Chapter 2 : 「True Colors」

"I'm deeply sorry," expressed the girl standing in front of me. Her head was directed downward, giving the impression that she felt regret.

I was struggling to find an appropriate response. There seemed to be no words to offer in this situation. I held no resentment or blame towards her, and thus her apologies were unnecessary.

However, it was not the time for her to know that. The more remorse she felt, the greater the advantage it would provide me. Her current state of mind would be advantageous for my own purposes.

When someone believes they are responsible for someone else's pain, they are more inclined to offer help and support beyond what is necessary.

Never did I imagine I would employ simple psychological tactics on a deity, provided that what she said this far is indeed the truth.

"Am I alive?" I interjected, changing the subject in an fake attempt to lighten the mood, knowing it would make a more significant impact when I bring the topic back.

"Actually, it's a bit of both. You are both dead and alive at the moment," she responded.

This reminded me of Schrodinger's cat, where the cat remains in a state of being both dead and alive simultaneously, stuck in the middle, until it's observed. That was due to the wave function collapsing to a point, and there are similar phenomena regarding this observer effect. The double slit experiment is a great example of that.

Anyway, I pondered if I found myself in a similar state as the cat in the box. However, the notion of being half-dead intrigued me the most. "Are you implying that I have died?” I inquired, but she remained silent, confirming my suspicions.

“How did it happen?" I asked, but she didn't answer.

Her silence, her regret, her apology─everything was pointing at the same conclusion.

"You did it, didn't you?" I accused, watching as her eyes widened in shock. Locking eyes with her, she hesitantly began to respond.

"Yes... That's correct. It was me who caused your demise. You see, I didn't intend─" I interrupted her before she could finish.

"Before we delve into that, could you first explain what you meant by my condition being your fault?" I pressed, as she lowered her head in response.

"Answer. What did you mean by that? What did you do to me?" I insisted further. After a few moments, she finally confessed.

"I might have inadvertently caused you to suffer permanent total paralysis by damaging your spinal cord. It was unintentional, I assure you. I had meant to do something else, but you got caught up in it. I am truly sorry, the rules prevented me from helping out," She said.

Such information had the potential to reshape one's entire perspective on life, potentially driving someone to seek revenge. In my case, I had endured 19 years of suffering due to her simple, unintentional mistake. My critical condition─that prevented me even from breathing─had confined me to a high-tech simulator, an artificial environment incapable of perfectly replicating the real world.

Every person I encountered was a non-player character, a bunch of NPCs. The voices I used to hear were generated using AI technology using real modules, but that didn't mean it was genuine. In addition, all the sensations I experienced were artificial. I had never seen or heard a real person until I turned 18, my family.

The only true solace I found was in the unlimited library, where I devoured countless books and stories. Everything from fiction, fantasy, mystery, science, history─everything the internet proved was there, too.

Without it, this conversation would never have been possible from the start. I read everything I could, learnt everything I could absorb, realizing that if I stopped, it would be game-over for me.

Without it, I might have turned mad, though I guess I wasn't a sane person even now.

"You didn't bring me here solely for an apology, did you?" I questioned, expressing my disappointment. If that was the extent of her intentions, silence would have been preferable. Her motives for summoning me were different, and her apology, if anything, served her own purposes, not mine.

"Yes, that's correct. I wanted to offer you something of equal value. Since I took away your precious life, I will give you a new one. I will provide you with all the blessings and graces possible, ensuring you live a happy life on your own terms," she proposed.

I found myself at a loss for words. Numerous alternative methods could have been employed without necessitating a face-to-face conversation. Was she simply unable to utilize those alternatives?

The more she spoke, the more doubts crept into my mind. She claimed she couldn't help me, but does a goddess truly have limitations? If that were true, it would explain the current situation, yet something felt amiss.

Something clearly was wrong.

Detailed knowledge of how these restrictions function was irrelevant at that moment. More like I could not do anything even if i wanted to. In the end, accepting was all I was capable of at the moment.

If she genuinely desired it, who was I to refuse?

"I have a general idea of what you're implying, but I would appreciate further elaboration," I requested.

