Chapter 9: With Trouble a Brewing

After school one day at Aunt Lydia's house, I wore that day a blue oxford denim crop jean jacket, leather brown bole fur tied duck bill boots, metal gold ringed long-chained necklace, grey ivory wool double button elastic knitted headband, an off-shoulder leather white backpack, and a Vneck nylon blue fit and flare mini dress along with Aunt Lydia wearing that day leather tan country chic boots, her usual glasses, navy blue netted collar small belted floral short dress, and brown sable polyester transparent polka dot leggings. On this day, I had a great school day, and that Aunt Lydia wanted to know how it went. 

Aunt Lydia asked happily, "Hey, Terronica. How was school today?"

I answered, "Pretty great, actually."

Aunt Lydia asked with her hands on her hips, "Did anything fun happen?"

I responded, "Nope. I just had a normal day at school like always."

Aunt Lydia notified me, "Well, ok then, Terronica. I will go make some important phone calls while you go to your room and just chill there if you want to."

And I guess I will chill in my room since I did finish my homework during study hall break hour.  Then as Aunt Lydia walked into the kitchen to make her important phone calls, a sudden ring on my phone happened, and I had to pick it up to see who was calling on my messenger phone. I found out that Johnathan is calling me, but I wonder what he would call me for. Let's find out.

I greeted Johnathan over the phone happily, "Hey, Johnathan. How are you?"

Johnathan, on the other side of the phone, expressed, "Hey, Terronica. I'm doing fine. How about you?"

I conversed happily over the phone, "I'm doing pretty well."

Johnathan communicated, "Hey, Terronica. Rodney and I are in your room right now---"

I shouted over the phone in anger, "What?! How did you both get in my room?!"

Aunt Lydia yelled while in the kitchen making her phone calls, "Terronica, calm down in there!"

Johnathan explained over the phone, "Calm down, Terronica! You left your window open, and Rodney and I climbed through the window. But anyways, we have some bad news to tell you."

Bad news?! Oh, this doesn't sound so good. 

I communicated sadly over the phone, "But you both realize that if my aunt finds out about this, we could be in serious trouble."

Johnathan conveyed to say on the phone, "Yeah, Rodney and I know that. But we promise we would only tell you the news quickly."

I sighed for a moment. I spoke over the phone, "Ok then. I will meet you both up there. Bye."

I hung up the phone, went upstairs, and went to my bedroom to check up on Rodney and Johnathan. As I went into my bedroom while running, I took a deep breath, and then I gasped for air as I saw Johnathan, who was wearing his usual glasses, red cherry buttoned-up collared long rolled sleeves shirt, red plum rose cotton plaid belted pants, and red cherry canvas shoes with black long stockings, along with Rodney wearing his usual glasses, denim blue classic long sleeve closed jacket, blue oxford leather studded pointed metal toed boots, and blue oxford denim chained accessory ripped jeans were in my room to deliver the news. 

I took another deep breath while Rodney and Johnathan gasped in shock. 

Johnathan asked out of fear, "Umm, Terronica. Are you okay?"

I took another deep breath, and then I reassured, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Rodney blurted out awkwardly, "Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra are planning to rob the Bluewood Bank!"

Oh no! Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra are about to rob the bank! This is terrible! I have to stop them or else something terrible happens!

Rodney felt awkward for a moment, and then I commented with my mind blown in confusion, "What?! They're planning to rob the bank?! This is terrible! I really need to stop them!"

Johnathan apologized sadly, "We're sorry you had to hear that, Terronica, but we just want to warn you."

I expressed happily, "It's ok, Johnathan. You and Rodney did the right thing by warning me."

I contended with pointing my finger up pretentiously, "Don't worry, Johnathan and Rodney. I will get changed into my Super Wolf Girl form right now to stop this!"

I ran to the bathroom fast to change into my Super Wolf Girl outfit. Instantly, I formed into Super Wolf Girl and ran with super speed to check up on Johnathan and Rodney for a few minutes.  Before I left to go to the bank, I told Rodney and Johnathan, "Well, Rodney and Johnathan. I will see you both later."

I raise my hand, and then flashes of magenta sparked the bedroom, and I was instantly transported to the bank while Johnathan waved his goodbye, "Bye, Terronica!"

Johnathan turned towards Rodney in which he then conversed happily, "Come on, Rodney. Let's climb out of the window and play some video games at my house before Terronica's aunt finds out we're up here."

