Chapter 20: Nightmares

(Hi everyone ^^ welcome to chapter 20. For those of you who have read this far, I want to thank you for all of the support, it really means a lot to me. Once again, if you have any ideas for the 2nd and 3rd years of their high school, I'm happy to hear them, otherwise, there's probably going to be a lot of time jumps lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy it!)

After a few minutes of silence and confused looks from most of Katsuki's classmates, Aizawa and a few other heroes exited the school. Katsuki along with the rest of his classmates looked at Aizawa in surprise. "Since when did you get here?" Kaminari. Aizawa rolled his eyes at that, "I'm a pro hero remember? I've had a lot more practice with this kind of thing. We didn't find anything so we went and investigated the classrooms and asked around for some information," he said. Katsuki nodded as most of his classmates said "Oh." After that, everyone stood there in an awkward silence not knowing what to do.

"So, I hate to ruin this sad moment but who exactly is gone?" one of Katsuki's classmates asked. Katsuki looked up and glared at them. "His name is Midoriya Izuku, you'll find out who he is soon enough," Aizawa said. Iida, Momo and Todoroki exchanged worried glances at each other while those who didn't know Izuku just shrugged. When everyone made it back to UA, classes were already over for the day so everyone was sent to their dorms. Katsuki immediately went up to his dorm and spent a decent amount of time trying to ignore everything around him.

'How could I have let that happen?' Katsuki thought as he mentally beat himself down. He just sat there in his dorm mentally beating himself down about what had happened. Then, a knock on his door took him out of his thoughts. "Go away," Katsuki shouted before he heard another knock. "I said go away!" he repeated. "No," came a familiar voice, Kirishima. "Can you let me in?" he asked. Katsuki sighed and got up opening his door.

"Why are you here," Katsuki asked blocking the doorway. "You're my best bro, I know that what happened with Midoriya is super unmanly so I came to see if you were okay," Kirishima said smiling the best he could. Katsuki started to close the door. "I'm fine," he said trying to hurry the conversation along so that he could continue to sulk. "I also know that moping isn't going to help find him. If I cheer you up I can guarantee that you'll find him quicker," Kirishima finished. Katsuki stopped closing the door and took a deep breath. "Fine, but if this doesn't help me find him faster then I'm going to personally kill you." Kirishima just snickered at that. "That's fine since I know this is going to work," Kirishima said confidently.

The two sat in Katsuki's dorm, Katsuki sat in his desk chair while Kirishima sat on his bed. "I've never been in your dorm room before, it's nice and tidy in here." Katsuki clicked his tongue, "Of course it is. I always make sure it's clean," he said. Kirishima looked at the nightstand that was just in arms reach. Kirishima started at it, there stood pictures of Katsuki and Izuku. There were pictures of the two taken only weeks ago and some taken over 10 years ago. Picking up a photo of the couple as children leaning on each other as they slept.

"Wow, you really did know Midoriya since you were little," Kirishima said as he stared at the picture. "So, how are we planning on finding Deku?" Katsuki asked making Kirishima put the picture back. "Honestly, I thought you would know," Kirishima said. The two sat there in silence while Kirishima's brain reminded him of the time Katsuki had been kidnapped. "You know that tracker thing, we could use that again." Katsuki looked at him not having considered it. He immediately pulled out his phone and went to open the app. He would be able to find him quickly and everything would be resolved.

Except, Katsuki had forgotten to install the app. Every time he went to install is he either forgot on the way or got distracted. Katsuki sighed, "We can't use that way." Kirishima looked at him puzzled, "Why?" Katsuki showed Kirishima his phone screen, "Don't have the app." Kirishima's face started to drop before he noticed something. "Aw~ you even have Midobro has your background," Kirishima said as a smirk grew on his face. He got up, snatched Katsuki's phone, and started to run over to the door. "I'm going to tell the people who know about him," Kirishima teased as he ran out of the dorm. "Oh no you don't," Katsuki said chasing after Kirishima.

Katsuki chased Kirishima to the main lounge area of the dorms where he finally tackled Kirishima. Katsuki smirked taking his phone back. There were a surprisingly large number of students hanging out in the main area of the dormitory. They just snickered before returning to what they had been doing. Katsuki got up and noticed Aizawa sitting there scowling at a magazine. Katsuki walked over to him. Aizawa looked up at him, "Any ideas for finding him?" Aizawa asked. Katsuki just shook his head. "Alright just let me know how you plan to rescue him sooner rather than later," he said before looking back to the magazine.

