TakenStories by Vasya Pupkin

I was taken, you hear me, people? I was taken. Me, a feeble weakling, a useless cripple, I waited for it and I was taken.

The feline gods, how much I waited for it. Every time people came to take a look my heart thumped rapidly. I waited for them to take me from my cage and show me. And I washed and licked my fur until it glistened, smoothed it so that what remained after incessant injection would look presentable. I rinsed my snout, licked my paws, puffed up my tail. And I waited. When other kittens were extricated from the adjacent large cage, I jabbed my nose into the door of my minuscule one and begged.

Don't whine, you abomination - the hand of a man sweepingly smashed my cage and I huddled in the corner, curled into a ball, and waited. Don't whimper or I'll put you to sleep, you lifer. Sit here, so nobody can see or hear you. And I sat

Now, my sisters' kittens are squealing as well. People come to see them and I still sit here. I'm not preparing to be shown. I know it's not for me. I got used to it that I have to be invisible, that I'm useless and ugly. Before I was let out of the cage so I could play with other kittens.

Of course, I wasn't very adroit in games, I was clumsy and slow but, thanks to the feline gods, I had a chance to exercise my leaden and weak hind legs and have a bit of fun.

Don't get any ideas though. Despite my troubles with my legs, I have no problems with the toilet. They put a tray in my cage and I was always fastidious. Although the tray stands right next to my bowl - it's very off-putting for cats, but I'm a freak. I'm a subpar cat so it fitted me. I learned to drink from the rig designed for rabbits hung on the side of my cage, I learned to eat what was brought to my cage instantaneously and I learned to be silent. And yes, I learned to be afraid. Sometimes, a poor sordidly reeking poor man came to examine the kittens and drink tea with the master. And on one of those occasions, I was exhibited. The man kneaded me, patted my paws, and shook his head. Nothing good will come out of it.

That was when I heard it for the first time, So let's put him to sleep then? I understood the meaning of these words, I was about to be killed. I jammed myself into the bars of the farthest wall of my cage, I went still, I think I even stopped breathing.

Well, it seems like it's time. What kind of life is it, anyway? We release it from the cage, and it sneaks somewhere, when the buyers come it climbs out such an embarrassment. And how long it's going to hold out in the cage.

They went to another room and I didn't hear what followed. I shivered and prayed, let it not happen now, not this time. I wanted to spend more time touching the bars of my cage, to look at other kittens rolling the jingling balls and snatching from each other the plush squealing mice. And this fascinating peg everybody used to scratch their claws. My paws itched in ecstasy when I looked at them doing it as if I was scratching the peg myself. Not now, oh, feline gods. Let me live a little bit more. I don't have anything to exchange for another few days of life. Although I do. Take my mat, it's clean, I cherish it. Or take my bowl. Or here it is. I snatched a feather of a toy through the bars of my cage, I cherish it. Here, I hid it under my mat and I play with it surreptitiously, when nobody sees.

I have nothing else, nothing to offer to trade for my life. Then it's the end. I will be no more. Never. The cage is opened. Farewell, my feather. Some stranger takes my feather, it has to be taken too. Then he grabs me. Let him have the feather, I am not stingy. Let the feather have its owner since I don't get to have an owner. I'm held. It's enjoyable.

What a light creature, like a feather, what's its name? It doesn't have one, whatever you call it. Why do you bother with it anyway? Pay two thousand extra and take a healthy one, Why do you need this cripple?

No, it's good. Hey, feather, will you love me? A smooch in my snout. I slumped astounded. I? Will I love? Do you need my love? You need me so sordid and depraved and mangy. Really? Do you want me to take me with you? Sure, I will. I will be caring and tender and decent. I will play, I will exercise my legs. I will become strong and handsome. Is it possible that somebody has chosen me? Me. Indeed the cat transfer box smelt of a cat. I will have friends. Well, I shut up. I sat diffidently. Here, and strap me to the cat transfer box securely. Of course, let's go. Yes, and thanks to this abode but it seems that I overstayed my welcome. It's time to take off.

Now I have a name. Can you guess it? A feather. Today I still sit at a separate place. They say everybody is placed here first, to examine their health. There is also a cage here but I don't go there. I had enough. Now I need to walk. RIght here, back and forth, to and fro, from one wall to another. My claws are trimmed but put down a mat so I could scratch my claws a bit. It's so delightful. There is also a cat toilet standing there. And a bowl. How come I have already gobbled everything. Not very decorous. They ladled there a lot, a mountain, and I still managed to devour it. And the balls, it's a marvel. One with a bell, and another with a tail. I have been carried to look at my new friends. Hah. Hardly anybody is missing there. And everybody with some peculiarities. But still, all scuttle almost to the ceiling. I will learn it myself at some point. Sure, I will. After all, life is an interesting thing, and there is time to learn a lot of things. So, it's time for me to go exercise. To delight the human with my successes.

So, I got carried away here talking. But it's because I'm overjoyed. Stay healthy, people, and be happy. And we will try to do our best.
