Chapter 13

They reached Suna on the evening of the Third Day. The exhausted bunch did not take it as an opportunity to rest, however, as the chunins immediately rushed to Kankuro's side. 

Yura entered the emergency block first, closely followed by an anxiously looking Sakura, and a severely sleep deprived Naruto. 

Kankuro laid there on a bed, plugged to several machines. He looked peaceful, though. 

"Must have been the medications they gave him", Yura thought. Knowing Kankuro, he'd never be sleeping so casually with his brother missing, even severely wounded. 

- He's been like that for the past few days, a voice spoke behind them. 

Temari entered the room, a stern look on her face. She politely greeted the bunch before stepping towards her brother, sighing. 

- Poison, she said, shaking her head. And a deadly one. If our troops had not found him immediately, he'd be dead. 

- Who could have possibly done something like this... murmured Sakura as she approached the sleeping brown haired ninja. 

- Well, we may have a lead on the matter, actually, Temari replied, looking up. 

She waved at the bunch to follow her as she exited the room, not without a last worried glance at her sleeping brother. 

They entered a conference room, next to the Kazekage's office. There, on one of the couches, sat an old lady, her presence commanding attention despite her frail appearance. Though her expression was stern, there was a warmth in her gaze that hinted at a kind heart hidden beneath a tough exterior. 

- Who is that ? Yura murmured to Shikamaru, brows furrowed. 

The brown haired ninja simply shrugged, as clueless as her. 

Temari spoke in a hushed tone. 

- This is Granny Chiyo, a highly respected elder, and skilled puppet master of the Sand Village.

The bunch greeted her politely, bowing their heads slightly. 

The elder raised her head, her eyes meeting Yura's, before scanning through the rest of the new comers. 

- From your robes, I can only guess Konoha has sent us reinforcements, she chuckled lightly. 

Kakashi stepped forwards, bowing his head respectfully. 

- We hoped that- 

- I have heard about what has happened, the lady interrupted with a wave of hand, her gaze heavy with concern. Our Kazekage being abducted, inside of our village's gates. It's troubling news, indeed. 

- Do you have any idea who might be behind this ? Yura asked, hopeful. I mean, we know about the Akatsuki. But... maybe you know more than we do ? 

Granny Chiyo's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. 

- In the History of Suna, few possess the skill and cunning to orchestrate such an attack. However, I have my suspicions. 

- You do ? Shikamaru inquired, an eyebrow raised. And who might that be that you suspect ? 

Granny Chiyo sighed and raised her head, her gaze shifting between the members of the group before landing on Shikamaru, who had raised the interrogation aloud.  

- I would assume that this name will not sound familiar to you, the newer generations, the elder chuckled, as she leaned forward slightly, her voice dropping to a whisper. 

- There once was a young man named Sasori. Of the Red Sand, he was nicknamed, the lady added. He grew up a gifted puppeteer. Hell, he excelled in the art, surpassing many equally talented shinobis. Even me, as a matter of fact. 

Yura raised a dubitative eyebrow. The thought of this granny once being an infamous soldier who mastered the art of puppetry was hard to imagine. 

As if she had read her thoughts, the elder chuckled lightly and met Yura's gaze. 

- Yes, I was myself quite the soldier, my dear, she stressed, not breaking eye contact with the young ninja. Though Sasori, well. It didn't take him long to surpass me. And now well... Everything I have taught him, all those years... I fear my teachings only served to fuel his twisted ambitions. 

- How do you know for a fact ? Shikamaru asked, once again, the question everyone had formulated in their head. For all we know, it could have been any of those skilled puppeteers you mentioned... How can you be so sure Sasori is behind all of this ? 

- How do I know ? The lady smiled sadly. Well, because he is my grandson. 

The revelation sent shockwaves through the group. 

- Your grandson? Choji gasped, eyes widened. 

Granny Chiyo nodded, her gaze distant as memories of the past flooded her mind.

- Sasori was once a bright and talented young boy, she began, her tone tinged with sadness. He was a gifted puppeteer, inheriting it from our family's long line of puppet masters.

She spoke with a mixture of sorrow and regret, her voice carrying the weight of years of pain and disappointment. 

- But as he grew older, he became disillusioned with the world, she continued, her voice growing heavier with each word. 

She paused, her eyes clouded with memories of the boy she raised. 

- I tried to guide him, to show him... that the path he was going down was perilous... but he was consumed by his lust for power. 

Yura grabbed Shikamaru's hand and held it tight, dreading where the story would eventually lead to. 

- In the end, I wasn't able to reason him, and he deserted. And now, years after, he threatens to bring that same darkness that consumed him upon us all.

As she spoke, the weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the consequences of Sasori's choices.
