6. cafe au

Tk Strand just moved to Austin, Texas. His 2nd day in Austin he stumbles across this coffee shop not too far from the 126. He walks in and makes eye contact with the most beautiful barista he's ever seen. God those big soulful brown eyes, his curls. "Fuck.. hes so beautiful " Tk thinks. He walks up to the counter and orders something plain and simple, a vanilla latte. When his name is called for his order, he sees the barista writing something. He takes the cup and looks at what the barista wrote: "Text me ;)". Tk can't help but smile and feel a blush creeping up on his cheeks. Tk just finished a 24 hour shift so he's stressed and tired. He saved the number before he threw his cup away, so he opened the number and texted the barista.
"Hey, its Tk. From the coffee shop yesterday?"
"Heyy Tk!!. Didn't think you would actually text me. "
"Well when a beautiful barista gives me his number I'll for sure text him ;)"
"Soo.. Do you actually have a name or am I just gonna keep your contact name as "hot barista"?"
"Yes, I do have a name. Carlos Reyes ;) "
"Well now that I actually know your name, I think I'm still gonna keep your contact name as hot barista ;)."
"Fair enough"
"you know i was thinking maybe we could meet up sometime, have a coffee or something and get to know each other"
"yeah why not? i feel like that would be pretty fun"
*1 week later*
Now all Tk and Carlos do is hang out and Owen is getting suspicious about why Tk is gone like every single day.
*Carlos's POV*
Hanging out with Tk is fun. We hang out every day and its more fun every single time. I think i'm starting to actually catch feelings for him. Its only been a week since we met and I dont wanna ruin things between us so maybe i'll wait a little longer to ask him.
*Tk's POV*
Never have I ever been more happy in my life then I am right now. Carlos sure does know how to light up someones day. Idk if hes noticed but I've been sending mixed signals, I really like him and I wanna ask him the question but im scared he doesnt feel the same about me. I ask Carlos to meet me at a restaurant, nothing too fancy. I see Carlos walk in and I guess he also sees me cause he smiles and picks up his pace. He hugs me as soon as he gets to the table, I say "Carlos I have something to tell you, I didnt want to say it over a phone call or a text message because i wanted to tell you in person" they sit down and Carlos waits for the important thing that Tk has to say. Finally Tk says it "Carlos really really like you, and I want to know if you feel the same way about me, if you dont then its fine but i just wanted to tell yo-" hes cut off by Carlos saying "Tk I really really like you too, I was scared that you wouldnt feel the same way about me. I've been scared to tell you"
They're both crying happy tears so they end up skipping dinner and Carlos takes Tk home and they end up cuddling and falling asleep on the couch.