"Certainly. What I mean is simple. I am offering you the opportunity to live a new life with a healthy body. Your memories, knowledge, and intellectual capabilities will remain intact. Additionally, I will provide you with numerous blessings and graces to aid you in your new life." She stopped, letting the new revelation hit me. "However, it's important to note that your new life will not be in your previous world, as I am unable to provide that. If you have any further questions, they will be answered in no time, once you witness things firsthand," she explained.

A new life In a new world─a prospect I had never envisioned, though I read similar stories. Never did I imagine I will be in such a state, too.

After enduring years of isolation, I would finally gain my freedom. At least, that's what she wanted me to believe.

"Is this the new body you mentioned earlier? I never had the chance to see my real body. Is it the same?" I pointed to myself, seeking confirmation. She took a moment to respond with a node and then conjured a mirror, revealing my reflection.

I observed a tall boy with reddish hair and azure eyes, possessing a slim and well-built physique that appeared normal at first glance. Though it was my first time seeing it, I recognized that it was indeed me. Evidently, my virtual reality body had been a modified version of my real one.

"I believe that answers your question. And as for the vassal. So, do you approve? You are undeniably handsome, even I can confirm that. If you are not satisfied, I can apply various other blessings until you are satisfied," she declared, her expression unchanged. Her poker face could rival even my own.

"No, I have no complaints. Thank you for the compliment. So, will I fall asleep again? It seems I won't have a say once you begin your work. Will I be unconscious?" I inquired.

"Yes, you will. But rest assured, I will make it swift. You won't perceive the passing of time," she assured.

"Just for reference, how do you define 'swift?' I'm curious," I probed further.

"As I am unaffected by time, it is difficult for me to specify. It could be 100, 100,000, or even 1,000,000 years," she responded.

"I see..." I concluded, realizing there was no use in worrying about such matters at that moment. "By the way, how does the world I will inhabit compare to the Earth I came from? That information is crucial."

"While they share certain similarities, given that they were close in the technology department, but don't ever forget that they are fundamentally different. I hope you keep that in mind," she advised, offering a hint. I made a mental note to remember her words.

"The reason behind all of this is that I was inadvertently involved in whatever you were attempting, correct?" I brought up the accident again, reigniting her emotional wounds. She silently nodded in confirmation.

"I believe I deserve to know what you intended to accomplish." I was curious about whether gods made mistakes or not. While I couldn't fully commit to the existence of a god, I had my doubts about the limits of such existence.

In an instant, her entire demeanor transformed. She displayed neither pain nor regret, neither pity nor sympathy. Her expressions mirrored those of a cold-blooded killer, with a calculated gaze fixated on her victim─on me. It was an attempt to intimidate me, but it proved futile. I couldn't be intimidated.

"I can't disclose that information," she finally revealed.

Within moments, the atmosphere returned to normal, leaving me with countless questions. It would have been simpler for her to lie, but she didn't.

She deliberately cultivated this menacing atmosphere, refusing to lie even when it would have made things easier. I had come to realize that I had no means to confirm any of her statements; all I could do was wait for inconsistencies or mistakes on her part.

Maybe If I didn't take everything she said at face value, the truth would become clearer.

Everything she had done served a purpose.

She deliberately emphasized that my suffering was her fault, that she sympathized with me, and that she sought forgiveness to ensure my unconditional trust.

An entity with an existence surpassing my comprehension shouldn't have any difficulty controlling her expressions flawlessly. I couldn't discern if she was lying through mere observation. The way she seamlessly transitioned from one expression to another moments ago served as ample evidence.

Numerous questions began to emerge within my mind. What if she hadn't made a mistake? What if my ordeal was intentional? What if she knew of my capabilities and feigned ignorance? What if she could truly read minds? These types of questions filled my mind and almost clouded my thoughts.

But why? Why did she need to go to such lengths? While I hadn't given it much thought, what if all the hints she provided were meant to lead me to this conclusion?

Was everything she said an elaborate deception?

No, there were elements that seemed genuine. Thus, the question became: what had she lied about?

What if even her identity as a goddess was a falsehood?

"It appears you're struggling. Can I be of assistance?" she offered, her expression devoid of a smile, her gaze fixed upon me like a robot awaiting instructions.

This only served to complicate matters further. Why would she confirm my suspicions and unveil parts of her true intentions when she had worked so hard to conceal them? It was pointless thinking about that due to the lack of information.

