Chapter 18: Meet with the Ex

Alec's POV

Fuck! I didn't knew she would take it that way.

But you can't blame me either, when I saw, Kyle coming from her balcony my anger raised up like a flame.

I know I know, I don't have any control  over her and I kinda made out with Aubrey yesterday, such an asshole I am, but I couldn't help myself.

The most important question is why?
Why do I care about her? Why do I feel a urge to protect her? Why is it happening to me?

"Cause you like her, bro." someone said beside me as my eyes widen and turned around to see William and Cole. I sighed, did I said that loud?

"Aww, our bad boy likes someone!!" Cole cheered as I rolled.

"Shut up dick!" I groaned in frustration, they are not helping at all.

"Who likes who?" says a voice as I saw Emily came towards us and I rolled my eyes.

Cole chuckled as he pulls her closer to him, "Babe, you will be shocked if you hear it."

I sent a death glare at him but he just smirked more, "Who are you talking about?" she asks all confused.

"Alec likes our Sam." he says as Emily's eyes widens.

"What the actual fuck Alec?" she yelled at me. I knew this would happen.

"You can't like her and I know you'll use her just like one of your hookups, you asshole!" she narrowed her eyes.

"Oh yeah? How do you even know?" I said, getting irritated by this situation.

"Cause you're a fucking player!"

I smirked, "Knock knock princess, So is Cole."

"You-" she was cut off by Cole, "Enough of both of you!"

"Emily, we were just messing with him, it's still not sure whether he likes her not and if he do like her also I know he will change for good, just like I did for you." he smiles and caressed her cheek as she nodded.

And the biggest award for being the cheesiest man on earth goes to Cole Wood. I rolled my eyes.

"If your done, meet me at the Gym in five." I said and walked away from them. For fuck's sake, I can't stand them for a single damn minute.

Suddenly, I saw her, standing near her locker talking with someone.
My girl, I couldn't help but thought about it. But will she be? Damn I'm so fucking whipped.

Wait!! What the fuck is Regina doing?! No, no, no is she... talking to Sam?

"Oh hi baby." her voice says, which I fucking hate as I wrapped my arm around my girl. She became stiff and leaned back more, I was surprised to see her reaction.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Relax Alec, I was just talking to her, didn't knew she is your new slut." she smirks and I glared at her, while Samantha became more stiff.

"Don't you dare say that again, Regina. Now, get the fuck away from here!" I nearly growled at her as she smirks at her and turned on heels.

This girl has no shame, why did I even fell in love with her in the first place? I guess, I was a big moron back then.

"Hey, are you okay? What did she say?" I asked her as she was staring at the floor.

"I-It's nothing." she says softly, I hate it when she lies to me in my face.

"Don't lie to me Samantha, just tell me what did she said to you?" I asked her calmly as possible.

"I told you, it's n-nothing, stop annoying me by asking stupid questions!" she burst out suddenly as everyone started to stare at our direction.

"What the fuck you guys are watching?! Mind your own business." I glared at all of them and sighed heavily. I swear she will be the death of me.

"As you wish, but don't hesitate to tell me anything anytime." I caressed her cheek as her striking blue eyes met mine. Damn, I have to go from here, now!

I left her without saying anything and made my way towards the Gym. I really wanna know what Regina said to Samantha that it made her feel bad or something else.....

Samantha's POV

"I'm so sorry Sam!!!! I just don't why I said that, just please please please forgive me!!" Tyler whined for nth time now.

"How many times I have to say that it's okay?"

"Really?"he asked as I smiled"Realllyyyyy."

"Thank you so much." he side hugged me and I smiled at his silliness.

"Hey Ty!" I heard someone calling him as I saw Miles.
(A/N:-Remember him from chapter 7? He's Tyler's best friend)

"Coming Miles!, I have to go Sam, Bye!" he jogged towards his friend.

I have talked with Miles twice or something like that as he's in my History class, he's nice I mean he's cute and pretty much helpful.

I locked my locker and suddenly a girl came up to me, she was beautiful but the make up was really heavy, with a tight skirt and whatever she was wearing in the top, literally everything is seen, it was too revealing.

"Ahem." she clears her throat as I came back from my thoughts.

"Your Samantha right? I'm Regina, Regina Clark." she smiles sweetly and extended her hand, why am I feeling it's a fake smile?

"Uh yeah." I move my hand to her but she immediately pulled away and said,"I heard that your with my ex?"

"Um What?" I asked all confused, what is she talking about?

"Don't play dumb, Samantha." she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I'm telling the truth, I don't know what you're talking about." I shaked my head in denial.

"So why Alec is roaming around you?" she asked as I realized what she was talking about.

