You're mine! [Marius & Vyn]

just a quick note i dont actually ship vyn and marius this is just something i had in mind ok this is a threesome nothing else

Vyn: "Y/n, where are you going?"

Vyn asked when he noticed Y/n holding her bag.

Y/n: "Oh. I'll just visit a friend of mine."

  Y/n picked an excuse to be with Marius. She didn't want Vyn to know or he'd be jealous. In a rush, Y/n pretends to look at her watch and rushes out.

Y/n: "I'll see you tonight!"

  She waves at Vyn as the door closes. Vyn knows something is up but doesn't think much about it. As he goes to lock the door, he notices Marius down the street.

Vyn's POV

Marius? What's he doing here? I looked outside to get a good look of him. Y/n stopped by and they start talking. So this is what she was in a rush about... They continue talking for a few minutes, with Y/n showing a frustrated stance. Marius may have been teasing her, and not long, they walk down the street with his hand on her shoulder. 

  I know they're just friends but something inside me lit up in flames. The sight of them walking away together just doesn't sit right with me, but I can't interfere directly. As they disappeared into the distance, I go to my room. I changed my clothes and headed the direction that they went.

  As i followed them, they entered the mall and went to a diner. It would be too much of a risk to go inside with them, so I went to a shop across from them. I could see them talking again, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I decided to buy a couple of clothes in the shop, not wanting to be suspicious. As I was lining up at the cashier, I could notice Marius had a hint of red in his cheeks. I felt that flame inside me again, as if I wanted to yell at something. My grip on the shirt I was holding got tighter and was on the brink of ripping. I get a hold of myself and decided to let it out on the pillow later. 

???: "Vyn?"

I hear a familiar voice call out to me. I looked behind, and there was Artem. He was also lining up to buy some things.

Vyn: "Ahh, Artem."

Artem looked down on the shirt I was holding.

Artem: "I never knew you liked these types of blazers."

He said, smiling. I haven't actually taken a proper looked on what I picked out, but it turns out it wasn't a shirt. I looked down to see what I got, and it was dark colored with a faint hint of blue. It was a bit long and had a navy blue velvet inside. It's not something I would normally wear, but I took quite the liking to it.

A few minutes pass. As I looked back at Y/n and Marius, they were gone. I quickly gave the blazer to Artem and went out of the store. I looked at my left and saw Marius disappearing into the corner. I picked up my pace going to their direction, but distanced myself to not make it obvious.

Y/n's POV

I hope Vyn doesn't find out... I just can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched. I don't want to break the mood so I don't say anything. Even if I did, Marius would shake it off saying I'm just paranoid. As I was getting lost in thought, I felt something wrap around my hand.

Marius: "You feeling cold?"

I looked down and saw that he was holding my hand. I wrapped my fingers around his hand and moved closer to him.

Y/n: " Aren't you?~"

I teased. His face flushed red and looked away.

Marius: "Stop.. I'm supposed to be making the move....."

Seeing him acting like this only wanted to make me do more. However, we're still in public so I'll just wait until we're at his place. When we went out of the mall, I decided to text Vyn. I asked what he was doing and he didn't answer. It's rare for him to reply late so he's probably doing something important.

While me and Marius were walking to a hotel he rented, I felt this feeling of being watched again.  I looked behind me, yet no one was doing anything weird. I'm probably just overthinking.

Third person POV

Marius and Y/n walked a short distance. The hotel was close to the mall so they wouldn't have trouble going back. Vyn followed them and rented a room beside them. Vyn went up first, not wanting the two to see him. When Y/n and Marius went to their room, Y/n didn't hold back and kissed Marius as soon as the door closed. Marius was caught off guard as Y/n pulled him in closer.

Marius was letting out soft moans, muffled in the kisses. Y/n led him to the bed and pinned him down.

Y/n: "You're such a good boy.. not even trying to resist."

Marius: "Please.. don't stop...."

Marius whimpered.  Y/n moved her hands down to his pants and licks his neck. He squirmed, turning his head to his side as he turned beet red. Little did they know Vyn was eavesdropping in the other room.

Vyn: "That bastard... taking Y/n away from me."

In a rage, he storms out of his room and knocks on their door. Y/n and Marius panic, unaware that Vyn was behind the door and not the hotel staff.

Y/n: "Shit.. why now..."

 Marius rushes to zip up his pants as Y/n goes to check who's there. As soon as she opened it, Vyn grabs her wrist and grips it tightly. 

Vyn: "You lying whore."

Y/n gasps. She could only shriek in pain of how tightly he was gripping her. Vyn eventually let go, pushing her back inside and shutting the door closed. Marius's eyes widen just seeing Vyn.

Marius: "Vyn! I-It's not wh--"

Vyn: "Shut up you girlfriend stealing swine. And as for you,"

Vyn turns to Y/n with a fierce look on his face.

Vyn: "You've been a bad girl today."

Vyn grabs her hand and throws her onto the bed beside Marius. He starts massaging her breasts and unzips Marius' pants. 

Marius: "H-hey ! Wh--"

Vyn: "Quiet. This is your punishment."

He lifts Y/n's shirt up and starts to suck on her nipples. His tongue went in circles making Y/n squirm. He pulls out Marius' dick and strokes it rapidly.  Marius twitches and tries to hold in his moans from the sudden stimulation.

Marius: "S-stop...."

Marius whined his voice shaky from trying to be quiet. Meanwhile, Y/n lets out breathy moans as Vyn continues to touch her. He gets tired, so he moves down and starts to eat her out and starts to stroke Marius faster. Marius couldn't hold it in and started to moan louder than before.

Vyn: "Looks like you're a slut too.."

mmmm to be continued
