Act 1 - The Sleepwalker Arc

Cast: Ares Catano.... Played by Y/N (Osiris) Sundown

Legend: Egyptian Mythology

Power: Favour of Duat, Broken Relic of Aaru

Role: Main Character

Background: So you went from saving the city from an evil Deity of Death to something of a celebrity about to make their acting debut. How does that happen? Bah, best not dwell on that dream; here you are working under THE Shana Unwonted. She's worked with a few of your friends, like Miley and Izanami. Even enemies like Diego and Stella, but now her eyes have settled on you, and to top it all off, you've got the leading role as the former head of the Catano family, Ares. Fancy that! You've heard legends of this guy from Zara, Miley and Kira herself, but now you get to relive his fall from grace one scene at a time. Hey, when there's not much crime going on, why wake up from a fantasy when you can star in one?!

Cast: Kira Catano... Played by herself

Legend: Human

Power: None

Role: Main Character

Background: You and Kira don't get along too well; most know this; she is too bright and bubbly to match the family's serious nature. Because of this, interactions are kept to a bare minimum, with both parties looking to end any conversation the second one starts. I suppose step-siblings are just like that; if you think otherwise, you need to wake up. However, when everything goes sideways, Kira relies on you more than she'd wish to admit. Maybe something will bloom, perhaps not.

Cast: Cyrus Catano... played by himself

Legend: Human

Power: None

Role: Main Character

Background: The brains of the family, Cyrus isn't a genius in any way, shape or form, but his tactical prowess is a wake-up call for anyone stupid enough to cross him. He knows who to ally with, who to take down and who to fear. Because of this, you two butt heads a little too much, neither of you agreeing to simple plans. Don't expect to have a drink with this guy; he'd instead blow his brains out. On the bright side, he doesn't hate your guts.

Cast: Hollie Catano, played... by Izanami Colt

Legend: The Burdened

Power: Kintentic magic

Role: Side Character

Background: Hollie is a newer family member and a perfect candidate for the burden programme. Infused with the mysterious blessing, she was granted incredible abilities without needing the Hero Chaser programme to help her. Because of this, you two are the brute force of the family, often working together, waking up the whole city with destruction. While you two have mutual respect, even you aren't stupid enough to let your guard down around her. She might have other plans, however...

Cast: Dakai Catano... voiced by Billy Banks

Legend: Almost Human

Power: Super speed, strength and durability. 

Role: Side Character

Background: Dakai is a rather dark case regarding the family. When he joined initially, he was nothing but a goon for the family working his way up. He was killed during a clan battle when he finally got that lucky break. At least, he is believed to have died. Instead, the Catano family saved his mind by uploading it to a newly created android, which was not something to wake up to; now, he is tasked with hits, a puppet to the family always. You can't let good talent go to waste, after all.

Cast: Maya Catano... played by herself

Legend: The Burdened

Power: What Maya calls The Fate of all Fools?

Role: Side Character

Background: Your little protégé in the making. Maya was born bathed in the Burden, which granted her seemingly unlimited potential; her powers match that claim, too. She yearns to bathe in the blood of her enemies and is completely smitten by you, making it her life goal to follow in your footsteps and become the next Leader of the Catano family. Her loyalty and devotion can come off as a little too much; whether she's going to wake up and see the real world for what it is or not doesn't matter; she's a demon by nature. What can I say? They grow up so fast.

Cast: Saffron Lovehart... played by herself

Legend: Human

Power: Master manipulator

Role: Main Character

Background: If you have a problem, need help, or just forgot this month's rent, never under any circumstances seek out Saffron Lovehart or wake up missing a kidney or a limb or your heart... She may seem harmless compared to the other super freaks running around, she's nothing more than a passing wind. But Saffron is very well aware of this; her timing and cunning nature are unmatched; pray you're never in her line of sight over a partnership. If that day ever comes, do yourself a favour and jump off the nearest bridge; it's quicker that way.

Cast: Dolly Spring, played... by Zara Culling

Legend: Human

Power: The ability passed down by her family, known as a proxy, the ability to tell anyone the secrets they need to know.

Role: Side Character

Background: While most don't know of Dolly Spring, most know of her mother, the infamous info broker of Super City. She knew just about everything about everyone for the right price. Because of this, your family became a pretty close ally with her. However, when you seek her out for answers, all that is left is her daughter. While it would seem like a nasty wake-up call, Dolly seems just as capable of telling you all the secrets you need to know. But never the ones you want to know.

Cast: Jamie Ryder... played by herself

Legend: Human

Power: None

Role: Main Character

Background: A former Lackie for the Catano family, she left on bad terms after losing her brother in a failed heist. Now living rough on the streets, she takes on small, odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. All that changes when your kingdom is under attack, and she's the key to stopping the End. Jamie is never one to stray away from a perfect opportunity; She's playing both sides with the ultimate goal of being the one to take you down herself. Talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

Cast: Ruth Moon... played by herself

Legend: Human

Power: None

Role: Side Character

Background: You are best friends by day and strangers by night. You and Ruth have been best buds for a little over three years now, being in the same class. Your tendencies to daydream, fall asleep in class, and fail to turn up for most days out would make anyone cut ties with you in an instant. Not Ruth. She has a certain perfection to her that everyone loves. She sees the best in everyone and is just an overall Goddess to all. Perhaps a little too good? Oh, Wake up. Not everyone is an evil Deity in disguise; you'll get to them later.

Cast: Becca Law... played by herself

Legend: Human

Power: None

Role: Side Character

Background: The rookie detective nobody likes or takes seriously. Dumped on the Catano Family case, she is well aware of how useless her efforts are in finding the true identity of the head member; however, she persists in taking her job very seriously. Smarter than meets the eye, she starts to become suspicious of you early on, unsure just who you really are. Luckily for you, even if she is close since no one will listen to her claims, you won't need to wake up in a cold sweat regarding that.

Cast: The End... voiced by Lily Baxter

Legend: Chaos Theory

Power: Memory bank of all known Hero Chasers, copying their abilities and fighting style

Role: Main Character

Background: The magnum opus of the Catano family, one you weren't even aware of. This AI-powered machine is said to be the answer to all Deities and Hero Chasers created to destroy them all. However, when she wakes up, all hell is let loose; its programming is honing in on all the superpowered individuals in Super City. It doesn't matter if you're part of the family or not. It is coming for you, and nothing can stop it.

Directed by Shana Unwonted

Best known for: The Deity, the Demon and the Garage, I Didn't Do Nothing Vs Super City, Saving Streamer Miley and Deigo Vs the Sinful Deceased.

Background: The beloved and somewhat controversial director Shana Unwonted is one any upcoming actor dreams of working with. Being one of the sole shareholders in Hero Chasers gave her complete exclusivity in working with influential streamers and putting them on the big screen. Now back in town since Ada's demise, she wants to work on one final film. Her Magnum opus is the story retelling the fall of the Catano family. What's strange is somehow, she's gotten all the streamers and even the family itself to agree. Even you, come to think of it, how did you land this role? Fame and fortune in the land of Hollywood doesn't sound like your cup of tea.
