

I was sitting in the conference room . The boys basketball team joined me and the dance team along with my coach and there's.

"So you think blending events would be good?" Coach Richards sat in front of me.

"Yes. And being that there so many people related on the dance team and basketball team, families wouldn't have to come back for a second day. We could turn that whole day into something special."

"Like a field day ." Fairren spoke up looking at me

Diamond hit my leg.

"Yeah a field day."

Ms. Nelson shifted in her seat "what about food? Are there gonna be any games or raffles?"

"Of course. During every recital, we have concessions. Instead this time we would use one third of our concession stands during the, another third during the game, and the last third during our recital. We would sale more."

"Why do you think we would sale more?"

"Because. There is people that's gonna come for the field day and or basketball game but not the recital. Therefore y'all would get more customers." Farrien smiled, "that's so smart."

"Well I guess. But y'all are in control of everything." Ms.Nelson got up " y'all got a few weeks ."

The dance team cheered while the coaches left with the basketball team.

"If y'all need any help I'm here." Farrien picked up his bag, " don't be afraid to ask ." He smiled and walked out closing the door

"Go change yo panties."

I looked at Diamond "bitch bye"
