Chapter 34

Emmeline snuck into the ballroom through one of the servants' entrances. She made it just in time to watch Matilda's grand entrance.

Charles was announced first, as his rank was slightly lower than Daniel's. He took his place at the foot of the stairs and waited for the arrival.

Daniel and Matilda are announced and they enter the room. Daniel stands with a level of forced confidence, Emmeline observes. Matilda seems excited but there's a clear nervousness in her eyes. Daniel holds her arm with his good arm and they walk down the stairs. Everyone's eyes are on them. The Earl had developed a reputation of being a bit elusive from what Emmeline heard from her patients. It made her chuckle at the thought. She had seen puppies more elusive than him. They smile at the awaiting crowd and begin to greet their guests.

The band began to play, signaling the official start to the ball.

Emmeline spots Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley across the room. She is relieved to see their familiar faces. She is afraid her own nervousness may betray her heart.

Mrs. O'Malley greets the young woman in a tight hug.

"You look marvelous tonight, my dear." She spins her around, "Doesn't she look marvelous Russell?"

"You look very nice tonight Emmeline. I know Susanna is sorry that she cannot be here. Her aunt is keeping her quite occupied."

"I am sure she will have many stories to tell when she returns. Her letters make it sound like every day is an adventure."

"Well Susanna manages to turn every day into an adventure." Mr. O'Malley jokes.

"My goodness, would you look at that." Mrs. O'Malley grabs Emmeline's arm tightly and nods towards Lydia and Lady Margaret. They were speaking with Lord Daniel and Matilda. Lydia had never looked more stunning. A perfectly tailored cream gown laced with gold thread highlighted all of her best features. A gold tiara adorned her head. She looked almost as if she were heading to her wedding instead of a simple country ball. Emmeline was sure Lady Margaret had a hand in this. She also observed that Lord Daniel was showing a keen interest in her. His laugh could be heard from the opposite of the room. She was sure their would be more talk of their potential nuptials.

"Looks like Margaret has put all of her eggs in one basket. I suppose they do make the best match. The highest gentry in the county. I know he's called on her quite a lot. It makes sense too with the young girl. He needs someone to help raise her and the family I am sure is putting pressure on him for a male heir. Lydia is a pleasant sort of girl I suppose. She's very genteel. One would have to be with a mother like Lady Margaret. I've barely heard her speak, always so proper. You're quite close to them both, what do you think of the match Emmy?"

"If they both seem amiable I think they could be good for one another. Lord Hargrave can come across as very domineering and cold. He does have a softer side though and Lydia's gentle nature could open his heart up I am sure."

"What an excellent observation of my brother's nature Miss. Somers. I've never heard someone articulate it so perfectly." Emmeline's cheeks turn ruby red.

"Sir Charles forgive me please. I did not see you standing there."

"I do not believe I was able to make your acquaintance. It is a delight to meet the guest of honor so early in the evening." Mr. O'Malley states.

"Pardon my manners, Sir. Charles this is Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley, some of my family's oldest friends. They live on the opposite side of town, closer to Hertfordshire."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Charles takes Mrs. O'Malley's hand and kisses it, "Any friend of the famous Miss. Emmeline's is a friend of mine."

"Sir. Charles you are too kind. I am no more famous than the King is a peasant."

"You are far too modest Miss. Emmeline, You are one of the most superior ladies here, and I have had the pleasure of trying to talk to every single one of them. You are the only one who didn't tire of my silliness after a few moments of talking to me."

"Your silliness was a welcome break from your brother's distant demeanor. You made him come out of his shell more than I had seen anyone else be able to."

"Now you are being too kind. You have been instrumental in that change. I have not seen my brother so happy but when he is with you and Matilda he is a changed man."

Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley share a bemused look. They were unaware their young friend had become so close to the earl and his family.

"It must be this wonderful landscape." Emmeline replied quickly, eager to avoid discussing her relationship with the earl. "I have not had the luxury to see much of the world, but I do not believe there is anywhere more beautiful than an Abbotshire countryside."

"I am sure you are quite right. I have only been here a few weeks and I can already feel myself changing, and I have had the luxury to see most of the world. I am just sad that my oceanic mistress shall call to me again and demand I tend to her."

"You will be happy to return though, I am sure. It must be lovely to see so much of the world."

"It has taught me a great deal about life, that is for certain. One is to seize every moment when possible. And right now, my dear friend, is a moment for you and I to dance at this lovely ball on a perfectly lovely night, in the perfect little hamlet of Abbotshire." Charles winks at Emmeline as he gently takes her arm. 

"If I must." Emmeline says with a laugh. "I will speak with you both soon." She says to the O'Malley's before she is whisked away.

"It was a pleasure to meet you both." Charles says, nodding politely at the O'Malleys, "Quite the friends you've got there." He jokes as they line up.

"Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley are some of the nicest people in the whole county."

"Ah yes, with Mrs. O'Malley determining my brother's marriage prospects."