Katsuki then walked off and waited for dinner. Dinner didn't come much later and once he was done eating he started to get ready for bed. It may have been an early time to go to sleep but the more rest he got tonight the more time he'd have to plan stuff out tomorrow. He flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes hoping that sleep would come easily to him. Of course, it didn't.

His dream wasn't like a typical nightmare, he wasn't even in this dream. The dream was located in a dark room with an unmoving figure in it. The dream zoomed in closer to the figure and Katsuki realized that the figure was Izuku. He looked at Izuku as he woke up. Immediately Izuku started to back up into the wall, eyes wide with fright. Izuku looked around seeing that he was alone, he pulled his legs up in front of himself. Katsuki stood there watching as Izuku just sat there crying mumbling something about Katsuki. This continued until the one door in the room opened revealing light from the other room and a figure shadowed by the outside lights.

Katsuki bolted up sweat formed. He looked at his phone hoping that it was already the next day. It read 4:35. Katsuki laid back down trying to get some more sleep but he felt wide awake. With a groan, he got up and left his dorm to go downstairs and grab something to drink. Sipping a nice warm cup of tea Katsuki recalled his dream. He hoped it wasn't real. He hoped Izuku never wore such a face of terror that he saw when Izuku woke up. He walked over to one of the seats in the lounge area, a nice cushioned one, and sat down. Katsuki slowly sipped his tea, even as it got cold and just sat there.

"You're up early," Iida said making Katsuki jump. "Why are you up so early?" Katsuki asked. "Just going on a run, it's nice in the mornings." Katsuki sat there considering getting dressed and going out for a run not so long after Iida would leave. Katsuki walked back up to his dorm room. A run would get his head cleared and that was what he really needed at the moment. He put on the clothes he usually used when jogging, his PE clothes, and went outside. He started to jog. The gentle wind was soothing and helped calm his mind.

Katsuki loved this time of year, it was warm but had cooled down from the immense heat from June and July as the days got ready for fall. Katsuki's favorite times of the year were Spring and Fall, just like New Year he loved when he could say good riddance to something he didn't like. If it had been a bad year he could easily say "Good riddance" to that year and Spring and Fall meant saying goodbye to the climate being too cold or too hot.

After a decent-sized walk, Katsuki headed back to the dorms. When he got back it was around 6, most of his classmates wouldn't be up for a while since the weekend just started giving him some quietness before he was bothered. When he walked back into the main area he saw a few more people up, not only Iida there now there was Kirishima and Momo up as well. "Hey bro, I heard from Iida that you were up at 5 AM, surprised to hear that, you okay?" Kirishima asked. Katsuki just clicked his tongue to the room of his mouth, "Didn't sleep well. I'll be in my dorm." Then he glared at the trio, "And don't bother me," he said before walking over to the elevator. "I know that what happened was terrible but he could at least try a little harder to be nice," Iida said to the two who stood with them. Momo nodded but Kirishima didn't, even with Katsuki at his best he wasn't one to be nice at all.

Once in his room, Katsuki sat at his desk, he started to brainstorm. As he thought about where the villains could have brought Izuku, Katsuki had no luck. For hours he just stared at his wall hoping something would come to him soon. Then he heard a knock on his door, it was Kirishima again. "Hey bro, take a break, it's already lunchtime," he said turning the doorknob which was surprisingly unlocked. Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve some of the stress he had before standing up. "A break would be good," Katsuki said before following Kirishima out of his room to the dormitory kitchen. 

When the two made it to the kitchen Katsuki went and made himself a simple sandwich before heading over to one of the more secluded tables as to not be bothered. He chomped down his sandwich quickly since he hadn't eaten anything for breakfast, too much had and still is on his mind. He considered going back and making another one but decided not to, it would give him another break later. As he started to head back up to his dorm he noticed that Iida, Todoroki, Momo, Kirishima and the rest of the Bakusquad were huddled together. "Hey Bakubro, come here for a moment," Kirishima said motioning for him to come over.

