chapter 19- edited

[Flashback pt3: Jeongin's 'honesty']

~Yang Jeongin

Jan o5 2023

Afternoon to my new
Favourite person [●♡●]

We've been texting forAbout a month now

And still, I don't know
How you look ynnie

Cry about it hoe

This is why your dad
Left you

This is why I took yours


Although I think
I'm close to figuring out
Who you are

There's about 3 Universities
Here..and it says you're in my region
So you must be a student on one of those

You want a medal for that?

I think we both know
What I'd like from you

You know, it starts with s
Ends with babies

Your breeding kink scares me

I mean there's cnc,bondage,
Rp,pet play, dom x sub, yk the rest

When I agreed to
be your bestfriend
I didn't agree to being
Verbally harassed

🙄it's called sexting

Same shit

April 06 2023

Hyunjin still think
We tried to set him
On fire?

Can we blame him?

Boys a pussinboots

Leave my man alone

I thought I was your man 😢


You're mean

I'm amazing I know 😉

Anyway wanna go out?

I have plans

U lonely ass hoe
Don't do this to me

I need you 😭

Plus what's better than
Hanging out with
Thee Yang Jeongin
With someone of his friends
That he's yet to introduce u to.... girlfriend

I'm sorry what?

They were questioning me
Like bombarding me with
Questions since one of them
Saw me and you laughing our
Asses off together that day at
The carnival then boom I panicked and said you were my girlfriend

So please me out😭

I gain Nada from helping ya


Oh really, what's in it for me?

A whole day spent with me

Pass 😃

U bish 😊

We're also going for ice cream,
Mini concert around town,movies
And of course dinner

Who's paying

Obviously not your broke ass

PossessedDolphinBoy has been put in time out for 10 minutes

😭 I'll pay for everything

Good boy

.....m...mommy 🥛

Shreksno1hoe has put PossessedDolphinBoy on time out for 20 hours.

April 10 2023

"You look beautiful,  why am I even surprised, you're always stunning"Jeongin said with a chuckle and a smile found it's way to my face

"Thanks, so I'm guessing those people are your buds?" I asked and he nodded "yupp"he said popping the p ..."time to introduce my girlfriend " he winked and honestly........."internally I cringed, externally I cringed,spiritually I cringed, yang jeongin...let's not ever wink again yeah?"

"Yes ma'am " he said sarcastically as he led me towards his friends with a gentle hand on my lower back

"Guys I'd like you to meet my girlfriend,  Seong Y/n"he said gently and I bowed slightly "y/n , these are my friends, Min Seojun"he pointed to the tallest one,about 6'5, had muscle,had a long mullet and side bangs to show some proud forehead, had a small tattoo on his neck,looked breath taking and if I were a simp I'd fold..

"Kang Eunwoo" he had a striking face, strong jawline, dyed light brown hair, snake bites and damn slim waist...smash

"Park junu" a short king,buff ish, totally reminded me of changbin, had a lip piercing, and brown dyed hair

"Nice to meet you guys " I said with a smile

"Likewise Y/n Jeongin has told us a lot of about you" Seojun said and Jeongin looked at him with a 'stfu' look

"Tells us about how much of a good kisser u are" teased junu "I am?"

"She is?"


"I mean she is!" Corrected Jeongin nervously before harshly whispering through gritted teeth "I told u not to embarass me u little minion sized fuck"

"Ey not my fault I'm not the size of a teletubby" junu retorted hiding behind Eunwoo who seemed unborthered somewhat used to the playful violent banter with his friends

"Anyway.... it was nice to meet you guys,  didn't plan to stick around " I said as I turn around ready to sprint out of there...the glare i got from Eunwoo was not...was NOT I wanted to stick around

"Where u going love?" Jeongin asked pausing midhit to junu's head ...awwww wtf no ....I mean like...ew....cough cough

"Uh...I left my cat on the stove"

"You left ...your cat on the stove?"Seojun replied a is this person serious typa tone


"Didn't your cat run away from home?" Eunwoo asked breaking his icy glare "you told them that!?"I yelled at jeongin

"It was too funny to keep to myself" he said hiding behind the other tall giant "u bitch"

"U still love me"

"I love dirt more than I love u"

"It's just a story"

"An embarrassing heartbreaking one!"

