29. the good girl and the microphone

          Sandy was not kidding. Tonight is the busiest night since I started working here. Of course, I only worked here for two days but it still is the busiest.

          It's only 8 and there's already a crowd of people gather in front of the mini-stage we set up. There's a guy currently singing Too Many Years on the stage as the crowd cheer him on.

          The bell on the counter ring, getting my attention. "Table 8," Chef Mick call out from the kitchen window. That's my table so I head towards the counter and grab the plate and the smoothie drink and head to table 8 which is in the middle of the diner.

          I place the drink and plate of french fries and sandwich on the table earning a thank you from the customer. I smile, "You're welcome." I head back to the counter.

          On my way to the counter, the door open revealing Carter and Jace. I stop in my track and glance at them. Carter and Jace grin at me and I smile back. I ignore them and walk to the counter.

          Why wasn't Archer with them? I guess he didn't come. The thought of Archer not coming here makes me feel relief yet sad at the same time. Why am I sad? I should be happy. He's not here.

          "Chloe!" Sandy call from behind the counter. I shake the thought from my head and walk to her.

          "Can you take out the trash? I still have to go serve a few tables and take orders. These people are getting on my every last nerve. How many food and drinks will be enough for them?" Sandy complain with a tired look. Her hands are currently occupy by a tray of plates and drinks. I chuckle at her misery.

          "Yes. Don't worry about it." I assure her and lift the counter so she could walk thru it. She does so and walk to the crowd of people singing along to the song.

          I walk behind the counter and into the kitchen door. Passing by Chef Mick and other cooks, I stop at the full trashcan and grab the top of the bag together and tie it. Next to the trashcan is two more bags. I grab those too and continue walking to the end of the kitchen with my hands full. I exit out the door that leads to an alley where the big trashcan is. The night engulf me.

          The only light is the one on top of the door. I walk further into the dark alley and that's when I realize someone is leaning against the wall. I can't tell who it is because their too far from the light. All I can see is their silhouette and the light on the cigarette in their mouth. Judging by the silhouette, it looks like a guy but I can't be sure.

          I walk towards the trashcan which is only a few feet away from the person leaning on the wall. That's when the person stand up straight and walk a few feet towards the light. I try to keep my eyes away but it travels to the person. The light reveals Archer. I almost jump in surprise but, luckily, I didn't.

          He stares at me with a blank expression. It's almost like he could careless. He takes out the cigarette from his mouth and exhale out a puff of smoke. Since when does he smoke? My grip on the bags tighten but I continue walking towards the trashcan. Once I reach it, I toss the bags over it and turn to walk away from him.

          I don't want to have anything to do with him. It's better this way. I hurry to go back inside.

         "You're cruel," Archer mutter behind me, his voice lace with venom. I stop in my track, unable to move. His words send shiver down my spine.

          I stay silent. I can't seem to say anything.

          "You're really cruel," I can hear him walking towards me. "You left without so much as a goodbye and suddenly you show up and avoid me like I'm some kind of plague." His words hit me hard. There's a sensation feeling in my heart and it's not a good feeling. It makes me weak and I feel like running away from here, from him. Still, I stay silent, clenching my jaw.

          I can feel him only a few feet behind me. After a few seconds without another word from Archer, I gather up the courage to walk away. I open the door and the kitchen engulf me with it's warmth and smell. I walk through the kitchen, the door closing behind me.

          I walk out of the kitchen and to the counter. There's a customer sitting on the seat behind the counter so I walk to him. "What can I get you?"

          He looks at me with a flirty smile, "How much are you?"

          I chuckle at his question. "I'm really expensive."

         "Just name the price."

          "I'm off limit." I tell him sternly. He raise his hands up in defeat and walk off to join the crowd. I roll my eyes at him and walk out of the counter to clean up tables that has empty plates and cups on it.

          After an hour or so of serving food, taking orders, and cleaning up, I stumble into an empty seat and sit down, enjoying the music. I'm so tired. I've been avoiding Archer, Carter, and Jace all night while working. I hate this. I just want to be able to go wherever I want freely but I don't want to answer any questions from them.

          Right now a guy is on the stage singing a 1975 song. His voice is pretty good. I nod my head, jamming to the song.

          Next thing I know, Archer stumble into the stage, stealing the microphone away from the singer. He looks drunk. I get up from my seat and watch to see what he's planning to do next.

          "Hello everyone!" He slur into the microphone.

          Everyone is giving him looks. A few are whispering about him. I look at Carter and Jace to see them staring at Archer in surprise.

          "There's someone here tonight that I want to introduce to everyone." He looks around the crowd for someone. When his eyes land on me, a grin appear on his face. Oh god. What is he doing?

          He hold the microphone up to this mouth, "Chloe Williams!" Everyone cheer and clap. Carter, Jace, and Sandy's heads turn to me in confusion.

          "What's going on?" Sandy mouth to me from a few feet away. I shrug and shake my head indicating I have no fucking idea.

