Eddie x Popular!Reader Headcanons

- You guys met during the Vecna drama, you had been involved since Steve's party when Barb died. Sticking with Nancy & Steve all that time

- Eddie couldn't believe it at first. You two had never spoken until you guys found him at Reefer Rick's, but he had an image of you in his head didn't match up to the real thing at all.

- You were pretty, girly, gentle, and friends with the people he liked the least

- So, he avoided you on principal, not hating you, but distrusting you

- Especially the year before, when you had gotten together with Billy Hargrove

- But when he actually spoke to you, his opinion changed

- You were funny? You were clever? He almost forget how terrible his situation was whenever you said even a few words to him

- After everything was over, he completely expected you to pretend like you didn't know him

- Which was why he was so shocked to see you step into the bar his band was performing at, giving him a wave and a soft smile from the back of the room

- You guys got a drink and started chatting, both safe and relaxed

- By the end of the night, he had gotta your number and a quick kiss before you left.

- He couldn't stop smiling whenever he thought about it

- The two of you started a relationship after that

- Which sorta meant giving up your popularity card, but you didn't care that much. Honestly, you had stopped caring since Billy died, this was just the natural progression of things.

- Steve was still in your life, and Nancy and Robin, plus the younger kids

- You had nothing to worry about. You lost nothing but the expectations piled on your shoulders

- Your relationship with Eddie was strong. You went to his performances, you hung out all the times, you even started playing DND (once in a while)

- Dates included the movies, lunch at whatever diner, the arcade, or hanging out at either of your places

- Your parents hated Eddie at first (Even if he was cleared of the murders, the satanic panic was still very much a thing), but you were 18 and there was not much they could do to discourage it

- They warmed up to him eventually

- You lived your lives, with good friends and a true love for each other. Both hoping that evil was gone from Hawkins for good
