Charecters Season 2

Name: Pheonix Scott
Age: 17
Quote: This was the legacy Shawn helped me build!

Name: Darnell Hayes
Quote: I didnt mean to screw everything up. I know what it's like to be in his shoes.

Name: Spencer James
Quote: I know we have our issues, but damn it I'm still here for you.

Name: Asher Adams
Age: 17
Quote: I'll always stand by you, like you'll always stand by me.

Name: JJ Parker
Age: 17
Quote: anyone else calls her a slut will be personally get their asses beat by me!

Name: Preach Grimes
Age: 38
Quote: just make sure you ain't end up in a cell next to me.

Name: Cam Thomas
Age: 17
Quote: what we had was just a schoolyard fight, and I've always been here for Pheonix.

Name: Jordan Baker
Quote: Pheonix, you may want to see this.

Name: Olivia Baker
Age: 17
Quote: you are the second person who's given me anything.

Name: Hailee Anders
Age: 17
Quote: theres no way this is actually happening. Why do these things keep happening to her?