"It seems that you were testing me. I must admit, you did a remarkable job. But I'm curious, why? In the first place, you didn't need my approval to proceed. I have generated numerous possible explanations, yet none of them made sense," I probed, scrutinizing her.

She smiled─a smile that was far from ordinary. It resembled that of the devil, an ironic expression from someone who claimed to be a goddess. Strangely, I felt neither fear nor any particular emotion. I was completely unaffected.

Her devilish smile reached her ear, further enhancing her beauty. She was reasonably gorgeous, but in my opinion, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes upon. This devilish smile only accentuated her charm.

Two years ago, my parents were able to improve the machine that I was stuck in, and as a result I was able to witness the outside world for the first time. Though I still couldn't move. Based on that, one would think that I had no database to compare her to, but that wasn't the case.

Indeed, I didn't see a lot of people, but I did possess an enormous number of books. In my library, there were books fully detected to these sort of stuff. But even those pictures can't be compared to the entity I was dealing with.

The moment this thought crossed my mind, she covered her face with her hands, feigning a blush. She had willingly fallen into the trap I had set. All these thoughts were my attempt to seek the truth. It was a confirmation, even if she gave it willingly, that she could indeed read minds.

Two years ago, thanks to the upgrades, I also managed to meet my family for the first time, but it didn't go as they had planned. After a few interactions, they never returned after my second birthday celebration. I even thought they might cease powering the device that sustained my life. I accepted my fate but continued to spend my time reading until the very end.

"Now, now. Don't you think that's enough? I have work to do, so if you have no objections, may I proceed?" Her demeanor had changed once again. Her tone, words, and gaze all differed from before.

"Certainly," I managed to utter before losing consciousness and entering the realm of dreams ...




In a classroom situated within Leo's academy, which was one of the twelve academies representing the Zodiac signs, sat a red-haired boy at his desk. Beside him, to his right, was his seatmate-a captivating girl with nearly all-white hair and striking red eyes. She had a hideous scare on her face that she was hiding using her hand. But it was fruitless, the scare was bigger than her own hand.

As their gazes met, both of them wore apathetic expressions, leaving their connection ambiguous.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Arthur." Said the red haired boy.

The girl stared intently into the boy's eyes, her own eyes momentarily emitting a subtle, mysterious glow. Though it was too faint for anyone else to notice, it was enough to make the boy, Arthur, question whether he had effected by it.

However, what happened next dispelled any doubts. Her eyes widened, and her previously apathetic expression transformed into surprise. In response, Arthur discreetly made a mental note and patiently awaited her introduction. But it never came. Instead, she continued to stare at him with an expression that conveyed unmistakable interest.

".... Could you please share your name with me? I believe it's common courtesy,” he said, “You can keep staring at me afterward. I assure you, I won't run away," he added.

"Ah, right. I apologize if I sounded rude. I was merely taken aback. My name is Charlotte Anderson. Feel free to call me Charlotte, as I have a twin sister attending this academy as well." She pointed towards another student at the front of the classroom who bore a striking resemblance to her, except for slight differences. Notably, Charlotte was taller and had hints of red in her hair, while her sister's hair was entirely white and her face was missing the scare Charlotte had.

The mentioning of her sister inadvertently brought to mind Arthur's own family─his sister and the family he left behind without regret, the family who likely rejoiced at his supposed demise. Though he could barely recall them, the thought lingered briefly in his mind.

It also reminded him that he had another place he can call a home in this new world, a location where all his new relatives lived. But whether that'll be a happy one is totally unrelated.

"I've seen your name before on the ranking list. You secured the top position in the entrance exam and achieved perfect scores in every test. It's quite an accomplishment, as no one had achieved that before. It's an honor to meet you," he remarked.

Charlotte maintained eye contact with him for a moment before responding, "Likewise." Even though he hadn't contributed as significantly as her in the exam. With those words, their conversation concluded.

It became apparent that Charlotte was not inclined towards small talk. Arthur felt similarly, albeit for an additional reason─he lacked the ability and social skills to sustain a conversation, even if he desired to do so.

With five minutes remaining until class commenced, Charlotte elegantly retrieved her phone and began tapping something. Meanwhile, Arthur, whose phone battery was perpetually at 100% for some inexplicable reason, reflected on the chain of events that had led him to this particular moment ...
