when you were 10

As I grew I got the meaning about what life meant.. the struggles I went through. My lights being cut off. Not having anything to eat so I have to hustle the candy lady..not having any money (I have siblings I'm gonna introduce them)

Mari: 21 yo male
Angle: 15 yo female
Peanut:16yo male
Lee:14yo male
Mike: 13yo male
Papi: 10 yo male
Fussy:7yo female

One day we was bored so we went to a park called "Scott Park" the park wasn't far away it was 60 seconds away. But we have this little group of friends (im gonna introduce them)

Nene:13yo female
Vari: 14yo female
Shawn:14yo male
Varis:12yo male
Emersyn: 9yo female
Davion: 11yo male
Dallas: 4yo female
Niyah: 10yo female
Malay: 11yo female
Liah: 15yo female
Zharia: 17yo female
Wooda: 3yo female
Curt:14yo male
