"Meeting The Fox🦊"Ch.7

Chaeryoung's pov.

For along time now im gonna meet that little girl, she's a grown up now to and she really changed alot now by just seeing her in my dreams, this past 15 years alot has happened after saving that girl life i was disbanded to be the fox guardian spirit of the forest after saving that girl, for us fox guardian of the forest we most not interfere with humans life that's the golden rule for us spirit,

Wondering why im at the human world? Im here cause i have a new mission here, to eliminate evil fox spirit that's my new job here i was sent by heaven to do this job after interfering with a human, yup because of me saving that little girl's life 15 years ago i was disband from the forest i didn't blame her cause i volunteer to help her at the first place,

So im here at the principal's office to meet an old friend of mine it's been half thousand years sense i saw her thought "yow long time no see fox goddess"said by the girl's voice by just the smell and the voice i know her already "long time no see to lia " i said "wow it's really a big news to spirit realm that our fox goddess is disbanded by her work as guardian of the forest"lia said to me "yeah, yeah, so what?!" i said Sarcastically at her

"Owww feisty little fox" she said that got me annoyed of her, can i just take back what i said earlier that she's my friend arghh ,"yahh don't call me little or well kill you" i warn her but she just laughed "now, now fox goddess you can't kill me you know cause im a human now"she said and smirk "yes your a human now but still, i can hurt you "i said back and smirk "owww okay okay you got me there, okay i wont call you that anymore"she said in defeat

"So why did you whant me to buy this achool thought?"she ask me "cause i have someone here that i know," i said i "who?"she ask confusedly "that little girl that i said to you, that little girl that i meet 15 years ago" i said that make her eyes widen "wow she's here ?, The one that make you disband from the being the fox guardia?, Do you want ravage ?" She ask, she really have alot of questions, just wow "yes she is the one and i won't ravage on her !"i said

"So what do you want from her?"she ask again "the great sage whant me to investigate her!"i said "why?" She ask "because last 15 years ago when i save her i let her borrow my bead for a second and when i got it, it turn blue for a second to" i said, it really tiring to explain ashh " that's why the great sage want me to investigate her, do you understand now?"i said and she just nodded

"So let's go now it's time for you to meet the students" she said and we both stand up and walk to the hall way and to the classroom that i well be teaching, when i got first on the classroom i found her already she was setting on the middle she have this cold expiration on her face, she really changed alot now, and she's a blind person now, yeah my fox bead can heal wound of a human but not kind of illness like this,

"Good morning students we have two visitors in front of you, your new art teacher and your new principal is here" the supervisor of the classroom  speak "hi good morning everyone im gonna introduce my self again im your new principal Lia Choi" lia said to the students  and it was my turn next "hello good morning everyone my name is Chaeryoung Lee im your new teacher in art nice to meet you all"i said looking at only yeji guessing from her expression she recognize my voice Easley and i just smile,

"Good morning to you two visitors and welcome"  the students said and smile, even they don't see us they smile warmly at as except for the little girl thought, she did smile but not sincerely, "so class say good bye to your visitors" the supervisor said and the student follow and we said our good bye and exit "seems your little girl know your voice already "lia said "yeah i know,"i said to lia "just looking by her face, she's really cold "lia added "yeah i know it Sense i visit her in here dreams last night" i said

"What?, you visit her in her dream?" Lia ask "yup"i only said to her "wow i miss being a fox" lia said pouting "yahh lia don't do that face it's disgusting" i said to her "yahh it's not you know im cute" she said back "no your not" i said back "yes i am" lia said "no you don't" i said "yes i am" lia said back "no your not " i said back then we both laughed at our self for being childish, yes im 1 thousand years old fox and lia her is 2 thousand years old fox but she's not a fox anymore

She's a human now, wondering why she became a human?, if we fox wanted to be a human we have to get energy from a human energy with our beads, and if a fox live for a thousand years it became a gumiho, there's 1 good gumiho every 100 gumiho in this world, lia and i are one of theme good gumihos, we gumiho can transform our self into a beautiful woman or men and we can copy faces to, but even we are in our human form or copying a human we can be easily known,

Our beads are source of our energy and power, red bead like mine means I didn't get any energy from humans yet and blue bead like lia means she got all the energy that she want to become a human like now, she complated it just by 5 years ago when she was at jiju and when she got the energy she go to canada, that was here dream to go to canada, before becoming a human lia already know how to speak English she's really fluent at it, and actually this past 15 years i was studying human nature, we gumiho don't really age, our number of our age well, but our body and face is not.