"You've got it all wrong, me and Alec, we're just friends nothing more." I said and it sounded so odd telling that he's my friend, I don't know why.

"Listen bitch, don't you ever cross your limits, Alec is mine and only mine, this whole fucking school knows so get that inside your head." I was dumbstruck, she just threatened me.

"I-" she suddenly cut me off by saying. "Oh hi baby." he fake smile returns.

I felt someone's arm around me and I instantly knew it was Alec, I became stiff and leaned back more, suddenly feeling it more comfortable.

I know he was shocked by my reaction, even I was.

"What the fuck do you want?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Relax Alec, I was just talking with her, didn't knew she is your new slut." she smirks as I became more stiff, oh god! I just want it to end quickly!

"Don't you dare say that again, Regina. Now get the fuck away from here." he practically growled at her.

She smirks at me and turned on her heels. I sighed in relief.

"Hey what did she say?" he asked, I can't tell him.

"I-It's nothing." I said softly, hoping he will let it go but guess what? I was wrong.

"Don't lie to me Samantha, just tell me what did she said to you?" he again asked, this is the first time he called me by my full name from the first day and it sounded so good, what the hell am I thinking?

"I told you, i-it's nothing, stop annoying me by asking stupid questions!" I burst out on him and everyone started to stare at our direction. Shit.

"What the fuck you guys are watching? Mind your own business." he glared at everyone and sighed.

"As you say, but don't hesitate to tell me anything anytime." he caressed my cheek as I looked up-to him, his eyes were helding so much emotions that I couldn't understand.

He left me without saying anything and I sighed. What a cliche highschool life.

The bell rang indicating for the 6th period, I went to my class and soon it started.


"So you got it right?" I asked Emily and she nodded her head.

"Good, you just have to memorise it and then bang!" I said.

She giggled and said, "Yeah, thank you so much for your help!"

"Welcome." I smiled, so Emily has her History test tomorrow and she asked me to help her understand some terms, I agreed that we will do it after school hours, well yeah.

And I texted Alec that I will go with Emily today, speaking of that, what is the time right now?

"Emily, what time is it?" I asked as I remember I have to meet up with Kyle.

"I'm, it's 3:40 right now." she says, The Monet's is 20 minutes away from school.

"You are done right? Can we go now actually I have to meet up with someone." I said.

"Yeah sure." she replied.

Grabbing our essentials we started walking towards the parking lot.

"So who is the person that going to meet up with?" she asked slightly smirking.

"Oh god, it's not what you are thinking, he is my brother's best friend." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so the person is 'he',I see." her smirk grew even wider as I scoffed.

Suddenly a familiar car came and stopped in front of us, "Hop in" he says sliding the window down.

"What the hell? I told you, I am going with Emily today." I exclaimed as Alec rolls his eyes.

"Well, I didn't saw your text. Just come quickly."

"Sam, you should go, otherwise you'll be late." she said.

"But-" she cut me off by saying, "No buts, just go."

"Okay." I sighed.

Bidding bye to Emily, soon we were in the road.

"Hey, I have to go to The Monet's" it said as he glanced at me.

"Why?" he asked.

"I have to meet up with someone, duh" I rolled my eyes, dumbass.

"Who is it?" he asked and I saw his knuckles getting white and his jaw clenched.

"None of your concern, just drive." I said and looked out of the window.

15 minutes later~~

We arrived at The Monet's, it was same as I last saw it, just the style is changed from the outer side.

I saw Kyle waiting patiently in his seat, the window of the cafe is pretty big.

"Your meeting up with him?" he asked me in disbelief.

"Yeah so what?"

"No way in hell, I'm agreeing to that."

"Oh hello? When did i asked your permission? It's my life, I'll do whatever I'll feel like, deal with it." I rolled my eyes as his anger rises in eyes.

I stepped outside the car and his car roared as the speed increases and within seconds it was out of my sight.

So immature.

Stepping inside the cafe, the smell of coffee hits my nostrils as I made my way to him.

I sat in front of him, two chocolate milkshake was given in our table instantly, he knows everything about me.

"Explain" he said.

I breathed heavily and started to explain everything.

Hey peeps!!
I'm so sorry for the late update :(
It is becoming so hard for me to update, you know with studies and exams... Anyways, do you like this chapter? Can Samantha explain it to Kyle and if she did, will Kyle understand? How is Alec going to take it?
Give me your thoughts in the comment section 👇.
Don't forget to click the 🌟 and vote:)

Juanpa Zurita as Miles Walker ❤
(To help you imagine him better 😉)


It got #1 in Obsessed on 26
July!! *jumps in happiness*
Thank you so much for making it happen, you don't know how happy you made me!! I love you sm!!!