"Still no idea where he is?" he asked. Katsuki just nodded. Kirishima looked thoughtful for a minute before commenting. "Why try to get some of the teachers to patrol, it's the best start we have," Kirishima said spreading out a map that he had printed. The rest of the group nodded. "Since the villains were in a densely populated city before, they might have done something similar," Momo chimed in and everyone nodded, everyone except Katsuki. "Why don't we check an area like Jaku City, it's got-" "No." Before she could finish Katsuki cut her off. Everyone looked at him confused. "What do you mean no," Iida said wondering why Katsuki would just cut down the idea. "I don't know, I just have this feeling telling me he's not there." Everyone just stared at him shocked.

"Okay then I guess we can start using that gut feeling of yours to get some kind of start, you know Midoriya the most after all," Sero said. And that was how the rest of the day went, the heroes listed city a pon city until they only had fairly spread apart little towns and a few cities left on a map one of the teachers had brought in. From that point on, Katsuki's gut feeling had left him and disappointedly everyone went their separate ways leaving Katsuki to flop on his bed after a long afternoon of questions. 

Once ready for bed Katsuki crashed onto the soft mattress underneath him. It didn't take long for Katsuki to start drifting into sleep, another terrible sleep.

This time his nightmare-ish dream was in the same darkroom as yesterday. From the dimmer light coming from the door, Katsuki could tell that it was sometime that morning. Once again Katsuki was shown Izuku sitting there with his knees tucked in as he cried. However, there was a big difference, Izuku's breath was uneven. Yes, a person's breath gets slightly uneven when crying, but this breathing was much heavier than just crying and was more uneven as well. Katsuki took in the scene a little more closely seeing that Izuku was crying harder than the night before. 'Dammit, you shouldn't be crying at all,' Katsuki thought as he looked down sadly at Izuku.

As Katsuki stood there taking in the sad Izuku he started to hear the clunking of shoes nearby. This startled Izuku and he started scrambling to the farthest corner eyes widening even more than yesterday, much more terror-filled as well. Katsuki heard the walking stop as he heard the door open. There once again was the figure shrouded in darkness from last night, this time, however, the person was holding something. Katsuki took a better look at the item in the villain's hand and his eyes widened. 'A knife,' Katsuki thought. However, it wasn't any ordinary knife, it was indeed a deadly sharp knife used for damage, not cooking. The last thing he heard was a cry of pain before he jolted up again.

Katsuki sat in his bed sweating. 'Oh god, please just say these are just dreams, please. Deku shouldn't have to be dealing with this,' Katsuki thought as he tried to go back to sleep, this time somewhat successfully. His dream didn't bring him back to that dark room but what seemed like the map he had used just the day before. This time, however, a city was circled in red. The city wasn't crossed out like the rest of the marks on the map, no, it was a circle. The city read, Kamakura, a small town just off of Hosu City. 

Katsuki woke up once more, determined now more than ever. He immediately found the map in the main room. He grabbed the marker that had been left with it and circled the city, he ignored the fact that the clock said 5:30 on it. Once again he went into the kitchen and made himself some tea. A run wasn't going to help this time, he needed to keep his mind on this stuff without taking it off of his mind. He sat there considering what would work, of course just like yesterday morning, he ended up just staring at the circled area of the map blankly with no clue of where to start.

The group of students from yesterday walked into the dorm main area around 10 in the morning. The group walked over to where Katsuki was. They all inspected the map and looked at him in surprise. "You found out where he is?" Mina asked excitedly. Katsuki shook his head, "Not exactly, I only know that he's in this town," he explained. "Then we should go and ask for heroes to start patrolling around, we'll find him quickly in such a small town," Kaminari exclaimed.

This time Momo was the one to say "No," to an idea. "That would be great, except it's a small town like you said, if heroes were to start patrolling the villains would notice. The area has very little crime and isn't patrolled so any villain would know something is up and move before we would find them," she said. Everyone nodded. "I'll try to work on thinking of where they would be, until then, try to not bring anyone into this, not yet. Once I know for sure where he is I'll let you know and we'll get help then."

The group sighed before disbanding to do their own activities. Once again Katsuki went into his dorm to try to think of something with no success. Katsuki ended up just sitting in his room all day, except for meals, Katsuki silently sat there not really knowing what to do before going to bed at night. Staring into space seemed to do a good enough job at passing the time and soon enough he was falling asleep after a day of worry.

Izuku woke up terrified. He remembered what had happened what seemed to have been just the moment before. He looked around and took in his unknown surroundings. He was in a dark room, what looked to be an almost empty storage room. There was one door with light seeping in through it, other than that, there was no other source of light at all. He looked around for a good minute before pulling his legs up to his chest as he realized that there was no other way out. "Find me soon Kacchan," he mumbled.

