part 8.

I'm now in my room taking a quick shower, after I finished, I then wrapped a white towel around my waist as I walked out my room.

"I so like what I'm seeing." Gasping, I looked up to see Jax laying down onto my bed with he's phone in hand glazing at me.

I literally thought he left!

"Jax, what are you doing in my room?" I Shrek hiding myself from him.

"I was feeling lonely downstairs so I came up here." He said now sitting up in my bed putting in he's phone aside staring at me with a smirk on he's face.

"Oh my god, I thought you had leave! Please get out so I get change." I say to him.

"Nah I'd rather stay here, you can change...I won't look I promise." He turned around from me, if he thinks I'm gonna change while he's in here, He's got another coming.

"Boy, get out!" I pushed him out my room slamming the door before walking towards my closet.

I throw on a white blouse and some shorts shorts, then used a towel to dry out my hair.

"Can I come in now?" He heard Jax says outside the door.

Why is he still here?!

"Yeah, whatever." I said and he pulled the door opened.

"I gotta go now, but it was nice seeing you." He winked at me before taking off.

I sigh in relief, thank God he's gone, I kinda liked him more now when he was quiet and serious.

Suddenly feeling bored, I called Tasha and she instantly picked up.

Hey girl(tasha)

Girl you wouldn't believe who came over my house . (I said with a smile on my face.

Who? Is it Brian? Cause he seems kinda into you not gonna lie.

Although I wish it was him but no, it was Jax! (I squealed and I heard tasha gasped.

Girl, are you for real? Jax came over your house? But how does he know where you live?! (She asked I could hear the excitement in her voice)

He was following me home, I know sounds like something a creep would do but yeah (I say.

Why did he follow you home though?

He came to tell me that he's decided to work with me on the project, he even has my number.

Girl this is great! You know what? I think Jax is kinda into you, I mean do you see the way how he was looking at you since you first bumped into him and now this? (Shesaid)

I doubt that, Jax is a player and I mean who would be into someone like me?

Girl, I'm telling you okay? Anyways I'll talk you at school tomorrow I gotta go bye bae.

Bye. (I hanged up.)

Did she just say Jax is into me? Never, I think he enjoys messing with my heaven's but into me? Nah I don't think so.

For the rest of the day, I just sit in my room reading until it was time to go to bed, I wanted to wait up for mom but she texted and said she would coming home really late so I shouldn't wait for her.

Suddenly I was dreaming and the dream was about Brian, jack and me.

What happened in the dream.

"Nah bro she's mines." Brian says grabbing me into hes chest.

"No she belongs to me, she doesn't want a loser like you." Jax took a hold of my hand flinging me into he's chest from Brian.

What is going on? Why are they fighting over me? No one has never fought for me before.

"Brittany, you of to pick who you wanna be with, me or him?" Brian said now the both of them staring down at me.

I looked back and forth at the both of them my eyes widen.

Jax is handsome, Brian is a cutie, I don't know who to choose.

"I choose_"


Jumping up from my sleep gasping for air, I reached for my phone turning off the alarm and looked at the time.

It's 7:00am.

I should get ready for svhool, also what kind of dream is that?! So weird, and Brian and jax was in it fighting over me?!

I shake my head from my thoughts about the dream, I did my morning routine wore a random outfit before heading downstairs.

To how I was still thinking about the dream, I forgot to tell mom goodbye also forgot to ate breakfast.

Reaching the schools, I felt someone bumped their shoulders into mine super hard that causes me to lose balance but gladly I did not fall, gaining back my balance.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." I turned around to see a smirking Katy.

"Really so I'm invisible now?" I say gasping at what I just said, but I don't care, this bitch is always on my case, and today is the day that no one should mess with me especially her.

"Seems like it, who pisses in your cereal this morning anyways?" She laughed giving me a dirty stare.

"Hey! You should probably check your teeth, it's got something stuck up in there, might wanna check it out before any one else See's it." I said smirking, feels fun to see the now shocked look on her face.

"Ugh!" She stomped her feet on the ground before spinning around on her heel running away.

"Bitch." I mutter under my breath smiling.

"That was so funny!" I heard tasha voice from behind me, I looked at her laughing.

"I know right? That should teach her for now." I said in between laughing.

"The look on her when you said that, so hilarious, I should have snapped a picture." Tasha laughed.

"Enough about that bitch...." I trail off.

"It seems like something is on your mind, you okay?" Tasha asked me with a concern look on her face.

Yeah something is definitely on my mine, Im still thinking about that stupid dream, it was pretty weird.

"Yeah everything is fine, let's go." I walked off inside the school hallways with tasha trailing behind me.

They say dreams comes true but I hope this one doesn't.