Rodney nodded in agreement, which then Johnathan and Rodney then climbed out of the bedroom window safe and sound. But at the Bluewood City bank, where the citizens of Bluewood have their funding placed in a tall indigo and blue-tinted window skyscraper building next to Char's and Tally Mae apartment complexes somewhere in Bluewood, I entered the building's lobby where it had a grey marble wall with a window opening to a safe room, a black with magenta lettered designer choice directory board, a beautiful yellow lily plant on the floor under the directory board, a sky blue safe burst wide open, and a couple who are wounded from the robbery in whom I assume that they own the bank business or at least work there. One of them was named Mr. Jake, who is described to have rosy peachy light skin, a chestnut brown conservative cut hairstyle, deep blue eyes, a dark brown scuffed up beard with mustache, and was wearing that day a polyester white and black long sleeve cuffed vest and shirt combo, brown burnt leather studded metal pointed toed boots, and dark violet wool casual fitted slacks. He is in his late forties and has a wife named Chloe, who is in her mid-forties and is described to have light neutral skin, honey blonde long wavy bouffant hairstyle, light brown eyes, and medium-thin red glossed lips. She wore that day grey black cotton ballet flats with floral imprints, grey-black cotton mid-length patterned shorts with colorful floral imprints, and cotton grey black-trimmed patterned suit and tie with colorful floral imprints. Jake and Chloe are indeed a married couple who works at the Bluewood City Bank, and they don't have children, but I've heard that they own 2 cats and a puppy named Darla, Clarise, and Bob. I attempted to search for Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra, but then I couldn't find them anywhere. Oh no! Am I too late?!

Concerned, I asked the married couple with my mind blown in confusion, "Oh my goodness! Are you both alright?!"

Mr. Jake fumed with anger and shouted, "Of course we're not alright! My wife and I were attacked and robbed here at this bank!"

Mr. Jake accused out of anger, "All thanks to you coming to save us way too late!"

I then became bottled up with sadness. How did I come too late?! I never came too late when there was crime afoot. I usually either be there earlier or on time. Aunt Lydia won't be happy to hear this. Not even Rodney and Johnathan would not be happy to hear this as well. 

Mrs. Chloe apologized with sadness and timidness, "I deeply apologize for my husband's outburst, miss Super Wolf Girl."

Well, at least Mrs. Chloe is deeply sympathetic and considerate. Thank you, Mrs. Chloe. 

Mr. Jake scoffed angrily while crossing his arms in anger, "Well, I certainly do not."

Welp. Mr. Jake obviously does not seem too fond of me. 

While Mr. Jake crossed his arms in anger, Mrs. Chloe rolled her eyes in discontent. 

I intoned happily, "I forgive you, Mrs.----"

Mrs. Chloe interjected, "You could just call me Chloe."

I expressed, "Well, ok then."

I then thought for a moment, which then made me want to question with my hands on my hips, "Excuse me, Chloe. May I ask you some questions?"

Mrs. Chloe answered, "You may."

I pondered for a deep moment, and then I asked while shrugging with concern, "How was the bank robbed ?"

Mrs. Chloe elaborated with sadness and timidness, "All I know was that before we got robbed and attacked, my husband and I were running a normal business day for the bank. Then minutes later, one of our security guards warned me about three witches trespassing the bank, then moments later, another security guard came to me and told me that almost all of the bank's money was stolen from our vaults. We were only left with a couple of hundreds of dollars, and we won't be able to get back our money vault's worth until after a few months later."

I pondered in my own mind:

"So Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra were present at the bank..."

I asked with a shrug of concern, "And then what happened?"

Mrs. Chloe continued with sadness and timidness, "Then the three witches came into this room, and then people ran outside from the bank and went home. Then, our security guards attempted to stop them, but then the witch in red used a spell to vanquish them."

I prepared to ask the next question with a shrug of concern, "How did you both get attacked?"

Mrs. Chloe conveyed to say with sadness and timidness, "After our security guards were vanquished, my husband and I attempted to stop them by calling the police, but the witch in black used a magical tornado spell that took all of our available phones and then destroyed them. Then the witch in blue use some kind of fire spell to melt away our main vault door and took all of the money stored there. However, in our secret vault, there was about a couple of hundreds of dollars saved there."

Mrs. Chloe pointed out with clutching her chest in sadness, "As you could see here, one of our main vaults here is emptied out."

I turned to see the sky blue safe vault through the window opening all emptied out of money. Man, Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra, what have you done?

Mrs. Chloe concluded with sadness, "Then after that, my husband and I got attacked with an electrocution spell by the witch in blue. Soon after, the three witches left, and minutes later, you've arrived.

I felt a deep sadness in my heart. I just didn't know what else to do now that this bank robbery could have been prevented, but I failed to come on time. If only I had the power to reverse what happened, this could have been my greatest victory to defeat the three witch sisters, but sadly that never happened. 

I responded with my hands on my hips, "Well, it looks like I'm done with my questions."

I apologized by clutching my chest out of sadness, "But again, I'm deeply sorry for coming too late."