After a few minutes, he heard the door open, then he saw a figure shrouded in darkness 'Did Kacchan find me already?' Izuku thought with hope. But no, the figure was too slumped over to be Katsuki and the dark figure standing in the doorway. He froze scared at what would happen.

The figure turned on some magical light that made the whole room light up. Izuku flinched at the change of lighting, squinting as he let his eyes adjust. Then he got a closer look at the person in the doorway. The man had blue-ish hair with a hand over his face. Izuku immediately recognized the face from the news and the video he had watched about the USJ attack, it was Tomura Shigaraki, the second in command of the League of Villains.

Izuku saw Shugaraki start walking over to him quietly and Izuku started to scoot away. However, Izuku was still in a sort of sitting position so it didn't take long for Shigaraki to make it to where Izuku was. Izuku looked up at the villain scared for his life. "Well, well, well," Shigaraki said amused. "If it isn't the little omega that Bakugou finds so special." Shigaraki then squatted down to Izuku's level. "I don't see what makes you so special," he said grabbing Izuku's chin. Letting go of it he grabbed Izuku's arm forcing him to stand up.

"Today I'll be nice, but tomorrow is when the fun begins." Even with Shigaraki's face covered it was clear that he had a huge grin plastered on his crusty face. Izuku stood there frozen in fear as his blood began to run with ice. After a while of Shigaraki beating Izuku up, he left Izuku to lay there on the floor damaged before turning off the lights and leaving through the door, leaving Izuku in complete darkness. 

Izuku dragged himself over to the walk and started to cry himself to sleep. His dream wasn't too much different than Katsuki's. However, instead of seeing his own point of view, he saw Katsuki's. The dream was located in Katsuki's dorm room as he stared blankly at his wall looking empty. Izuku's first instinct was to run over to hug Katsuki but he wasn't able to. "Kacchan!" he tried to call but no sound was made and Katsuki didn't see Izuku. Izuku woke up crying. 

By the time he woke up, it was early morning. Although he didn't get good sleep, it was all he was going to get. He put his head between his knees and continued to cry. "Kacchan," he mumbled once more.

Before long he heard footsteps and the door opened once more. Eyes widening more than yesterday he started to back away, it was Shigaraki again. But something was different, his figure seemed to look different compared to yesterday. When Shigaraki turned the lights on he saw what it was. There in Shigaraki's hand was a knife, it glinted in his hand reflecting the light beautifully, it was incredibly sharp. Izuku's eyes widened larger and he tried his best to squeeze himself even more into the corner he sat in.

"There you are," Shigaraki said evily with a smirk on his face as he approached Izuku. Once Izuku was cornered Shigaraki held up the knife. "Y'know, I first thought of cutting that mark off of you and make you suffer more, but that would take too long. Even making it so that you would get pregnant isn't a 100% thing. So instead, I'll just make you suffer, say goodbye to having children," Shigaraki said as he stabbed Izuku in the arm, the cut was deep and it immediately started to drop blood. Izuku cried out in pain, it was the most pain he'd ever felt in his whole life, shocks went down his whole body as his nerves informed the rest of his nervous system of the damage. 

Shigaraki then stabbed Izuku in the chest barely missing some of his vital organs. Shigaraki continued to stab Izuku with the knife aiming mostly for one area, right around his waist. Just as Shigaraki had said, he usually hit around Izuku's uterus. After what seemed to Izuku liked forever, Shigaraki finally stood up and did as he had yesterday. He left Izuku to bleed on the floor as his breath started to become uneven and he felt lightheaded. 

After a while of Izuku attempting to catch his breath, he heard the door open again. Izuku started to go back to hiding in his corner before he realized that it wasn't Shigaraki. There in front of him was a man wearing a black bodysuit with certain areas a nice grey. It was the villain Twice, and he was holding something. The lights turned back on and Twice brought the tray over to Izuku, instead of carrying torture weapons it contained food and water. 

Twice put down the tray before standing up. "Thought you could use something," Twice said before his head jerked. "Why did you do that? That was uncalled for, we're not supposed to be in here right now," Twice said as if talking to himself. These two sides of Twice continued to argue as he walked back through the door, turned the lights off, and closed the door. Izuku grabbed the food eating it happily -how happy you can be while kidnapped at least- and drank that water, enjoying the nice taste of freshwater. He didn't realize how hungry and parched he had been before he started to take in the food.

