bonus chapter | school festival

I randomly think of the
three Keis whenever I
write other fics so I
decided to make another
bonus chapter because
why not, right? hehe.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Papa, did you bring the camera?" you asked as you closed the bento you prepared. You placed the four bentos on the large lunchbag and zipped it.

"Yes, I charged it last night," he raised his voice to be heard from the master's bedroom.

"Eiji, Taro, don't play with your props!" you scolded the two as they swung the props they made for the school play.

"Eiji started it, Mama," Taro defended and continued smacking his poor brother.

"I'll confiscate that," you clicked your tongue and sighed.

Keiji, being obedient as usual, pulled away the cartoon-like fishing rod. However, Keitaro remained hard-headed and used the opportunity to smack his brother again.

"Mama!" the poor Keiji cried and hid behind you, hugging your leg.

"Taro! Stop that!" you scolded and grabbed the cardboard from his hold.

"What's going on?" Kei asked, just coming out from the room.

"Papa!" Keiji cried again, "He keeps hitting me!" he pointed at his brother.

"Do you really want to participate in the play?" Kei approached then crouched down to their level.

"Yes," Keitaro answered with a nod.

"Then make up. We're not leaving until you say sorry to your brother," Kei instructed and ruffled the boy's hair, smirking. The typical salty look.

"Keiji," Keitaro called and faced his brother who was still hiding behind you.


"I'm," he mumbled, contrary to his loud self. "Sorry."

"Eiji, your brother's sorry," you repeated and looked at him from behind.

"Really?" he muttered.

"I said I'm sorry," Keitaro reiterated.

"So will you stop hitting me, Taro?"


"Okay," Keiji spoke a little louder this time, now approaching his brother.

"Good, now let's go," Kei sighed and got up.

"Oh, Papa, how tall are you again?" you asked and returned the sword to Taro.

"Heh? Are we going to compare height now?" Kei teased and pat your head.

"Nevermind," you clicked your tongue again and shook your head.

"I'm 6 foot 5, Y/N," he still answered. He grabbed the car keys and put on his shoes.

"Taro, Eiji, let's go," you instructed the two.

"I think they grew taller again," you commented to Kei.

"Yeah, I noticed too," he added as the four of you stepped out of the apartment unit.

Kei locked the door and you all headed to the car. As always, you double checked the car door, making sure it was on child lock, before the twins went inside.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

pre-school gym

The audience seats were slowly getting fully occupied but fortunately, there were some vacant seats near the front.

"Oh, Y/N-san?" you heard your name get called. "Tsukishima-san, too."

You looked to your left and it was Ushiwaka and his wife. The two of you sat down beside them and you greeted them back, "Good morning."

Kei simply lowered his head as a greeting and so did Wakatoshi. His wife was as stern and stoic as him but she was usually a little more talkative around friends.

"The twins are in Class 2, right?" she confirmed.

"Yes, and Wakumi is in Class 1, Ushijima-san?"

"Yes. I think the twins' class will perform first though."

"They're doing Urashima Taro's story," you added. "My Taro's playing Taro, heh," you chuckled.

"Oh, and Keiji-chan?"

"He's playing a tree. He says he doesn't want to participate, he's just like Kei," you chuckled again.

"What?" Kei raised a brow and frowned, which you ignored.

"How about Wakumi-chan? What's their play?" you asked.

"What was that again, Toshi?" she looked sideways and asked.

"Kaguyahime," he answered.

"There, Kaguyahime," she repeated.

"Oh, I see," you said with a nod.

"Good morning!" you heard from the microphone, the program was just about to start.

You fixed your sitting position and Kei casually grabbed your hand. His large fingers intertwined with yours and you felt the usual warm feeling inside.

"Did Taro practice his lines last night?" Kei asked in a hushed voice.

"Yup. Eiji had to go to the other room because Taro was just so loud for him," you answered and giggled. "He's just like you."

"I'm not like that," he denied.

"Yeah? Really? You played as a tree before too in Karasuno."

"You remember that?"

"We wanted you to play as the prince but you insisted on being a tree or even the door," you chuckled again.

"Anything but the flowery role of a prince," Kei sighed.

"Oh, their play is starting. Where's the camera?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The play was a success. Keitaro memorized his lines well, although there were some adorable stutters and irrelevant gestures. You had Kei record the entire play and you couldn't help but feel proud, even for Keiji, who just stood in a scene as a tree. You were starting to notice how he disliked the spotlight, unlike his brother who absolutely loved it.

The next activity was composed of games and the kids were going to participate in races, team games, and the like.

part 2 tomorrow!
