Chapter Sixteen: One Last Breath

A/N: Ok, so I was crying when I wrote. Need more?

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any of the original cast/plot.

The air was turning cold.

“Isabelle!” Elizabeth yelled, and knelt down by my side. Everybody had stopped fighting, and was watching me.

“Liz.” I muttered. She took my hand.

“I’m here.” she whispered. I coughed. Will came.

“Oh God, Isabelle.” he said, and a tear fell down his cheek. Elizabeth was sobbing. I tried to smile. I ended up coughing. He put his head on my stomach for a lone minute, and then got up to Barbossa.

“You savage! You killed her!” Will yelled, and Barbossa flinched. Elizabeth got up, and started to yell at Barbossa, her voice cracking.

I felt cold. I wasn’t hungry anymore. I wasn’t thirsty. All I felt was the pain. It was horrible. Why did I ever come here? I coughed.

“Shhh Isabelle.” a voice said. It was Jack. He knelt to the ground, and took hold of my hand. I couldn’t feel it. Then I saw Jack forming a tear in the corner of his eye.

“Don’t. . . Don’t cry.” I spit out. He smiled, but the tear came flowing down.

“Take this. Maybe it’ll still work.” he said, and tried to give me one of the medallion. I refused it.

“It’s too late.” I said, and he shock his head.

“No it’s not.” Jack stated.


“No! You can’t die! The first person I’m in love with can’t to die! Take the darn medallion!” Jack yelled, and I was stunned by his words. He placed his head on my wound as Will has none, and stayed silent.

“Jack, the reason why it’s to late is because I already have a medallion.” I said, and he looked up, his eyes glistering.

Will, Elizabeth and Barbossa were fighting, so they didn’t hear me.

“Help me up?” I asked. He quickly got up, and pulled me up with him.

“Time to kill the man who killed me.” I said, and ran to the chest, put my medallion in, and felt instantly better. I was hungry and thirsty again, and I could fell the breeze flying by.

A person went up to me and hugged my in the back. It was Elizabeth.

“We’ll hug later. Now we need to kick some pirate butt.” I said, and she smiled.

Jack was back with Barbossa, and they were both turning into skeletons when they passed moonlight. Great thing I didn’t have the medallion anymore, for I would’ve turned into one also.

“I’m gonna teach you the meaning of pain.” a pirate said to Will, nearly jamming him with his sword, until Elizabeth came behind him.

“Do you like pain?” Elizabeth asked. She hit him with a heavy club.

“Try wearing a corset.” she said, and looked at Will. I could tell they were madly in love with each other, but they would never say so. Idiots.

I ran to both of them, ruining their moment. Jacoby followed me. Elizabeth, Will, and I took a long staff, and impaled Jacoby and his fellow two pirates in the chest. Will pushed them into the moonlight, and when they turned into skeleton’s, I grabbed a grenade, and showed it into the ribcage of Jacoby.

“No fair.” Jacoby said, and all three of them exploded. Their bones flied all over, but they weren’t going to get back together.

Will ran over to the box, and Elizabeth and I went to make sure the bones of the pirates didn’t attach themselves back together. We both look at Jack and Barbossa. Jack cuts himself on the medallion, and tosses it to Will.

All the sudden, Barbossa points his gun to Elizabeth.

“Oh my goodness.” I whisper. A shot echoes the cave. I look at Elizabeth, and saw that she was fine.

“Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot.” Barbossa said, and I look over at them. Jack had shot his one and only bullet at Barbossa.

“He didn’t waste it.” Will said, and we all looked at him. His hand is cut, and he dropped both of the medallions into the chest. I looked back at Barbossa.

He had dropped his pistol, and blood was staining his white shirt.

“I feel… cold.” Barbossa said, and with that, he dropped on the floor, dead.

I was silent. We all were, but Jack.

“Well, that’s done.” he said, and went of to pick some treasure out. Elizabeth, Will, and I looked at each other.

“You’re alive.” Elizabeth whispered at me.

“Yea. I am.” I said, and she gave me a hug. Will soon joined in.

“We’re all alive, thank the Lord.” I said, and left them to get to Jack.

Jack was wearing a crown on his head, and his neck and fingers were decorated with elaborate jewels.

“He’s dead.” I said.

“Forever this time.” he said, and went up to me.

“Don’t ever scare me like that.” he said, and grabbed me by the waist, hugging me. I hugged him back, and it felt. . . Like home. It felt nice to be in somebody’s arms.

“Do Elizabeth and William love each other?” Jack asked, and I turned to look at them. They were talking, but it looked awkward between them.

“They do, but they won’t admit it.” I said.

“Good thing I don’t love.” he said, and I smiled.

“I don’t either.” I said back to him. He walked over to Elizabeth and Will, and I followed. Elizabeth walked away from Will, so we only went to Will.

“If you were waiting for the opportune moment...that was it.” Jack said.

“Nice job, Romeo. You finally could’ve gotten Juliette.” I said, and he looked at me.

“She’s getting married.” Will whispered and I stayed silent, knowing that that was true.

“Well then, if you’ll be so kind, I’d be much obliged if you’d drop me off at my ship.” Jack stated, and Will nodded his head.


The Black Pearl was gone. The only ship that was there was the Dauntless.

“I’m sorry, Jack.” Elizabeth said. I was under Jack’s arms, so I gave him a small hug.

“They done what’s right by them. Can’t expect more than that.” Jack said briskly.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered to Jack, and he pulled me closer.

Hee hee, you didn’t really expect me to kill Isabelle, did you??? Well, not yet. Anyway, review and tell your friends. One more chapter left!!!
