
We actually never ended up having dinner there which I enjoyed. After the boy, who I've decided to call Doubt now, disappeared I walked out and mum ran towards me and pushed me towards the car. I don't know what happened between Ira and mum but I'm glad she noticed there was danger of some sort before it was too late.

When we got home it was already 11pm so mum went up stairs straight to bed, I also went to my bedroom however because I have insomnia I couldn't sleep, I was also tying to fight the urge to go to my closet and find my razor... but that ended up being unsuccessful, as I ran towards it I felt a firm grip on my waist making it impossible for me to run. When I turned around and saw who it was I was confused and scared because every time he hugged me in the past six months it felt like he was there but it was clear he wasn't real and he was just a figment of my imagination, but this time it felt as if he was real and it felt, Nice? It felt like I had just gotten out of a warm shower or I was sitting in front of a fire place.

I managed to turn around, even though his grip was tight. This is he closet we had been to each other, and it felt normal for some reason, it reminded me of the friendship I had with Luke. We didn't necessarily have feelings towards each other but we were very close, although the way doubt held me made me realise I'm not alone in my dark world and that even though his existence in my mined has been only six months... I have feelings towards him. Ive been rejecting the feelings because he's in my imagination or so I thought.

AHHHHHHH so cringeworthy I know, but I kinda like it lmao. Also the photo that's at the beginning of this chapter is what I imagine what the main character (Collin) looks like haha, also THANK YOU for excusing my shitty writing skills.
