8th, 11th, & 13th Tenet of True Dragons


"...the son fought against the daughter of Veldanava, Milim. After the first time, he swore he wouldn't fight her again for Ramiris' sake. After the second time, he swore to be her friend. After the third, he swore to be her family." - From Velgrynd's summary of F/N's encounter with the corrupted Milim and the real Milim.

A long time ago there was a lonely dragon. He was all that existed in that moment and would have been the only being had he not been aware of his own lonely state. "There is so much space here," He said and a vastness was created. "It could be bright and warm, full of places to go," He said and the first star and world was created. "Creatures, different beings, monsters, they could make the world interesting," He said and so the first beings were born from the magicules of the world.

The lonely dragon watched and continued to bring forth new concepts and thoughts into the world until one day he stopped for a moment, a thought came to his mind. "They enjoy discovering new things, I too would like to discover things," He said and gave up all of his knowledge which contained everything. The reward for that action was the discovery of love.

The love between a dragon and human is an odd one to form. It comes into being from a special being called chance. The two spoke instead of doing what monsters and humans normally did. The end result was a child. A girl by the name Milim.

This section was later removed before distribution by F/N under the statement that "People didn't need to believe Milim was the daughter of a creator god." The real reason was he felt uncomfortable sharing Milim's personal past, regardless if she allowed it or not.

...Milim one day heard of the new city of monsters, ever interested in the strange happenings of the world she took off to investigate. At the front of the city she was greeted by a slime and a young human man.


"This isn't a war. What they have done is massacre innocent people. Since it was their king and soldiers that started it, it falls upon me to end it. All of them. The entire kingdom will know my wrath." - From F/N's Revenge & Wrath.

Anger is a dangerous emotion for powerful beings. It can easily make one commit actions of violence that later on are looked upon as mistakes. However, some events cannot be seen that way. Anger is not always wrong. When someone hurts your family, you have a right to be angry. When someone attacks you, you have a right to be angry. When someone commits a horrible act, you have the right to be angry.

Anger, however, must eventually end like all emotions and return to equilibrium. Without that, the person is merely an animal running on baser instincts that do not help to elevate them to higher points in life.


"The Ice does not care for much. It will freeze one to the bone and leave the body in ice until the end of time. Appreciate that nature is chaotic and the forces that counter each other, in this case, heat." - Taken from later chapters on Velzard.

Winter is what most think of when the cold aspect of nature is brought up. Rightly so, for it embodies all things related to the Ice. Freezing winds, numbing snow, and the death of nature. When winter comes, it often takes lives from those too weak to withstand its presence. It does not notice the weak, however, and does not care to. The Ice will only notice what fights it off and what has made it melt. The same goes for people.

Those who have lived their entire life in the cold, do not know the comfort of being warm. Those who have lived their entire life in the heat, do not know the comfort of being cool. Neither must they know, for it is their lives, let them be accustomed to where they live and do not mind them. Just as the Ice minds no one.

It is a dangerous thing to be frozen. There are different types, one is that of fear. To have that emotion take hold of the body and be unable to move, stuck in place, faced against what the mind has determined to be the most frightening of creations. Whether that be a fear of death or a fear of bugs. Then there is the one we care to speak about, Ice. It is death, and therefore, it is to be feared. To be caught frozen by Ice is to be killed without exemption.

One should not live in fear, however, for like all things, the cold leaves us eventually should warmth be found and cared for. It is important to share warmth, to not ignore things as Ice does. For the world is filled with enough uncaring things, we do not need to contribute and live without caring for others. Even the weak, who would not survive the Ice alone, have a right to their place in this world, as we all do.

We may never no what the next year will bring, and if there is something we should not care about, it is that we should not care if our acts of kindness in winter are repaid. We should be satisfied knowing that we did not survive alone. That there was someone we helped. But do not be a fool and be a paragon to all. It should be kept in mind that kindness may be repaid with cruelty and betrayal. Only offer a hand in earnest if the other hand is ready to fight back. Do not be half-hearted, for that is the worst type of kindness.

Be mindful of actions. A fire started to warm those around it can easily burn the people alive should an unfortunate chain of events transpire. Tend the flame carefully, mind who is tending the flame, and be aware of the cold Ice brings so that no one takes the warmth for granted.

Ice can bring either a refreshing cold or a terrifying blizzard; so too can fire bring a welcomed warmth or a painful burn. Life is full of fire and ice.
