The Outsider

The beaming sun glared through Florence's bedroom window but that wasn't what got her out of bed, the sound of Ophelia shouting served as her alarm. "Florence, would you come down here, the Edwards have arrived, and would you please make yourself presentable."

"Mother, when have I ever not looked presentable? That's quite insulting you know." She called out sarcastically as she crawled out from under her Italy imported silk sheets. Florence stood in front of her mirror lazily brushing her curly brown hair. Today was officially the first day of summer vacation and she was ready to relax by the shore with her canvas and paints. Florence rummaged through her closet looking for something that would meet her mother's expectations, she threw on a blue dress with small white flowers scattered on it. 

She dismissed her overly crowded makeup drawer, she couldn't even recall the last time she had a full face of makeup on. Florence was constantly reminded of her natural beauty, she'd be complimented for her light hazel eyes, her symmetrical face, her dark long eyelashes, and her perfect smile. "Florence, today would be preferred." Ophelia requested, this time a little more impatient.  

Florence clicked her grandmas necklace in place and ran her fingers over the shiny gold pendant that laid just beneath her clavicle. Grandma Rosemary Ainsworth passed almost five years ago, Florence was very close with her grandmother, Rosemary was the one that taught her how to paint. She even bought Florence her first painters kit when she was four years old and she immediately fell in love with it. The lookout tower, nicknamed "The Nest" was the highest point on Strawberry Island, it had an amazing 360 view which was perfect for landscape paintings. Rosemary would take Florence to The Nest every Sunday evening to paint and drink pink lemonade. 

Florence heard her mother's footsteps near the stairwell, prompting her to swiftly hurry down the steps. "Will this do?" She asked rhetorically presenting her outfit to her mother, who had plastered a fake smile on her face. "Oh, I was hoping you'd wear the red one, I suppose this will have to do, they're waiting in the kitchen." Ophelia sighed and fixed Florence's frizzy hair as they walked through the dining room and into the main kitchen.

The Edwards were made up of five members; Gwendolyn who was the sister of Malcolm, making her the middle child of Grandma and Grandpa Ainsworth. She married Indigo Edwards and they had three daughters: Evangeline, Emelia, and Elizabeth They were a family who excelled at many different hobbies. Gwendolyn was a tall thin woman who was musically gifted and obsessed with perfection, Florence rarely talked to her, she always felt too embarrassed to discuss her achievements since they were always lesser than her aunt's. Indigo was an outspoken man who'd occasionally be found in his study watching old wartime documentaries. He had an average build and looked like every clean cut politician. Florence avoided talking to him too, she loathed the discussion of politics and couldn't bear to be around whenever his prejudiced rants took place. Evangeline was seventeen and the second eldest cousin, behind Florence. She had short light brown hair that was familiar with hair dyes. She was an optimist who could see the good in just about anyone and anything. She was in love with tennis and baking. If she wasn't on the Ainsworth's private courts, you could find her parading around the island gifting the residents home baked goods. Emelia who was thirteen had long brown hair which was frequently styled in a high bun. She was a chatty pre-teen who only cared about boys, she was in that awkward phase where she felt too cool to do anything out of her comfort zone. Finally there was Elizabeth who was nine years old and petite with short strawberry blonde hair. She was extremely gifted on the piano for her age but would much rather play with her barbies in the pool. She was the stereotypical annoying younger sister that only ever wanted to play with the older girls. 

The kitchen was filled with six people standing around the center island counter. Florence's eyes scanned each of her relatives: her aunt, her uncle Indigo, her three cousins, and an unfamiliar face. The outsider stood out amongst the five Edwards who all shared similar features: hair ranging from strawberry blonde to the lightest shade of brunette, pale skin, brownish hazel eyes, and freckles. 

The outsider had wavy dirty blonde hair that flowed past her shoulders, her soft blue eyes inspected the spotless granite counter, and her skin was smooth and tan as if she had never seen the shade. She felt unfamiliar and out of place surrounded by the elegant Edwards and Ainsworths who wore their designer clothing carelessly, throwing away $1,000 Giorgio Armani cashmere jumpers whenever the tiniest stain appeared or buying a brand new Porsche whenever there was a scratch. 

Florence hugged and greeted all of the Edwards, once she was done she defensively crossed her arms waiting for someone to mention the stranger in her kitchen. "This right here is Evangeline's friend from back home in Lexington, Clara. She's going to be staying up here with us at Winterberry for the summer." Gwendolyn introduced the girl who wore a friendly smile, accompanied by a dimple on each of her upper cheeks. "Hi, your house is beautiful." Clara reached out her hand to Ophelia who greeted her. Florence kept an unreadable expression on her face but deep down she was already distrustful of the new girl. 

Florence wasn't fond of outsiders, they brought their own pile of problems with them but worst of all they brought the real world with them, which was the one thing she was hoping to escape on vacation. Florence valued family over everything and she was accustomed to the same people and same environment, she didn't have the patience to welcome a stranger into her world; especially not Strawberry Island. 

Florence didn't return the smile Clara offered, she glared at her red off the shoulder Old Navy top and clenched her jaw before completely ignoring her presence. "So Clara, what do your parents do?  Are you Evangeline's age? What are your university plans?" Malcolm interrogated as he sipped his black coffee, entering from the patio with his neatly combed salt and pepper hair. Clara faintly laughed to herself, amused by the rapid fire questions. "My mom's a dental hygienist and my dad's an insurance agent. I'll be eighteen in September. And I'm planning on attending University of Massachusetts Amherst in the fall." Clara was endearing and poised at the same time but also uncertain on whether they were actually interested in her personal life or just being nosey. 

"Although I'm sure Amherst is a respectable school, were you not interested in Harvard or Boston College?" Malcolm quizzed with a fairly muddled expression on his face; rubbing his chin awaiting a response. "Oh, I just really enjoyed Amherst's campus. And I'm all for getting away from my family so it's a win-win." She answered, still with a smile on her face. Her answer confused each member of the Ainsworths/Edwards, they were all programmed to prioritize family and couldn't wrap their head around being completely cut off from one another. This led to a cold moment of silence. "I'm going to go to Juilliard when I'm older, uncle Malcolm." Elizabeth gleefully spoke up.

Malcolm glanced at Gwendolyn disappointingly, Malcolm didn't believe in performing arts schools, he viewed them as a waste of time and space. "Well that sure would be something, Elizabeth." He responded rather disinterested. Another awkward silence fell over the kitchen. "Clara, what do you think about the Island so far?" Evangeline inquired with a wide smile from across the countertop at her friend who seemed a little less willing to participate in any more Ainsworth banter. "Well the car ride from the ferry to this house was really beautiful." She laughed dryly. "Mulberry." Florence spoke dully, Clara gave her a quizzical look with furrowed eyebrows. "This 'house' is called Mulberry." She clarified coldly. 
