-lost and insecure

au; lydia turns.

'Dad, c'mon, is she gonna be ok?' Stiles asks for what could possibly be the fiftieth time in the past two hours.

Exactly one hundred and thirty four minutes ago, Lydia Martin was rushed to hospital. And twenty three minutes ago, the Sheriff dragged Stiles home, because his son's constant questioning was annoying and bugging everyone.

'I don't know, Stiles.' He says, and Stiles rolls his eyes, sitting back down.

'Ok, ok.'

He stays in the same pattern for the next few days; stay up until four, sleep for a few hours, go to school, then to Derek's, where him, Scott, Derek and Peter try and figure out what will happen to Lydia.

It's four days later when news finally reaches Stiles. He runs down to the hospital calling Scott, wishing he could call Allison, and skids around the corner to the doors. Scott's on his way, Derek is getting Peter and on their way. Stiles is the first one through the doors, peering through the window to the room, the same one she was in last time. It's ironic, really.

Lydia looks pale on the hospital bed, her face clean of makeup, her hair pulled back in a loose plait out of the way. Her eyes are open though, wide and scared, and darting around.

Through the glass, Stiles can see her frantically sitting up and talking to the nurses, grabbing their wrists to get their attention.
They walk out when Lydia convinces them she's calm, and Stiles sees the opportunity to slide in the room. The door creaks loudly as he closes it.

'Stiles!' Lydia exclaims as he rushes over to the bed, sitting sideways at the end of it.

'Are you ok, Lydia? The cuts, check them.' Stiles says hurriedly, and Lydia shakes her head.

'They didn't work last time, remember? Meaning the likelihood of this occuring is low.' Lydia raises her eyebrows in a know it all way.

'Low, Lydia. Low. Not impossible.' Stiles replies, rolling his eyes too, and taps Lydia's arm impatiently. 'Check.'

'Not now.' Lydia gives him a look, and Stiles tilts his head back, letting out an irritated sigh, then turns around and looks away.

'It's nothing I haven't seen befo- ok, ok! Sorry!' Stiles apologizes quickly when Lydia hits his back with her foot, then he can hear the rustling of the hospital gown as Lydia checks the wounds.

Neither of them can still believe she was attacked; a rogue pack of werewolves had got her and Kira when they had been investigating something by Derek's house. Kira had managed to fend a few of them off, while Lydia rung Scott and tried to run back to Derek's, Kira running backwards awkwardly. However, one of the larger members of the pack had snuck around by the house and attacked Lydia when she reached the back porch.

There's a strangled sob sound from Lydia, and Stiles turns around automatically. Lydia is holding the side of the gown up, and he can see the side of her yellow underwear. But he can't see any traces of cuts, just fallen out stitches and pinkish scarring.

'That's not right. Stiles, that's not right.' Lydia whispers, voice shaking.

Lydia looks up at Stiles slowly, looking like she may cry or scream. Stiles doesn't know what to do or say, but at that moment the nurses come back in. They shout at a shellshocked Stiles to get out, and, trying to function normally, he wanders out.
He's not really sure what to do.


'So, it's like, completely healed? Like mine did?' Scott says, frowning slightly.

'Yeah, just a few scars now.' Stiles purses his lips as he thinks, tapping a pencil repeatedly on the table. Derek shoots him a glare after a while, but Stiles ignores it.

'This can't happen to banshees.' Peter mutters, looking at Derek, then Scott.

'Well, genius, it clearly can.' Stiles shoots back.

'Thanks for the helpful sarcasm there, Stiles.' Peter replies.


It's the full moon tonight, so it's become tense for everyone. Scott is staying at home, Derek and Peter are barely seen anyway, and Lydia decides to stay with Stiles.

They're in his room, which probably isn't the best idea, but Stiles has tied her wrist to the radiator, just like he done with Scott what seems like years ago. The handcuffs are "borrowed" from his dad, although Stiles uses them as backup incase he ever has to make a citizen's arrest or really wants to piss someone off.