          "Please welcome Chloe Williams up to the stage!" Archer points to me. Everyone's head turns to me, cheering me on. I put on a nervous smile, shaking my head no.

          "Everyone. For those of you who don't know Chloe, well let me just say, she's something else. Please guide her up to the stage." Archer speak into the microphone. What the hell. I look to Sandy for help. She nods her head towards the stage, telling me to go up. I sigh and walk to the stage.

          One of the employee hand me a microphone as I step up into the stage, standing next to Archer. I can smell the alcohol coming off of him. Archer whisper something to the girl in charge of the music and the girl nod her head and start typing in something into her laptop.

          "Chloe is also a great singer! You'll know just what a great singer she is as we duet on this song." I really want to wipe that smug look off of Archer's face right now. The music starts to play earning a loud cheer from the audience. I look at the small screen in front of Archer and I to see the title of the song and the lyrics.

          Oh dear lord.

          "You walked into the party like you were walking on a yacht!" Archer begin, shouting out the lyrics. The crowd only cheer him on even more.

          "Your hat strategically dipped below one eye. Your scarf, it was apricot. You had one eye on the mirror." His voice is full of anger and hate. I scoff and shake my head at his childish behavior.

          "What's wrong, Chloe? You could break my heart but you can't even sing a song that's made perfectly for you?" Archer taunt me. He wants to play. Oh, I'll play.

          "You're so vain. You probably think this song is about you!" I scream into the microphone and look at him. "You're so vain! I'll bet you think this song is about you! Don't you? Don't you?"

          "You cheated on me and you shouldn't have ran off," Archer speak into the microphone while the music continues to play. 

          My blood boil at his words. "Oh I cheated? How about you! Mr. I'll be good for you! You cheated on me and I forgive you!"

          "You played me from the start and you should be ashamed! You made me thought you love me! Then you slept with another guy and I got the video to prove it!" My jaw tighten at the mention of the video. He shouldn't have done that. I glare at him, trying to stay calm but my vision starts to blur. Tears are gathering to fall.

          "Then you ran away without a word! You left me! You're so vain!"   

          The night comes rushing back to me, clear and vivid. The feeling of his body over mine and his mouth on my body makes me feel worthless, disgusting, and dirty. Next thing I know, the microphone in my hand drops on the stage and a loud squeaky noise rings throughout the diner. I turn away from Archer and run off the stage with tears rolling down my cheeks. I run through the crowd and out the diner.

          The cool breeze hits me, engulfing me into the silent night. I stumble a few feet away and hover down, placing my hands on my knee to keep me up. A second later, I hear the door opening and closing behind me but I don't look to see who it is.

          "When will you stop running Chloe? Because that's all you've ever seen to do lately," Archer say from behind. I close my eyes, allowing the tears to freely roll down my cheeks.

          I'm done.

          I can't do this anymore.

          I can't.

          I open my eyes and with a deep breath, I stand up straight and turn to face Archer. He looks a bit surprise to see me turn around but smirk like he's won.

          "I'm done. I'm done avoiding you. I'm done acting like it was my fault. It was your fault too! I was there, Archer. I tried checking up on you after that night. I believed with all my heart that you were innocent and instead of coming to me, you ignored and avoided me. You weren't there when I needed you! When he had his hands all over my body," my voice break, "all I kept thinking was maybe you'll save me. Maybe you'll knock down those doors and save me but you never came. And so I stopped believing in you." Archer's smirk turns into a frown. His amusing glare turn into a confusing and guilty look.

          "I gave up that night. And I could tell you gave up too after you saw that video." I think back to the moment Archer saw the video. It was like he lost the light of me in his eyes. "I tried, Archer. I believed in you and I tried but you didn't and I wish you had because maybe then we wouldn't be like this. Broken and sad."

          Archer look at me with a glint of guilt and regret in his eyes. I don't want his pity.

          "What did you just say?" I hear Jace's voice. I look behind Archer to see Carter and Jace with a shock face.

          They didn't know the truth about what happened to me just like Archer. And now they know.

          "You..." Jace's voice trail off, still shock at what he just found out. He walks forward towards Archer. I notice his hands forming a tight fist. He looks angry.

          He jerk Archer back and send his fist right into Archer's face. Archer stumblr back and fall down into the ground.

          "Jace!" Carter and I shout. I gasp out in surprise.

          "I believed those rumors about my sister because you were my best friend and I thought you could never hurt her. How could you!" Jace hold his fist up, ready to punch Archer but Carter grab his hand before he could punch Archer again.

          "Stop it!" Carter shout at him. Jace glare at Archer for a few seconds before walking away from Archer. He turn to me and grab my hand. He walk to the parking lot of the diner and I follow.

          He takes out his car keys from his pocket and unlock the car door. "Get in," he order. I obey and get in the passenger seat while he gets in the driver's seat.

          "I'm taking you home," Jace state and drive out of the parking lot and into the road.



Thank you so much for reading! If you didn't know already, the singing part of this chapter was inspired by the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
