Invencivel united vs Iron Tank

* next day in the middle of the afternoon *

(Shakes house)

Shakes was lying in bed quite sad, with no motivation for anything, not even to play football. Spenza was trying to convince him to go to the game to try to get used to looking at Invincible united but Shakes denied it because he thought United fans were going to "kill" him. 

Suddenly Rasta, El Matador and Tiger entered the room:

Rasta-man, you couldn't stop thinking about Skarra, did you ??

Shakes- so you know I tried.

El matador- Shakes is serious, you are looking very bad because of this subject. you have neither eaten nor played, .... how do you want to beat United like that ??

Shakes- I wasn't even planning on playing.!

Tiger-Shakes, stop saying nonsense, you were so excited to get back to the games.

Rasta- Yah bro, you can't let yourself go like this, I know that without Skarra it won't be the same thing, very sincerely it will be a shame to see the team play, but there's nothing to do and you have to start accepting that.

El Matador- Exactly, and to start you will see the United game, to see that nobody is angry with you and that everyone thinks you were not to blame.

Spenza- I've been saying this for a long time but he still doesn't want to go.

El matador- Come on Shakes, do it for the team.

Shakes- I already said I wasn't going

El Matador- Okk, then do it for min. You will not leave me alone in that field or will you ??

Shakes- do you have Klaus.

El Matador- you know it's not the same!

Shakes-ready is fine, I'll see the game, but I don't promise to play it in the next game.

El matador- ebaaaa, thank goodness !!

* near the start of the game *

(in the audience)

Shakes- I kept saying that I don't think it's a good idea for me to be here.

Rasta- let me say, everyone is ignoring our existence.

EM- My dear, nobody wants to know about you, at the moment everything is turned to Skarra.

In the field, Dooma takes the computer to pay homage to Skarra:

Dooma- He was like a brother to me, and in general to the whole team, but especially he was the man who gave United life, despite playing a little dirty, he defended United with pride and despite this great loss, I believe he would like us to win this game for him. and thanks again to everyone who tried to help us get through this on social media.

Shakes starts to feel uncomfortable because he continues to think he shouldn't be there. Despite everything I had told EM that I was going to see the game and I didn't want to disappoint him. At the end of the game Invincible United wins and Supa Strikas will talk to United:

Rasta- Dooma !, we are very sorry for your loss. We just wanted to make it clear that we didn't want any of this to happen.

Dooma-lament ??? Now it's not worth regretting, after all Skarra is already dead. And your friend who caused this is alive.

EM- Shake was not to blame for anything!

Dooma (angry) - SKARRA TOLD ME THE STORY MORE THAN ONCE BEFORE DYING. They had just gone to the spa to get something that I had asked him for and when he got there and found Shakes he had to run away because Shakes seemed to want to hit him.

Rasta- THIS IS NOT TRUE. Shakes didn't want to hurt anyone, he just wanted the key.

Dooma- note it !!! But anyway I have to go to the dressing room because the whole team is shaken by what happened.

Dooma leaves their side and Shakes leaves the side of the team to leave. The whole team starts to go after him but EM thinks that only he should go. After the captain agreed, the rest of the team went on and EM went after Shakes.

After a long conversation Shakes went home with EM.


uhhh what will this give????