"You are completely daft if you do not think everyone is not doing the same thing. His lordship has been a bit of an enigma to many. Most are expecting him to wed. Why else would he return from town after rarely visiting his estate?"

"He got tired of the masses and wanted something better for Matilda."

"You and I both know that, but the other locals do not. He is still the handsome stranger to most. The county lot might even expect us to be an item from your level of familiarity shown with the O'Malleys earlier."

"You and I an item?" Charles laughs,  "Not that you are not perfectly lovely Miss. Somers. I would love nothing more than to sweep you off your feet and write you sonnets to make you blush, but it seems you may have eyes for another. Perhaps the cold man with a softer side you spoke of earlier." Charles jokes. Emmeline blushes as Charles spins her to the music. "Your silence speaks volumes, my dear Miss. Somers, but do not worry. I will not tell him of your crush."

"Sir Charles, it is not my place to disclose my feelings, if any are even to exist. I will not be ruined by your childish chatter." Emmeline laughs.

"Of course, the last thing I would want is to ruin your reputation."

"I am quite sure of that, although I am sure our dance is going to be the talk of the rumor mill for at least a week."

"Do you have nothing better to do in these small towns but to gossip?"

"We have the occasional country dance to pass the time, and to feed the rumor mill." Charles laughs and the pair finishes the dance.

"Now if you will excuse me. I am off to continue my new goal of causing the most outrageous non-scandal of the night." Charles bows and leaves Emmeline.

She spots Matilda by the catering table, trying to reach for a treat.

"May I help you get something?" She asks.

"I just want one of Mrs. Ellis's fondant cookies. She promised she would make bunches."

"Here you are." Emmeline hands her one. Matilda sighs contentedly.

"Thank you Miss. Emmy."

"Are you having a good time?"

"I was, but after Papa danced with me no one else would."

"Do not worry, my dear. You will have plenty of time to dance with many a suitor. One may even turn out to be a fairy prince in disguise."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, but sometimes the best things are worth waiting for. For now, would you like to dance with me?" 

Matilda eagerly nods.

Emmeline bows.

"Lady Matilda, may I have the honor of this dance?"

Daniel watches as Emmeline dances with Matilda. The pair is laughing as Emmeline twirls Matilda around.

"She looks absolutely stunning." He thought to himself, feeling once again for the small box in his pocket. Emmeline suddenly looks up at him. She holds his gaze as if to read his thoughts before quickly looking away. She spins Matilda around once again, their laughter bringing joy to his ears.

"Lord Daniel, I was wondering where you had wandered off to." Lydia says, "I was beginning to worry that your shoulder was causing you too much trouble."

"Not at all, I am quite well actually, Miss. Lydia. How are you enjoying the evening?"

"Oh it is a marvelous night. I could not have planned a finer ball if ever I tried."

"I am glad you are having such an enjoyable time." He subtly looks for Emmeline and Matilda, but finds that they have moved from their place. "Miss. Lydia, would you care to dance?"

"It would be an honor, my lord."

Lydia was an agreeable enough partner, and dancing with her secured his reputation of not being an impolite host. She was very rehearsed from what Daniel could gather. Every polite comment and touch of the hand calculated to perfection. It did not feel like he was speaking to her, but rather to Lady Margaret. Not that he could blame the poor girl. He well understood the pressure of making a good match in order to secure rank. Love was not in the equation for some. Daniel had already had a loveless marriage and he did not wish for another.

"I am afraid I have lost your interest, my lord." Lydia says, interrupting his thoughts.

"I am sorry, Miss. Lydia. Please tell me what you wish to talk about."

"I'm not offended, sir. I can guess where your thoughts reside and I am not wounded. I have never seen you look at me the way you look at her."

"I am sorry Miss. Lydia, I never intended for any of this to happen. I moved out here to provide a better life for my child, not to make a marriage."

"Of course. She is one of my dearest friends. I am happy you have found happiness with her. I do hope we can remain friends though."

"Thank you for your understanding." The pair finish the dance in silence. Daniel bows graciously before going to look for Miss. Somers.


So funny story. When I wrote this chapter it ended up being close to 3000 words and I try to write between 1000-2000 per chapter.

Sooo I divided it into 2 chapters so I could write more while still keeping with the flow of the book. It also means an update with Chapter 35 will be coming out soon as I've already written most of it and am just going back to edit/ flush it out some more.

I know there are some continuity errors from earlier chapters (particularly regarding Cecelia). I am sorry for not being consistent with it at all and I'm glad some of y'all pointed it out. I am going back in now for clarity. If you don't feel like going back and rereading let me clarify:
Cecelia died when Matilda was a little over a year old.

Thank y'all so much for reading this. I started this story as a passion project of mine a while ago and never thought it would go as far as it did.

If you've read this far I'm sorry. It's 3am when I am typing this and I get a little rambly when I'm up this late 😂.

Much love and appreciation.

