Chapter 14~ Shunned


Walking through the halls of Kempt Wood Academy, how can I put this?  It was like one of those horror films where you don't know if someone's behind you or going to jump out at you.  Isabella dropped her favorite lip gloss, you could here the echo of it down the hall, that's how silent everyone was. No one looked our way, not even once. No one talked, coughed, giggled or even sneezed!? Isabella crossed her arms, her head held high as we followed her to the bathroom. Immediately, the hall erupts with talking, laughing, gossip and whatever else people talk about in the school. What the hell is going on?

The toilet flushed, a girl walking casually to the sink, gently  washing her perfect manicured pink rhinestone covered nails. Her caramel evenly toned skin, a girl would envy. Her curly, brown hair falling down her back. "The A sisters, shunned you guys " she grabbed a napkin, wiping the water off her palms. "If anyone that's a freshman, sophomore or junior even dares talking to you girls, they will be shunned. " she turned to face us.

"What do you mean, shunned!? " Isabella yelled, placing a hand to her forehead, cursing under her breath.

Ruffling my tangled blonde hair, I addressed the girl. "So,why are you talking to us? Don't you think, your going to get shunned too?" I said, not meaning for it to come out, rudely as it did.

Focusing her attention on her nails, she glared at me. Tilting her head to the side. "What, you think I'm some dog!?  They can give orders, " she crossed her arms "I'm nobody's bitch"

This girl was too sassy for my liking, but I liked her. Shunned? Like I give a two fucks. People in this school, are D.A.B 's.  (Dumb ass bitches) Who follows around those fire heads!?? Just because they have little authority,doesn't mean a thing.

The bathroom door swung open. Speak of the devil!??  Ashley, hands placed on her hips, glaring at the girl who shown no sign of fear. "Good to know you,feel that way," she smiled,her sisters following behind. "New girl" she made a tsk tsk, sound. Amy walked fully into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. "Didn't you transfer, like a week ago? Really, a great starting off at Kempt Wood."

Who the hell, did these girls think their messing with? Just because Bianca isn't here, doesn't change the fact that we are still, and always will be superior.

Stepping in front of the new girl, I shoved Amy lightly out of my way. "I see you've grown some, balls 'Amy' usually your the last to talk" I teased, motioning a fake tear down my face.

She looked taken back at my remark, I thought so.  "I see you, haven't, gotten yours removed Cam Cam" Ashley snickered. I know she didn't go there.

Isabella's P.O.V

Holy, shit!  My mouth hung open when she said that. That bitch! Camie balled her hands into a tight fist, ready to throw the first punch. "How about you and your freckled face sisters, go to hell. " I chimed in with a smirk. Amber ran her hands, through her hair "Running out of slick remarks, I guess being that, your leader isn't here to defend, right? "

My lips pursed into a thin line, unable to think of anything to top that. How dare she bring up Bianca? The A sisters laughed. Ashley's face, glittering from so much makeup, she could of auditioned for the commercial "Maybe It's Maybelline"

"You should have seen her,face" she tilted her head, looking directly at me. "When I stole, her man"

~Sometime Later ~

Georgina's P.O.V

Ashley's words had really sunk in today, she dished some really low blows. I don't know, what came over the girls today. It was like, we didn't have anything to say. That we let the A sisters walk all over us. Where is Bianca...  Everything is getting out of control without her, if she was here none of this would have happened.

Coach threw me the first ball, "Find a partner, everyone! "

Bianca isn't here so I'm stuck by myself. I stood in the middle of the gym while everyone stood on the opposite side, with their partners. Everyone looking at me. Some with pity or disgust. Even Rochelle, the schools vice president of the tenth grade chose Darcy. The girl who smelled and chewed her boogers, over me.

"Georgina! What are you doing!? Find a partner now" Coach yelled.

Ashley had a big grin of satisfaction plastered on her face, that her plan of making us invisible, worked. I'm surprised she still felt power, without her sisters being around.

I motioned for the bleachers " I guess I'm sitting out today coach..."

The left gym doors opened, it was the new girl. Everyone began to whisper.

"Who does she think, she is? defending those bitches.."

"Someone should cut her hair off"

"She's not even that pretty"

"Ew, gross"

The new girl strutted over to coach, blowing her gum continuously before popping it. Coach pointed to me. "Partner up with Georgina"

We did a few drills, around the track before playing basketball. Bianca would have found an excuse to go to the clinic just so she didn't have to sweat.

Placing my hands on my knee,panting continuously from all the running. Trying to catch my breath, "We should take a break"

The girl sat down. "Agreed" she chugged down the rest of her water from bottle.

Wiping some sweat from my forehead "Sorry for getting you in our mess"

Rolling her eyes, she smiled "Girl I've been through worse besides, I wouldn't have found any friends if it wasn't for you guys" she teased.

"So, what's your name?"

"Jazmyn Tailor"

Thanks for Reading!!!!  xD Merry Christmas!!!  Haha
