Chp29-Prom!! Part I

Camilla's POV

A lot has happened. That's a lie nothing happened. Babe healed perfectly, we keep doing business which is going good but some of us are thinking of leaving after the war that's supposed to happen. Prom is tomorrow night and a lot of us are really excited for it. I remember how Aiden asked me and it was the cutest thing someone has ever done to me.


I'm walking with Babe to first period and she is falling asleep on my shoulder. I snap my fingers in her ear making her jump and trip over her feet. She almost falls but holds onto my arm. The whole thing happening makes me burst out laughing while she tries to calm down.

"Pendeja!" Babe yelled slapping my arm while fixing her book bag strap on her arm. (Bitch)

"Mira no es mi culpa que tú estabas durmiendo te. Ni estamos en el clase todavía!" I explained still laughing. (Hey it's not my fault you were falling asleep. We're not even in class yet!)

Babe rolled her eyes as we walked into the class. The bell rang soon after me and Babe sat in our seats beginning hell. Before the teacher can even get a word out the intercom interupts her and the principal comes on.

"Can all seniors go to the auditorium for the assembly at this time?  Thank you." With that said we grabbed our bags and went to the auditorium.

Babe sat on Dustin and knocked out as soon as she sat down. I sat down in between Hunter and Noah with Zack  in front of me. That was a bad idea.

Noah was going on and on about the perfect girl and what they did in bed. Hunter was pulling my hair and poking my cheek. And Zack kept asking questions about my period. If I wasn't in school I would've killed them already.

The curtains started opening and revealed something interesting. It was a picture of me and Aiden together. He was carrying me on his front and we were kissing but you can see me trying to not smile. Confused I heard an old song start playing. More like Aiden singing.

~not gonna write all the lyrics but the song is Darte un Beso by Prince Royce~

"Yo solo quiero darte un beso" once he sung that line I stood up and started walking to the stage. When I got there all the guys including Summer and Babe were holding signs that said Prom?  and pictures of us together.

Aiden stopped singing the song and held out a white rose with black designs. He helped me onto the stage and looked into my eyes.

"So Camilla Adelina...  Will you go to prom with me?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"Of  course dum dum why wouldn't I go? " I answered giving him a kiss on the lips to which the entire crowd started cheering.

~flashback over~

It was the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me. Something may or may have not happened that night but I won't say. Anyways school wise we have all been trying to pick it up and do better. Me, Babe and Christopher are actually trying out for Julliard. The college for arts. We really want to turn our life in a gang around. We're probably gonna do some illegal stuff but we need to keep it down if we wanna get in.

Aiden,  Hunter, and Zack are staying in the gang business. Dustin is gonna stay as well but get another job to help. Noah is gonna move in with someone. His words not mine. Danny and Summer are gonna stay with Mami and Papi since they have Athena but want to move when they can.

That's about everything. Marco has sent me death threats but I could honestly care less. Son of a bitch is either gonna die or I'll die trying.

"Mira Camilla Adelina! No se me quedé en ese cuarto todo el día! Tú tienes una familia sabes?!" Mami yelled at me from downstairs breaking me away from my thoughts. (Don't stay in your room all day. You have a family you know?!)

I know I have a family but sometimes I just need some alone time. Guess I've been spending too much alone time.

"Me estás escuchando Adelina?!"  (Are you listening to me?!)

"Si ya voy!" I replied to get her to stop screaming. (Yes im coming.) I rolled off my bed grabbing my phone before I go downstairs to my incredibly loud family. When I get downstairs I see my mom cooking my dad watching I dont know what Summer helping Athena with her homework and Danny... is nowhere to be found.

"Hey munchkin what you doing?" I asked Athena petting her curly head.

"Ugh homework. I don't even understand! The teacher didn't even teach us this stuff! All she does is cry about not having a boyfriend. Or about having a boyfriend but he cheated on her. Or abo-" Athena was cut off by Summer while I was just laughing.

"That's enough Athena. You are a smart girl just read the textbooks and look at the examples and you should figure it all out." Summer explained with a tiny smile. Athena sighed but nodded her head agreeing.

"Dinner's done. Go and eat." Mami yelled at us leaving no room for I'm not hungry or a later. We all got our food and Athena cleared up her homework from the table. We all got our food and came to the table. Except for Papi who tried sneaking back to the tv.

"Emiliano. Se me sienta en la mesa o te puedes ir afuera." Mami said without looking. (Sit down at the table or go outside.) Papi sighed but came to the table.

"So you girls ready for prom tomorrow?" Mami asked us. I nodded my head as did Summer.

"We're all going to ride in one limo over there so we can stay together. " I told her covering my mouth since I still had some food in it.

"Ok. Be careful.  It might just be a high school dance but anything can happen." Papi said looking at both of us carefully. He looked at me longer since I'm the known criminal.

Dinner continued with all of us making small talk. After dinner I decided to go to sleep. With school finals and my auditions and the war coming up everything is pretty stressful. But I know I'll do good and the war is all about skill. Can't break me down so easily. With that said,  I laid down in my bed excited for tomorrow.

*Next Day*

"Camilla!  Que tu ases durmiendo todavía!?  Ya mismo va aser las dos!  Levántate!" I heard Babe and Summer yelling at me as they stormed into my room.(What are you doing sleeping?  It's almost 2 o'clock.  Wake up)  Me being so surprised I stood up as soon as they knocked down my door but got tangled in my blankets and face planted the floor.

"Funny but seriously we need to start getting ready. Go take a shower and I'll make you a sandwich." Summer said leaving the room. The prom doesn't start till 8 but we're all going out to eat around 6.

"Ok ok I'm going." I grabbed my black undergarments and a towel and went into my bathroom. I washed my hair and my body before shaving everything. After an hour I stepped out onto a rug and dried myself up. I put on my undergarments before pulling on my robe and a smaller towel for my hair. As soon as I got out I closed my curtains smiling at Aiden as he peeked into my window from his. I haven't let him see my dress yet so that might be why.

"Sit." Babe commanded as she pushed me down onto a chair and Summer gave me my sandwich. She went to go take a shower as Babe started working on my hair. We were all gonna help each other on our hair but do our own make up. We had already gotten our nails done earlier this week.

After about an hour or more of Babe straightening pulling and spraying my hair she finished. My hair was in a ponytail as it flowed down my side. In return I did Babe's hair but she just wanted it straight. Summer came in soon after and I blow dried her hair as well as curled and put a lot of hair spray on it to make the curls stay. Once our hair was done we did our make up and we all kept it nice and simple. It is prom but we don't wanna go all out. Just enough to make us look smoking.

But by the time we were all finished with everything it was 6 and the boys were downstairs waiting for us. We put on our dresses and shoes and did some final touches before we were absolutely done.

We all walked down together. Babe being first Summer being second and me being last. The guys reaction was priceless. All 3 of them stared with their jaws dropped. Once I reached the bottom I walked over to Aiden as he pulled me in by my waist giving me a kiss.

"Te ves hermosa mi reina." Aiden said smiling at me making me blush just a little. (You look amazing/beautiful my queen.) 

"Pictures!" Mami yelled at us as she grabbed her Polaroid and her other camera and all of our phones.

^Ace and Christopher up top^ (outfits)

^Summer and Danny (Danny's jacket is just a regular white jacket)

^Babe and Dustin.  Picture of Babe's hair on the right.

^Camilla and Aiden.

After about a million pictures we all said goodbye and went into the limo ready to have an amazing night.
