-Chapter 1- [Getting Ready]

Philippines was having some work done with China and things worked out lately. The wind is breezy, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Oh how a beautiful day it is! Philip was outside, lying at the grass. "What a work! I haven't talked to the others for a while!" He stood up with his non-existant pupils show happiness and excitement.

"I know! I should invite my friends! Ame... Spain... Japs... Korea brothers... All of them! So no one's left out! I'd love to to actually see them again. I was so busy I had no time to talk to them, or even meet them! I hope they're free..."

Philippines grabbed his phone and messages them in a group chat called "Philip appreciation group".

"Hey! It's me Philip! I really wanna meet you guys, but I'm very tireddddd... So, are you guys free in Saturday? I have an idea of a small sleepover or a party! Besides, we don't always get to meet..." He added that last one on purpose to make them say YES.

It worked. They all agreed, except for Germany, Thailand and Israel. "Sorry angel, I may be busy, but once I'm done, I'll go there no matter what!" Replied Israel. Israel would call Philip his angel or saviour. "Guten tag Phil, I cannot come because of my current works and business... I promise, I'll try my best to finish them all... So sorryyy! " Said Germany, a very apologetic person. "Hey Phil, might be busy, Indo can probs tell you why, have a nice party^^" Said Thai, who is a close friend of Indo.

For Philip, it was very successful! He had that big smile on his face and he was very excited!! He laid down on the plain, grassy plains once more. He looked at the sky and loved that he has so many friends who cares for him. He felt really warm and soft inside. Like a marshmallow bunny he is.

"I can't wait to see them all!" he said to himself. As he walked home, he puts his jacket at his rack and sat on the couch. Malay was cooking food, Indomie. If Malay doesn't cook Indomie, Indo will get mad at Malay for choosing normal viands over his precious, delicious indomie. "got your message Phil! We'd love to go there! Especially Indo and Nam..." Philip looked excited as Malay spoke his welcoming sentence to him. Malay is a sweet, caring gentlemen. Though, he is very scared of Indonesia. His bandage was a sign that Indo slashed him with his powerful bamboo spear. Malay trembled in fear as he remembered all about Indo's threats if he has no indomie if he comes home.

"I really can't wait for the party!!!" Philip happily exlaimed. Malay laughed and continued to cook indomie.

~Indo POV~

Malay better be cookin' Indomie or imma smack his face with a frying pan" I said to myself. I just walked home, like the usual. I just hope Philip is home. I look through the distance and saw Germany with a lot of papers. With curiosity, I approached him. "Hey Ger-" Germany looked at me with a shocked face and... He called me Polen. "Why I oughta--" Germany then realized that I'm actually Indonesia, not Polen, not Monaco. "S-sorry! I'm just really busy right now and I can't keep up with the flow of papers!" Ger ran passed by me, embarrassed of calling me Polen

I walked home, I received Philip's message in the gc and I'll come of course! "I'm almost home! I can smell those Indomies.

{meanwhile with Ame}

~Third person POV~

Ame was picking which clothes to wear because he wanted a good impression for Philip. Canada and Brazil helped him as well. "Damn, I need to look good for the party" Canada sighed and looked at him,"It's just a party Ame, it's not that-" Ame cut him off with a glare, despite wearing glasses, "Shut the fuck up Canada, I'm doing this for sunshine!"

Canada stopped and Brazil just pats his back. "C'mon Ame, calm down" Brazil said, comforting Canada. "Fine, I'll try" said Ame, who chose his signature jacket and his black "nato" t-shirt

Japan was watching her favorite anime with South Korea. North Korea is busy with work. Japan stood up and stretched her arms like those you see in the anime. "AHHHH, OHAYO GUSAI MASSS~" She shouted. South Korea was still busy watching anime while eating some ramen, he's just trying some food from another country.

Spain was picking beautiful roses for Philip. It took a while for him to pick good roses. He walked back home and decided to see Aussie. Surprisingly, He got there quick and looked for him. He was no where to be found. Spain then found Britain. Spain had his big smirk on his face and suprised him, "HOLA, MI PUTA" Britain suddenly jumped back and hit the wall. "oh my, sorry there Britain, just wondering, where is Aussie?" Britain stood up and sighed, crossing his arms. "He went to Russia to find America, Spain..." He looked scared. Spain bowed and said thank you. He walked out, slowly shutting the door. Britain blinked and wondered why he was finding Aussie.

Philip was happily talking with Malay while eating indomie. He was excited about the party that he planned. Malay smiled and squeezed his cheek, "I bet we'll all enjoy there! What are the games there Phil?" Phil looked at Malay with a big smile on his face, "Hide 'n seek, Pillow fight, spin the bottle, Tag..." Malay looked suprised that they're gonna a lot of games. Well, there are a lot of them, so why not? Malay left some indomie for Indo and looked at Phil with a curious smile "Hey Phil, why did you want to make the party in the first place?" he asked, looking at jim directly in the eyes. "Well... -" Philip's sentence was cut when he heard Indo open the door.

"I'm home!" Indo screeched, Phil hugged him and lead him to his table. "Hey Indo?" Phil asked. "Yeah Pip?". "Promise me that you won't get mad, ok? A lot will happen later." Phil asked, looking down. "Well, of course! Anything for my Philip right here!" Indo replied, hugging him. Malay glared in jealousy.

"They'll enjoy it. I swear. I can see their happiness. I can see their eyes, shining with joy. All of them. I know..."

"I can't wait to see the harem"