Mrs. Chloe concurred happily, "No, you're fine."

I ran out of the bank facility with my super-speed ability, making Mrs. Chloe waved her goodbye, and Mr. Jake rolled his eyes out of resentment. Later on, in my bedroom at night, I walked and paced back and forth in my usual PJs as I was so distraught about earlier. 

I replayed the thoughts in my mind and expressed with clutching my chest in sadness, "I can't believe I failed to save the day at the bank today."

A random voice uttered out, "That's right that you've failed us."

Another random voice called out, "Yes, Lilian, our own daughter failed us."

I reacted by gasping as I was very shocked to hear voices in my room. Especially if the voices relate to my deceased parents. But wait a minute, something is very off.  And I just know it. How could I hear the voice of my parents if they are long gone? Are they angels who are disappointed in me, or is something not very clear about this?

I stressed out to say with my mind blown into confusion, "But this can't be! I thought my parents were dead!"

Then in their superhero form, Mom and Dad walked towards me, very angry at the fact that they think I've failed them. But still, something must be off because my parents definitely look alive and don't look like they came from Heaven above, nor do they look like they have been in heck as a tortured soul, so why do they look like they are still alive as humans? As they faced me, Mom asked angrily, "Why did you do this to us, Terronica?"

Dad angrily reprimanded me, "You should have saved the day at the bank. We thought you were raised better than this!"

I cried and sobbed a lot of tears, "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I really didn't mean to fail you."

Mom and Dad laughed at me, and to my surprise, I was appalled to hear them make fun of me for failing to save the day at the bank. But since I knew something was off, Mom and Dad raised their hands, and then flashes of red and black sparked my bedroom, which then my supposed parents were transformed into Petra and Cherry, who was in their witch attire that night. Omg! I should have known that it was them all along! I gasped out of shock, and then I was furious with shaking my fists in anger.

"I should have known it was you two witches that tried to pose as my parents! And how did the both of you found out that I live here?!" I shouted in anger.

Petra scolded with her arms crossed in anger, "Listen, we have no time to explain right now, but you are coming with us."

I tested out doubtfully, "I say that you can't make me."

Petra yelled out of anger, "Do you really want to test me right now?!"

Petra primped out, "Because I say that I will."

I went into a fighting stance in which Petra raised her red magic wand and conjured a red magical electric orb in which then it rushed towards me, and suddenly, it shocked me to where I was wounded for a moment. Then, a magical neon rope swirled over my torso in which now I am about to be captured by the two witch sisters. As Petra and Cherry chuckled evilly, Petra commanded Cherry while primping, "Alright, Cherry, let's teleport home so we could deal with Terronica."

Cherry then conjured a spell by raising her magic wand, and then a flash of black sparked my bedroom, and then we were all teleported to the hidden basement of Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra's home.

At the hidden basement a few hours later, I woke up from being defeated by being captured by Petra and Cherry to find out that I was soon about to be in peril. Two beige ropes tied me next to two wooden chairs, and I was so curious to find out what was going on. I was also in PJs, and I struggled in the chair, desperate for help, but I know the only ones who could help me or could have helped me were in their beds enjoying some sleep right now. There was no triangular rounded table nearby, and Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra were all laughing at me while I continued to struggle and felt embarrassed and bad for myself. When Elizabeth was in her witch attire along with her two sisters, Elizabeth taunted while primping evilly, "Well well well if it isn't Bluewood's new hero Super Wolf Girl."

Elizabeth doubtfully replied, "Or perhaps I should really say, Terronica Pyles."

While tied up in a chair, I asked, "How did you find out that I was Super Wolf Girl?!"

Elizabeth played along and shouted in fear, "Oh dear!"

Elizabeth explained to say with her arms crossed in anger, "Do you remember the last time we fought against each other, you being Super Wolf Girl had defeated us? Well, before you went off somewhere, I have managed to find a TP-stitched emblem on one of your boots and my sisters and I figured out that you were Super Wolf Girl all this time. Then, later on, my sisters and I used a magical book of weaknesses to find out that you're afraid of being a failure. Which is why my sisters and I robbed the bank yesterday before you even got there. Then with one of my spells, I saw that you were very disappointed that you didn't get to come to save the day, so I've sent my sisters to disguise as your parents so we could get you to your weakest point."

Elizabeth then chuckled evilly. 

Elizabeth continued evilly, "I bet you also didn't know that I've found out in my magical book of weaknesses that deep on the inside that you still miss your parents, didn't you?"

For a few moments, things got awkward as I just sit there sad in silence. Even Elizabeth has noticed that things got a bit quiet and unusually awkward. 

Embarrassed, Elizabeth spoke awkwardly, "Umm. This is getting awkward but anyways..."

