and i like to kill people and two no would accept a monster like me...

Y/n.exe puts his hoodie over his head as Y/n looks at him and sighs

Y/n: dude your not alone were in this together were both are monsters and plus back then that was me trying to choke Gira back then.

Y/n.exe's eyes widen as he heard that until he heard footsteps in his word and gets up and walks out of the place with Y/n following and they soon find who was in their world a girl in a black and red dress with black and red hair but we decided to scare her for a bit

Red: Hello is anyone here?

Y/n: Yeah what is it?

Y/n said as he walks to her to see me like the way i am now and she gasp as she was a little frighten and she pulls her weapon out

Y/n.EXE: Oh a Huntress lovely welcome to my world.

Red: Who are you?

she said that with fear in her eyes and her arms and legs were shaking

Y/n.exe: I am Y/n.exe or for my real name Y/n Belledona which that name has been deserted for many years now whats your name red?

As she heard his name she walks to her and puts her weapon away

Ruby: Its Ruby Rose and Your Blake's brother are you?

Y/n.exe: what does it matter to her I already died and was reborn like a monster

Ruby looks at him and walks closer to him and puts her hand on his cheek and smiled at him while Y/n started to have a weird feeling he never felt in his life in this world as his face went a little pink

Ruby: I think everyone would like you for who you are so how about you come with me back to Remnant?

She asked him as he looks at his ghost self and he nodded so Y/n.exe nodded as well and Ruby wakes up back in the real world as the screen that was hooked to the game went static and he started to crawl out of the screen ans looked at everyone in the room and instantly they were scared except for the old grey hair man and I smiled knowing knowing things were gonna be different.

Alright there's chapter 1 of a new story and I hoped you enjoyed this because i did as I was making this story.
