Vicky and Jenny found themselves standing outside Dairy King, a popular fast food joint in town.

"Where's she dragging us now?" Vicky whispered to Jenny.

"I have no clue," Jenny whispered back. "She just said she's starving."

"That's normal. She's on a diet after all..." Vicky muttered under her breath.

Number 2 waved eagerly at them from the entrance. "Come on in! They make the most amazing banana splits here!"

With hesitant steps, Vicky and Jenny entered the fast food joint. As soon as they stepped inside, they immediately recognized the clerk behind the counter. It was the same furniture sales assistant they had terrorized mercilessly a few months back.

"It's Mr. Ugly!" Jenny snickered as Vicky shot her a mischievous wink.

Vicky nudged Jenny with her elbow. "Watch me operate..."

Once Number 2 had placed her order, Vicky sidled up to her, casually draping her arm around her shoulders. "Hey, did you happen to notice the clerk? I think he's totally into you."

"Him?" Number 2 replied, unimpressed. "Whatever. I don't care. He's ugly."

"Oh, come on," Vicky insisted. "I actually think he's kinda cute."

The clerk observed the girls conversing, unable to hear their words but sensing they were discussing him. He fidgeted nervously behind the counter.

"Seriously?" Number 2 asked skeptically. "He's been trying to catch my eye since the beginning of summer."

"Lucky you!" Jenny chimed in, catching on to Vicky's scheme.

"You must have a way with guys," Vicky remarked with a knowing smile.

"Do you think so?" Number 2 pondered. "I mean, I guess I do know how to handle them..."

"Why don't you go ask him to whip up something special for us?" Vicky suggested, her tone dripping with mischief.

"Yeah, and then we'll just skip out without paying! If he's crushing on you, he won't dare say a word!" Jenny added, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Why not?" Number 2 agreed, feeling emboldened. "I'll give it a shot."

Unable to contain their laughter any longer, Jenny and Vicky practically stumbled out of the fast food joint, doubled over with mirth.

"She'll probably come out with an ice cream cone on her head!" Jenny cackled.

"And Mr. Ugly will get a swift kick in the butt!" Vicky laughed, mimicking a kick in the air.

They settled at a nearby table, still giggling uncontrollably. Vicky even had to dab away a tear from her eye. "We definitely wouldn't be having this much fun with Karine!"

"You've got that right!" Jenny agreed, wiping away her own tears of laughter.

However, their amusement was short-lived as Number 2 soon approached their table, balancing four banana splits.

"And here are four banana splits! On the house!" she announced cheerfully.

"Why four?" Jenny asked, her laughter abruptly ceasing as confusion settled in.

"I invited the clerk to join us on his break," Number 2 whispered conspiratorially. "Now's your chance to make your move, Vicky!"

The clerk waved at them. "I-I had no idea you found me cute."

With no idea how to handle the situation, Jenny and Vicky bolted from their seats and fled the fast food joint.

"Do you think Karine's still mad at us?" Jenny panted as they ran down the street.
