
Original Story: The_Stars690

Writing by: Me :)

I hope everyone enjoyed this small story I made for fun. I know it wasn't much but I wasn't given much to work with. If you like my writing style, I recommend you read some of my other stories. If you want to make fanart or anything you can tag my TikTok which is Fantasma_Art .

Character info since I'm bored(This is based off when they were alive since in the OG story, this talks about their toys personality):

Kalley was a stubborn child, to word it nicely. When she was 4, her mom left her and her dad. Her dad worked for playtime Co. So when her dad died, she was moved into the PlayCare. She helped the scientist make the toys. She went on to be Undead Muffin

Jennings was a kind and very intelligent child. He lived in the PlayCare basically his whole life and never knew his parents. He helped the scientist make the toys. He went on to be Progaming

Leah was a very sweet child who enjoyed watching the Smiling Critters Tv show. She lived in PlayCare from the ages of 4 to 8. She went on to be Fifi phoenix.

Lorelai was a sneaky and stubborn child. She was 6 when she joined the PlayCare after both of her parents died. She didn't enjoy most of her time at PlayCare, but she was happy she made some friends. She went on to be Starfire
