
It got intense after that, and I was happily enjoying the feeling of his dick inside me, and I sighed. It made him go faster, and then he was getting sloppy, and next thing you knew, I passed out.

I woke up the next morning, and saw Hyunjin sleeping. I giggled and called my brothers. they all came, and we started screaming. He sat up suddenly, and fell out the bed. "Hyungs, why did you guys scream?" He groaned as he asked us. He finally realized that we were still naked, and he screamed. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!" He yelled at me. I looked at him and his eyes instantly turned yellow. I slowly leaned down on the bed, and kissed his lips. My brothers cooed, and left giggling. he climbed on the bed, and hovered over me. He kissed me even more, and he picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He put me down and turned on the shower. It got warm a couple minutes later, and I hopped in the shower. Hyunjin followed suit. We finished showering, and went to get dressed. 

makeup in photo

we went downstairs, and I went to the kitchen to start making breakfast for the both of us while he headed into the living room to go watch tv. "Babe, what do you want for breakfast?" I yelled towards him. "Make whatever, because for lunch I want something special." he replied back and I just shook my head. I finished cooking after a little bit, and it turned out looking delicious. 

I plated the food for the both of us. "Hyunjin, breakfast is ready, come eat or else I will eat it!" I yelled at him. I heard many footsteps and cursed. "Shit..." I said underneath my breath and quickly ran to make more. I finished and when I entered the dining room, and I saw 8 very hungry wolves growling. "Alright, here." I said as I placed down their plates one by one and sat down at my spot last. They all started eating, and I started laughing at them. they all stopped midway of shoving their food in their mouth, and looked at me. "Continue." I said as I started finishing my food. I finished, and the guys finished slightly after I did. Seongwoo got up, and took all our plates. I got up, and went to the living room to turn on the tv since my dramas were on. The guys came in and asked if they could watch football. I turned around and growled at them. "God babe, we'll go watch in the game room." Hyunjin said sounding offended. I replied with a growl. they all left, and not even 20 minutes later, I heard yelling. I got annoyed, and stopped. I grabbed my phone and looked up why do wolve's act the way I am acting after I had sex. I looked it up, and I gasped. I ran up to the room and went to grab my wallet from the room, and let the boys know I was going out. I ran to the nearest store, and grabbed a pregnancy kit. I paid for it and then left. I went to the first floor bathroom, and I took the test. I nervously waited for the beep, and when I heard it, I gasped. I scrambled out the bathroom, and ran to the game room bursting the door open. The guys all looked at me in shock. "Oppas...I'm pregnant.." I said quietly but loud enough for them to hear. "W-What? you're pr-egnant?" Hyunjin asked me while slowly standing up. I just nodded my head, and he came closer. I backed up towards the wall. he wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me passionately for a long time. "My brothers were jumping up and down and screaming like little kids. "WE'RE GOING TO BE UNCLES!!!" they yelled. Hyunjin broke the kiss and smiled. "now, I can be much more protective of you, and marry you officially." He said smiling at me. I smiled back at him as he got down on one knee and pulled at out a lavish navy blue velvet box. "Han Y/n, will you marry me?" he asked and I nodded as he opened up the box and I saw a ring with my favorite jewels. He stood up and spun me around. "Oppas, since I am getting married, I need my best bitches to come over while you guys and Hyunjin and the other guys plan other stuff or celebrate," I said and left to the room. I called Momo, Hyuna, and Taeyeon unnies. the all had the same reaction of OMG WHAT?!?! and an I'LL BE THERE SOON!! I stood corrected as I counted down from 5 minutes. the door was slammed open since they have a key and I heard male and female voices. I ran downstairs and saw my unnies and the other bitches. I saw the unnies I liked and smiled. I took all the girls to my planning room, and we started going over the stuff for the wedding. 

9 minutes later

"oh my god you losers, can you guys do your stupid stuff later? It's so annoying. I mean I only came because my husband is here." Sulli said and Nana and Sarang agreed. I rolled my eyes. "if you're only here because they're here for their best friend because he's getting married soon and you don't even want to try and at least be helpful for this wedding so your husbands know that you are of some use? I mean come on, can't you stop being a bitch just once, and allow be nice?" I asked them while glaring at all of them. they shook their heads no. "Well, then it can be your way. I am going to head downstairs to where the guys are so they know I am alive and that I have some ideas for the wedding. Hell, I might even celebrate with them about the wedding and proposal. I might even talk to your husbands about marriage advice and ask them to show me a few things." I said as my other unnies followed me out the room, and I let my unnies get in front of me as I flicked them off. I arrived at the stairs and saw that they were going to go down one by one. As I was waiting, I was pushed down the stairs, and when I looked back up the stairs and saw Nana smiling at me in a mocking way. "YOU CRAZY BITCH, BE CAREFUL OF HER BABY!!!" Shannon yelled as the guys came running over. "Nana...I love you with all my heart, but this is unforgivable. You hurt my sibling, and you hurt my nephew...For someone like you, you should be sent to hell. Goodbye." he said as smoke rose around her and she started turning into ash. she screamed in the process of her going to hell, with Sulli and Sarang staring in shock and horror. "Y/n, how's the baby? How's it doing?" Shannon asked as she looked me over. I shook my head yes. she helped me stand up and took me to the couch. Hyunjin was immediately by, my side, and held my hand. "Babe, are you okay? Is the baby okay? How are you feeling?" he asked me panicking. I sat up and grabbed his face and brought it to my lips. "Just shut up, and let me get something to drink." I said as I got off the couch and everyone came to the living room. I went and got a beer, and opened it. I walked back to the living room, and Hyunjin glared at me. "What the hell are you drinking?" he asked me with anger. "beer, and you see it. Don't get pissed. I need it because I am so done dealing with the 3 crazy wives." I said as I went to the couch. He ripped out of my hands and chugged the entire bottle in front of my eyes. "Now, you don't have any beer since I drank the last one of yours." He said and walked off. The guys went after Hyunjin, and I sighed. "Of course. He'd be the one to take the beer since I'm pregnant with his child...he's sensitive at this time.." I sighed as I stood up and ran off to the planning room. I sat down and came up with several ideas... 

Annyeong babes~ 

Did you guys miss me? 