Once he was done Izuku hid the leftover tray and containers to be hidden with some boxes in one of the corners. Finding a fully hidden spot was hard and he ended up having to put the tray in one of the boxes. As he did so, Izuku found a box full of bandages. He used it and wrapped it around some of his wounds, it wasn't a lot, but it would help a little with the bleeding.

It took many reapplications of bandages to get some that didn't immediately become useless with his blood but once they did, Izuku made his way to where he had sat before. For the rest of the day, Izuku heard pieces of conversation from outside but other than that, no one came into the room and he sat there removing the bandages before going to bed as to not get caught.

Izuku's dream was similar to last night, he saw Katsuki stare blankly at his dorm wall. However, that scene didn't last long, he then saw Katsuki talking with a group of people who huddled over something. 'Kacchan's coming to find me!' Izuku thought excitedly. However, with one closer look, they all looked clueless and confused as if they had no clue where to start. 

Izuku woke up again and once again started to cry, he didn't want to be in here for any longer, since the minute he woke up he just wanted to be back home, be back in Katsuki's arms. He hoped he didn't have to be in the dark room much longer, if he did, who knows if he would die. Soon enough, just like yesterday, Shigaraki came into the room, but this time, brought a girl with him. The girl next to Shigaraki had golden blonde hair and yellow eyes with a fairly psychopathic grin plastered on her face. "Hi there Izuku-Chan~," the girl called. Izuku recognized that voice, it was who the Katsuki imposter had been.

This time, she had the knife and stabbed him admiring how cute he looked bloody. Shigaraki stood back and watched laughing. "Don't forget over there," Shigaraki added pointing to Izuku's other arm. Once again a deep cut pierced his skin as blood trickled down his arm. Today was even more brutal than the day before, there were more continuous stabs, and screaming out in pain would only make more follow. 

Once it was over Izuku was left there with labored breathing and feeling even more lightheaded. Twice didn't come in like he had yesterday, Izuku didn't even get to hear him argue with himself. Izuku sighed as he wrapped the new wounds with bandages refreshing them almost immediately until the bleeding slowed and the bandages didn't immediately get soaked by Izuku's blood. 

Izuku fell asleep quickly and saw Katsuki once again huddled with the group from before. This time the group looked determined bringing hope to Izuku. The dream ended just like that, he knew Katsuki would be there soon for him and needed to be strong. Just one or so days and Katsuki would take him out of this hell-hole

Once again Toga entered the room followed by Shigaraki. The hits were just like yesterday, there wasn't anything special or new there, it was the same as the day before. Twice did come today, giving Izuku another tray of food Twice left the room arguing with himself. Izuku started eating the food greedily as not eating for a day would. 'Maybe he comes every other day,' Izuku thought as he started to care for his wounds as best he could. 'One more day, one more day,' he thought as he drifted off into another uncomfortable nap.

Katsuki fell asleep and dreamed of that dark room and saw Izuku, he was still sitting there, his breath more labored than the dream before. He was still crying, harder than yesterday. Just as the dream normally went, soon the door opened and he once again heard a blood-curdling scream. Instead of immediately waking up however the dream seemed to zoom out as google maps would when you wanted to see a broader scale. There was the building he was in, it was what looked to be an abandoned warehouse. He then bolted awake and ran out of his dorm bounding to the map to find where that was in that warehouse was. 

He found the warehouse on the map easily and circled it. He immediately grabbed and rolled up the map before leaving the dormitory, he bolted to the teachers' dormitory, and surprisingly, the door was unlocked in the middle of the night. He opened it and was surprised to see Aizawa there on his computer. Aizawa sat there with his sleeping bag up to his stomach as to be comfortable while using his computer. 

"Aizawa-Sensei," Katsuki said catching Aizawa's attention. "What do you need?" he asked not wondering why Katsuki was awake in the middle of the night. Katsuki held up the map, "I'm going to need to use that favor."

(Alright that's chapter, hope you enjoyed! Once again, if you have any ideas for the 2nd and 3rd years, please let me know I'm open to ideas, that way I can keep posting around every Friday/Saturday. Either way, thank you for reading stay tuned for next chapter^^ )