'I'm scared.' Lydia admits around six, when the sun is close to setting and the room is getting darker. 'I didn't think banshees could turn.'

'Nobody seemed to think that, but it's happened.' Stiles replies with a raise of his eyebrows, then fixes a gentler expression on his face. 'Look, Lydia, it's gonna be ok. You've seen everyone else change, it's not that bad, is it? And I'm gonna be here, so don't worry.'

Lydia smiles, and reaches out to touch Stiles' hand.

'Thank you.'

The corner of Stiles' mouth turns up, and he straightens up, leaning against his wardrobe. He's sat on the floor, Lydia spinning around on his computer chair, legs swinging.

'So, we have time to kill. What do you wanna do?' Stiles asks, pressing his lips together.

'Well, you could tell me exactly how you managed to sneak into the hospital for starters.' Lydia grins.

When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, Stiles watches as Lydia's eyes go yellowy-gold, watch the claws grow from her hands. And when the moon goes back down, they fall asleep before they can talk; staying up that late with all the drama at the time going on had made them exhausted.

At around eleven, Lydia wakes up first, her back curled up on Stiles' chest, his arms folded up and pressed against her spine. It's slightly uncomfortable but comfortable at the same time, so Lydia stays there for a bit, because his body heat is keeping her warm too.

When Stiles wakes up, he sees a bunch of missed calls from Scott and texts asking how Lydia is. Next he realises Lydia is lying in front of him, her soft hair on his arms and in front of his face. Blushing, he gets up and picks up his phone. Lydia rolls over, yawning.

'It's Scott, I should, um, take this.' Stiles rambles, holding up the hand with his phone in, which is ringing noisily. Lydia nods, shrugging, and Stiles quickly presses the green button to talk.

'Yeah, she's fine, Scott, yeah, just normal. No, nothing happened, shut up, Scott. Bye.' Stiles rolls his eyes and hangs up, turning to see a smirking Lydia.

'Don't you start.' Stiles raises his eyebrows, and Lydia holds her hand up in surrender.

'I wasn't going to say anything. I was going to ask about food.' Lydia replies, sitting up cross legged and holding her ankles.

'That's still saying something.' Stiles points out before he can stop himself, then runs a hand through his hair. 'Sorry.'

'Good. Now, I need food. Being a werewolf builds up an appetite.' Lydia states, and jumps off the bed, brushing down her skirt that she wore yesterday and slept in.


'So just like, flick your hand out. Concentrate really carefully.' Scott says.

They're in Scott's room, and Lydia sits in front of Scott, who is stood with his hand out. Stiles is lying on Scott's bed, grinning and making sarcastic comments every few seconds about what it looks like Scott is doing when he makes that gesture. Scott has thrown something at his best friend more than once.

'Like, just uncurling your fist?' Lydia asks, frowning as she listens. Her eyes are darkened by makeup today, which makes the look of determination on her face fiercer.

'More of a flicking action as you do it. Shut up, Stiles.' Scott says immediately, fighting to keep a grin off his face. A smirking Stiles laughed. Lydia turns around and rolls her eyes at him, then faces Scott.

With a concentrated expression, Lydia mimics Scott's actions. It takes a while, but she manages it. 'Can you teach me the eye thing now?' She asks with a grin, face flushed from excitement.

'You're giving him a big opportunity to be a show off here, Lydia.' Stiles says, and Lydia shrugs.

'It's fun. You're jealous, Stiles.' She replies, and Scott grins.

'You just do it.' Scott says when Lydia faces him, and Stiles' grin widens.

'Shut up, Stiles!' Lydia exclaims, chuckling as she hits his arm.


i kinda had fun writing this one, and the last part i literally wrote before i posted this because it seemed fun and idc if it was inspired from the bit about Malia, it was going to happen anyway.

and you guys don't know how much 1K reads means to me, i didn't think this little fanfic would even reach 100 reads so thanks to everyone who's read, voted and commented, ily.