"She came back tho!"

"U ran her over!"

"It was an accident"

"U saw her on the rearview mirror!"

"Not my fault she had like zero survival instincts "

"Ah u fabricated piece retarded garbage feaces shaped mayonnaise!"

"fabricated piece retarded garbage feaces shaped mayonnaise?" The others  echoed in confusion

"It's a long story-" jeongin replied "u still like the taste tho" he replied to me

"Save the live sexchat for private times please" Eunwoo said covering his ears causing the rest to laugh

Later in the afternoon Jeongin,Junu and Seojun went to get some snacks while Eunwoo and I just sat waiting for them...much to my coward asses is scary when. He glares okay?

"Say y/n.." he suddenly spoke making me look up at him and his giant ass


"You went to Whimoon High School right?"He asked and I felt my heartdrop, let's just say highschool wasn't the best time of my life and honestly I don't even know how he can tell I went there....if I didn't like this guy earlier...I didn't like him now

"No , I went to Cheonan Yeogo...." which Wasn't a lie...I transferred there after somethings convinced me to not stay in Seoul

"No no I know you went there, you really don't look much different, people used to call you.  'mos-saeng-gin yeoja' after 8th grade end of year dance remember?" He said with a chuckled and I don't know what felt worse having him remind me of my highschool life in 3 minutes or him calling me the name I hated and laughing about it in my face

"W..why are .....why"

"Funny how you're dating friend of mine, if only he knew how u were back then...hoeing around with teacher... janitors even..u were down bad seems u still are now" he muttered each word said with venom and it stung, it stung bad

"That's a lie! Those were rumours and you know it" I yelled pointing  a finger at him tears threatening to spill from my eyes

"Rumours?" He scoffed "I was there when Jackson broke up with you, when u made a sad attempt of scapegoating him of bullying and creating Rumours...I was right there, u dated ans almost ruined him" that's how he knew me....he's one of the reasons I can't have a life

"Ruined him? He ruined me!"

"Just leave jeongin alone okay? Don't want him getting caught in your shitty drama , who knows instead of tour drunkard dad coming to beat him up in class like he tried with Jackson , maybe your laughingstock of a mom will 'sue' him for breathing" he said and I lost it slapping him so hard across the cheek that my hand print was left behind pink and surly burning the side of his face as his head jerked to the side

"Don't u dare talk shit about my family...I don't care that u still believe fucked up Rumours cause you and those friends of yours are fucked up bustards that deserve to eat shit for breakfast cause of how hell birthed you are.... I hate people like you...actually i despise people like you...are u even fucking human you big time sloppy blobfish looking ass, go fuck a volcano" and with that I took my bag and left , I was pissed...pissed at him for being an ass, pissed at humanity and mostly pissed at myself for not changing enough...for living in a small world, for coming back to Seoul when I should've just stayed in incheon or Cheonan and pissed at myself for not being able to get rid of those rumours

July 3rd 2023

"I don't talk about my past very much," Jeongin said as he took a deep breath. "It's not really the nicest thing to talk about."

"I understand," I said, trying to comfort him. "I don't want to press you into something you're not comfortable with."

Jeongin took another breath, as if he was preparing himself for something. "But if it's okay with you, could I tell you something?"

I nodded, encouraging him to go on. "Of course, Jeongin," I said softly. "I'm here for you. Whatever you want to talk about."

Jeongin hesitated for a moment, then began to speak. "Back in high school, I was in a really dark place," he said. "I had a lot of family problems and was dealing with a lot of mental health issues. I felt like nobody understood me and that I didn't belong anywhere."

I felt my heart go out to him as I listened. "I'm so sorry, Jeongin," I said. "That must have been so hard."

