Chapter 2

Bakugou couldn't handle the smell he's freaking out still over the dominant scent he knew that guy was an alpha and the smell hit him like a bus.

Dabi's pov

I saw my omega leave creasing a smirk on my face as I walked towards the room my omega was in. I slightly walked up to the door and quietly opened the door seeing him back turned towards me as he came up wrapping my arms around his waist and my face buried into his neck" well hello there~" I felt him flinch seeing his ears turn red from the blush on his cheeks. I chuckled and start to kiss his scent gland hearing a small moan escape him.

Bakugou's pov

I didn't hear the door open then suddenly I felt someone hold me as I blushed deeply wanting to move but he for some reason had me still. I felt his mouth on my scent gland." N-no....please.... " I begged as I teared up as I felt him kiss a certain spot causing me to moan softly as I covered my mouth" oh what was that beautiful sound I hear?~" I started to shake from fear" n-nothing!...." I yelled as I felt something wet between my legs' damnit he's triggering my heat fuck!!' I cursed in my head as he knew he was doing this on purpose.

Dabi's pov

I smirked more seeing my omega go into heat right there on the spot. I turned and closed the door locking it" there now no one can disturb out fun time~" I pushed him onto the bed getting on top as he fought to get free. I took some rope and got both his hands tying them together and had them above his head tying the extra piece of the rope to the headboard." No stop it!!!" He screamed trying to kick me off but nothing worked" stay still omega" i said in a deep voice of command swing him freeze under me still shaking from fear." That's better now this will hurt a little bit but it'll feel good pretty soon~" I starts to strip off his clothes seeing his naked body under me causing me to get hard already.

Bakugou's pov

' no no no no this can't be happening not yet!' I watched as he got off and started taking off his clothes and everything. My eyes widened seeing how big he was 'fuck I'm dead........' I closed my eyes turning my head away as he moves my face to his and his kisses my lips deeply already having his tongue slip in as he explored my mouth causing my to release more moans.
