Entrance Exam

Mr.crusty asked me to come with him in the back, I went in I see a man who looked like hasn't seen a mirror in ages.

AFO: Hello Assasin I well like to help you accomplish your mission, Tomura give her the case.

Crusty gave me a black case that says Quirks I grab the case and start walking out, Me and stain running from wall to wall, to go home, Stain dropped me off and I spiderman crawled through my window( Spiderman don't judge) to make sure that my mom doesn't spot me and wonder what the case is, I locked the door and turn on my desk light. I open the case and smoke came out I see one Tube that says "Emotions" another one that says "Phase" and the last one saying "Sin's" and a needle the note told me to combine all the liquids together  in the needle and inject it in me, I grabbed the liquids and did what the note told me to do, I started to feel hazy I felt a three places on body that started to hurt, On my arm I felt a tattoo what felt like a dragon, then I felt one on my leg that felt like a bear and the lost one a huge one n my back what felt an outline on my back, I see my hair change different colors and then I blacked out.  

Inko Pov

I got home wondering where my precious Izuki is, wondering what I should make for dinner I saw the door locked and the light of "maybe she's sleeping, I'll start making dinner.

Next Day

Izuki Pov

I wake up with my head pounding and my body sore, I got and put on some summer clothes mostly cause I checked my phone and It will be 80 degrees Jeez, I put on a sweater with short sleeves a sports bra and yoga pants and some sneaker and put my hair in a pony tail.

I go out grab an apple and went on my way to train with my new quirks, While I was going under a bridge I felt Eyes behind me I turn around to see a huge thing of slime that looked like mucous, " Ah, It's not only a girl it's cute too", I felt like throwing up My hair turned green and started to blow away the slime then a spear and a pillow came out of nowhere and I started to say these words "spirit spear chastiefol third configuration fossilization" Then the  twin-headed spear with a spearhead-shaped like the claws of a crab touched the slime and it turned into stone, Then I saw a little kid who looked like he didn't give a shit, and he said his name was King and he is the sin of sloth(laziness #me) and told me that that this could kill and turn someone into stone but he sai it also depends on me, I decided to put the slime into a bottle then I hear this " I AM HER- WHAT" All Might confused on how I beat him I just handed him the bottle, and wen't on my way floating on my pillow I did gain a few stares I didn't care, until I saw Fire, I saw kachaan in the fire as hostage inside the slime, I floated to the seen of the crime on my pillow ,I jumpd of my pillow and then a pare of Nun-chucks apperaed and I said Feast and started draining the magic power of the slime and made it mine, I used chastiefol and fossilized him and put him back in the water bottle and floated home with stares from the hero's and kachaan.  

On my float home I go to a corner and see All Might say "I AM HERE" which scared the shit out of me, "HOLY SHIT NEVER FUCKING DO THAT AGAIN" I yelled, he looked at me and said " YOUNG GIRL, I SAW YOUR BRAVERY ON SAVING THAT YOUNG MAN WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY SUCCESSOR", I was about to decline when I thought about the mission, this could be a chance to get close to him the kill him, Like I mean 110,000,000 is hard to pass up, I agreed and for the rest of the summer I trained with All Might to control OFA.

Time skip brought to you by Bakachan

It was the beginning of the entrance exams and I was wearing the outfit king gave me and floating on my pillow out of boredom.

  Until I saw a girl about to fall I saved her by sending my pillow below her, "Are you ok?" I asked in a monotone voice, " Ah, I'm such a clutz, thank you what's your name" the girl said who had a brown hair and pink cheeks, "The name's izuki and you' I responded, "The names Ochako Uraraka", "Good to know" I thought, I started walking Into the stadium and floating on top of my desk, When I checked who was next to me I saw FUCKING KACHAAN, (GOD DAMMIT) He looked at me with confused eyes and wondered why I was floating, but before he could ask the presentaion started.

Time skip brought you by Izuki's Badassness

I got bored halfway and started to play with chastifol, I didn't pay much attention to it until I heard a guy talking started to speak " SIR, the pamphlet said there are 4 robots but you only mention 3 I would of expected more from such a prestige school and, YOU" He started to point at me, I swear anylonger I would of obliterate the finger. " If you think this is a game than you should leave", In those words I snapped

In the following things you are going to hear is also a line from Kevin hart, okay I'm done *yells, MOMO GET THE WALL

I take the sacred treasure out of my hands and look up at him and gave him a glare of IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN 

Well, can I just tell you to...

*And at that moment he knew he fucked up


Once I said that the whole room sweatdropped, and the man who called me out just sat down looking like he faced the devil in the eyes. Present Mic finished explaining and told us to go into a bus.

At The Exam place

As I got off the bus I started floating which did catch the attention od a few people.

Ochako pov

Today has been horrible I forgot to eat breakfast, I was almost late, I almost fell, I got 79 % which means I almost failed, the only good thing is that I met a new friend, I see her stretching and I was to say good luck until the same guy who called me out said "Are you trying to distract Her" Which made me feel super guilty so left her alone what a great day.

Third Pov

Present mic went up and said "GO" everyone was so confused but Izuki started to fly super fast on chastiful,

Izuki Pov

And was destroying robots left and right I got about 190 points so I start to take a break until I felt the ground rumble and saw a GIANT MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT, I was about to run away until I saw the girl I saved under a bunch of ruble A Giant ass smile went across my face and I started to go flying supersonic speed to the robot and I had my signature psychopath smile and I said this " SACRED TREASURE LOST BANE FULL COUNTER" Multiple clones of me appeared and I fucking obliterated the mother fucker " HELL YA BITCH THAT'S WHAT I CALL AWESOME" I yell but I realize that the girl was still there so I just got her and saw recovery girl come and kiss her. 