He nodded, looking down at the ground. "It was. And I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of," he said, his voice trembling. "I wish I could take them back, but I can't. All I can do now is try to be a better person."

I reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "You can, Jeongin. You're not that person anymore. You've grown and changed, and you're here now, with me. That's what matters."

He looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears. "Thank you," he said. "I don't think anyone's ever really understood me like that. Just knowing that you're here for me, it means so much."

I squeezed his shoulder again, feeling a sense of connection with him that I hadn't felt before. "Anytime, Jeongin. You can always come to me if you need to talk."

He sighed as he leaned against the cold window of the empty classroom we were in during lunch

"My dad ran to busan to go get milk" he joked breaking the sad tension making me swat him "okay okay...I'll be sappy Jeez..kill a man for tryna lighten the mood" he rolled his eyes

"My dad was a very well known and popular politician and we were really close , did almost everything together when he wasn't busy and even when he was..he always made time for me" he said closing his eyes with a sad smile recalling the bittersweet memories "until one day on my 15th birthday news came back that 2 days ago my dad was hijacked in Busan while at a meeting but luckily wasn't injured to only be shot later at the bussn parliament later that day...and honestly that broke me...and my mom went through shit, depression....addictions...she was broken....and I had to watch her break and there was nothing I could do to fix it..and that...was just shitty" he sighed wiping away a stray tear as he cleared his throat trying his best not to cry

"I hated everything....until I met the guys later in my senior years of highschool then boom...every single broken piece of me was mended....I was very thankful to have them in my life...sure sometimes I'm lonely and sad when I miss my dad...but the boys take away that loneliness..make me feel less lonely...being my father figures when I need them to be...funnybhow I don't even have to ask" he said witha small chuckle

"I'd hate for anything to ever break us all up....if someone were....I'd hate them more than when I hated my Uncle when I found out he was the one who shot my father"

01 December 2023

"What's your biggest fear"


"What's your actual biggest fear silly"

"Losing the people I love and having them hate me cause of a misunderstanding " I said with a sigh, this was our 100th sleepover this year since we met, we were now sitted in my living room with face masks on , in comfy robes, a Netflix movie playing in the background, blanket Fort on the floor , snacks in between us and soft music added as well as we tied our hair into pony tails to keep it away from our faces whilst playing 20 questions

"Then how about this" Jeongin said looking at me with an expression I couldn't read....reminder...face mask

"If there was a said misunderstanding to happen between us that was really bad, i promise I'll swallow my ego,  we'll sit down , look each other in the eye and talk it're one of my bestfriends now, I'll be crushed if i lose you , i'll never leave you, no matter what happenes...I'll always be there okay?" He promised and I honestly felt my heart melt at that ...funny how people work

"But that's a promise you can't make"i said with a sad smile and he gave a determined look or what I could somewhat tell as a determined look...again...face masks

"Trust me"

"I trust you"

"Pinky swear for safety measures " he said causing me to giggle at that as our pinkies locked around each other as we did a firm shake "pinky swear"

25 December 2023

"You promised" I yelled my voice breaking and he didn't bother looking back as he kept on walking before he paused as the heavy rain poured down on us kinda making it hard to hear

"When I promised that I was blinded by nothing but a silly crush and your fakeness" he spoke each word coaxed with venom and they hit directly , stinging like the sting of a highly venomous scorpion

"You said we'd talk...that you'd look into it before judging" I said my tears down my cheeks along with the rain

"Then 'bout time you realise that promises are meant to be broken...I remember telling you that I'd hate anyone who'd break me and my friends don't try to Shittalk me with tears , you made your own the disgusting woman you are." And with that he...carried on...walking and that was when...I was truly rebroken .... I should've never come back  to Seoul

I should've stayed In Cheonan

_________ _________ ________ __________

This kinda hurt writing so uhm....yeah..literally write this now its about 3am , I'm hungry and angry...and also delusional


ANYWAYS hope u enjoyed the angst
