
My life used to be so simple i would get up, go to work then go home. sure it wasn't perfect i mean my boss didn't like me very much and i didn't really get on well with anyone at the Factory. I loved my job and it really devastated me to lose it almost as painful as getting attacked and beaten up by said Boss but still. Actually i don't know why im complaining about a simple life its far easier and less risky... yes definitely less risky im so glad Darkness is out of my life for what i hope to be a long eternity.

I keep asking myself though if i am real. now i know i AM real but who am i, I mean ever since this Earth planet came into the picture i have been wondering about the possibility of dimensions were one contains the opposite of the other or possibly the same of one another. It has inspired my research into the possibilities of Travel between these realities and such. but my biggest problem with it is that people think me an Eccentric are the same person. Now i see why some people would say that we are both very smart individuals who both really like Midnight. i like her as a friend and i hope she likes me as a friend. But i like to think of myself as a unique individual not some rehashed version of a guy from Earth and i am sure Eccentric wouldn't want to be considered just a version of me.

Don't get me wrong i like Eccentric if only he would stop fighting with Midnight all the time i swear something changed in him over this last month and i don't know what and neither does Medic. I fear for him but he has been through worse. We both had really bad father figures.. his dad tried to take over the world and my father... just didn't really care about me that much.

Still me Midnight and Eccentric have done great things only to receive criticism from the Pegasus.. Yes my own race criticized us for building a wing suit that could help any pony of any race fly. it shows their true colors in my opinion they would protect themselves and their "gifts" even if it were a detriment to the rest of pony kind. I'm proud to be a Pegasus, nothing would ever change that. its just the Pony's up their i have a distaste to. Especially the ones who have barred me from ever stepping foot in Clouds dale again because of the wing suit which i will be honest doesn't bother me considering we built a house down here which is a real marvel of Eccentrics "Earth housing" and my ingenuity But its getting torn because of this fighting going on between Midnight and Eccentric.