Elizabeth added while primping evilly, then crossing her arms in anger, "That wasn't the only reason why we've captured you. The final reason why we've captured you was to use another form of weakness that is against wolf hero hybrids like you called the Esra Reverso."

Wow! The Esra Reverso?! What on Earth is that supposed to be?! Some form of a tranquilizing gun?! Some form of magical arrow or bow?! What on Earth is the Esra Reverso?!

I asked in a confused deniable manner while still being tied up, "Woah! The Esra Reverso?! I've never heard of that."

Petra explained while primping evilly, then holding her fists to say evilly, "Well, I'm glad you've asked. The Esra Reverso is a lavender-type potion that makes all wolf hero hybrids like you weaker in minutes!"

Cherry conversed evilly, "Which now we are about to give it to you, then we will take your powers away."

I shouted in fear, "Oh goodness no!"

Elizabeth communicated evilly, then threatened angrily, "And then after that, I will use a spell for the Witch Society of Bluewood to rule all. After that, our society will find an excellent way to destroy you!"

I was so shocked that Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra would plan my demise like this. Elizabeth stormed off to the left bookshelf in this basement and grabbed that lavender potion called the Esra Reverso in her hand. Elizabeth walked towards me and threatened to suggest, "I suggest you would drink this, or we will destroy you quickly!"

Worried, I drank the lavender potion, which tastes like expired grape juice, and yes, I have tasted expired grape juice before, which is not a pleasant feeling. Then I started feeling very sick, wounded, and sad while sitting in the tied chairs. Elizabeth grabbed the Esra Reverso potion and put it back where it was last placed at. Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra then evilly laughed at my humiliating defeat, which then a flash of magenta sparked the room. Suddenly a mixed circular purple and lavender power orb came out of me, and then it raised up to where my mouth was and then Elizabeth grabbed a large mason jar with a red top, and then with the wave of her hand, she controlled what assumes to be my magic Super Wolf Girl powers into the jar. Once that successfully happened, Elizabeth closed the jar, which then she raised her magic wand in her other hand and conjured a spell to make the jar be placed somewhere in the house hidden and kept away. The three witch sisters laughed at me as I started to grow weaker and weaker without having my special Super Wolf Girl powers. 

Elizabeth told her two sisters, "Alright, sisters. Let's summon our parents to let them know we are ready to begin the world domination plan."

Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra laughed evilly which then they raised their wands to conjure a spell to summon their parents, Paul and Charlotte, to begin their world domination plan. Once that happened, Paul and Charlotte Brown were suddenly in their witch attire and in the basement where all this chaos will soon reside. Charlotte greeted her daughters, "Hello, my beautiful daughters."

Paul greeted out, "Hello, Elizabeth, Petra, and Cherry."

Petra greeted out, "Hello, Mom and Dad."

Elizabeth greeted to say, "Hey, Mom and Dad."

Paul noticed and primped out evilly to say, "We see that you three managed to finally capture Super Wolf Girl, aka Terronica."

Charlotte asked evilly, "Elizabeth, are you ready to do the spell?"

Elizabeth answered evilly, "I'm more than ready, mother."

Elizabeth grabbed her magic wand, and then she conjured a magical green teal circular meteorite-like spell which then raised up to the wall and into the sky from their home. Then suddenly, somewhere in Bluewood, the sky turns red, and then sparks of lightning flashed the sky. Which then the next day, the civilians of Bluewood at a random neighborhood, including Alma, Grace- Ellis, Lia, Tracy, and Oliver, were having a grand time together that is until once the sky was still bloody red, they were scared and wanting to know what was going on with the weather. Then, a surge of nine random witches that belongs to the Witch Society of Bluewood came into the neighborhood. Then they surrounded the civilians as they backed up to the black gate near the apartment neighborhood and cowardly surrendered in fear. As the random nine witches raised the wands to conjure some magic, the civilians at that random neighborhood screamed in horror at their sudden demise. They did not die, but they were about to be under some form of spell to be slaves to the random witches surrounding the area.

As  I once again failed to save the civilians of Bluewood, at night at the hidden basement of Elizabeth, Cherry, and Petra's home with their parents and them laughing evilly with success and while me still being weak and tied up in the two chairs with a black lock and a rope, I felt sunken with deep sadness and regret while the witch Brown family rejoiced. 

Elizabeth then evilly spoke, "Next stop is for the Witch Society of Bluewood to rule all!"

Elizabeth then evilly laughed to herself three times while I was weak and wishing for someone to save me from this mess, get my powers back and defeat the Witch Society of Bluewood once and for all before it was too late. Something or some justice definitely needs to be served, or else Bluewood and the whole world will soon be doomed. 
