Hidden Desires

Ten is currently taking a bath at their shared room with Taeyong because they need to prepare for their show later at the MCountdown.  'Ugh, I really hate myself thinking dirty thoughts while he is taking a bath.' Taeyong having a boner. Taeyong has been hiding his desires to touch Ten. Ever since he met him, the only thing he could do to control himself is to masturbate when breaktime or at night.

Taeyong went to the door of the bathroom to knock. "Ten, hurry up, I need to take a bath too." He got no response from the boy but the sound of the shower. His patience get the best of him. He then opened the door to see Ten's wet naked body. 'It's perfect.' He thought. The sight is the most beautiful thing that he saw in his entire life. It's the first time he got a good look at this masterpiece in front of him.

"Taeyong, go out! I'm not done yet!" Ten blurted out still continuing to shower.

Taeyong smirked at him looking at him from head to toe. He can't control himself from the view he is seeing. "Since when did you hide those perfect features from me?"

Ten blushed at the statement. He covered his cock with his hands looking down. "Tae~, stop saying stupid things!" He shouted getting redder and redder.

Taeyong closed the door behind him locking it. "What are covering there, Tennie?" He approach him whispering to his ears. "Since we still have 1 hour to prepare, want to do it?"

"Yah! What are you saying all of the sudden? Step out!, you're getting wet!"
Taeyong getting wet wearing a white T shirt and Black pants. The water crawling down to his body showing his perfect abs.

Taeyong touch the fingers of Ten covering his cock and removed it. "Tae~ stop touching it!"

"Might as well take a bath together to save time huh?."

"Ahhhh~ tae" Ten moaned but covered his mouth." Taeyong locked Ten's hands above Ten's head with his one hand and the other on his cock.

"Don't stop yourself Ten. Ahh Ten You're hard now." He said teasing him. "Don't you know that I've been thinking of this since we first met?."

"Taeyong~ " he moaned.

Taeyong kissed Ten passionately not removing his hands to hold Ten. Ten opened his mouth for him to enter. The kissed lasted until they are out of breath with a saliva still connecting both of their lips. Taeyong then stroked the cock of Ten up and down.

"Uhhh~ Tae~ Please be gentle."

"Mmmmm It feels good right in my hand." Taeyong licking his lips. He trailed Ten's jaw down to his pink nipples leaving hickeys. He moaned saying Ten's name. "Ten~ You're marked by me so you're mine now."

He removed his hands from Ten. He feel embarrassed as Taeyong removed his shirt showing his well define abs. "Now Ten, it's your turn to do the rest." He smirked.

Ten is tempted and he can't control himself from tasting Taeyong. He opened Taeyong's pants revealing his long huge cock. He is surprised. "Suck it" Taeyong commanded.

Ten did what he was told. He sucked it slowly until it reached his throat. It's hard and warm. "Ugh, Ten." He said while grabbing the hair of Ten for him to push and pull.

"Tae~ Does it feel good?" He said feeling embarrassed at the scene.

"It feels great." Taeyong assured him .

Taeyong hold Ten up and turned him around with his hands on the wall. Taeyong is in control.  He slowly put one of his fingers inside his hole pushing and pulling it . "Agghhh!~ It hurts Taeyong. Be gentle."

"Don't worry, I'll make it feel good." He said in a seductive manner. "Just be a good boy."

He put two then three fingers inside him, training him for a bigger event."Are you ready? I'm going in." He asked.

"Mmmmm~ Yes" Ten moaned with a teary eye. He can't resist the feeling he is having now.

Taeyong put his cock slowly then getting faster and faster grinding him.
The pain became pleasure for Ten . "More Taeyong!" He groaned.

"You asked for this." Taeyong smirked. He grinded on him until his hole is sore. He pushed and pulled feeling the tight hole of Ten. It's the best feeling he ever felt, better than touching himself. They moaned loud as if they are the only ones living in the world.

"Ahhhh!I'm coming Chittapon!"

"Agghhh ! Me too!" Ten came first releasing his load. "Ahhhh~ Taeyong"

Taeyong tighten his grip to Ten's waist. He then came out releasing large amount of cum . "Argggh Taeyong! It's warm." Ten blurted out.

He removed his cock leaving Ten overflowing with cum. "Lick my cock Ten , it will be wasted." He commanded.  Ten licked the remaining cum on the cock of Taeyong, savoring all of it.

"It tastes good Taeyong." Ten filled with cum.


The water from the shower is washing all the mess they did to their bodies, taking a bath together. Taeyong hugged Ten and tighten it in his warm embrace. "I love you Ten. How long I've waited for this."

Ten blushed and returned the hugged in their naked bodies.

"I love you too."

"Care for a second round?" Taeyong teased.

"Yah! We'll be late if we do that . You better assist me later Lee Taeyong! I can't move my hips properly because of you!"

"Hahahahaha ok Tennie~"

The End.
